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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Fern's not a rival. He's just some asshat who keeps butting into your business. =P
  2. Tfw hurry up and get online so I can beat you guys in Smash Bros already!
  3. So yeah, I still really want mewtwo in Smash.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Magus


      DLC make it happen nintendo

    3. TurboAura


      If the 'Wii U leaks' are right, we'll get him, Ridley, Chorus Kids, etc. from Wii U-3DS linking process.

    4. Maelstrom


      God I hope so. Give me mewtwo, and I will forgive nintendo for using pacman.

  4. For glory confirmed that sheik is still a relentless bitch. I was using gannon for fun and first match is with a sheik main. Lose. Rematch with Ike- Win. Kept punishing his rushdown with counter and quick draw. Rematch with DK- Win. I definitely almost lost this one. I was at about 40% on my last life when he started his last stock. Get punished for being big and slow for a bit, get a grab and toss him off the stage- perfectly land his tilt-air for a spike finish. Anybody know how to share replays? My characters so far- Ike, DK, Gannon. For fun- Lucina, Robin, Villager, Lil Mac, Greninja, Charizard, Lucario Who I want to work on- Lil Mac, Lucario Oh, and my smash rating for DK and Gannon in Smash Run is over 1 million.
  5. I'm pretty sure I have most of you on my friends list already for one reason or another coughpokemonxycough I'm downloading Smash to my 3DS as I type, since the gamestop was out of them and I apparently had plenty of space on my 4GB SD card anyhow. Once I stop playing Destiny, Theatrhythm, and P4Ultimax long enough to dive into Smash, I will definitely be on to make all the little nooblets cri. We like Ike!
  6. WTH is PZA? It sounds like it should be covered in pepperoni and extra cheese.

    1. Cowtao


      No cheese please. :C

    2. Luke


      MMMMMH Pizza

  7. Agree to be a character witness... then tell the truth about them to the judge/jury. Anyways, tfw people look at me and go "you lost a lot of weight." It's the extreme heat and MRE's only diet. You won't eat much because you don't want to, and alternatively digging holes or pulling security out in the sun for two weeks. Tfw I really need a haircut. It's been a full month away from civilization. I'm ready to be back now.
  8. I'm really curious to see what the alternate forms of all the special moves are.
  9. Brainstorming your own pokemon fangame is addicting.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. derekwst3


      my idea is each gym not having a type but a animal species based on the Chinese zodiac, 8 gyms/ 4 e-4, and the champ having a turtle/ tiger/ dragon/ phoenix (4 Chinese celestial guardians) plus two others (not sure yet)

    3. wallacethepig


      It's a good thing, otherwise we wouldn't have Reborn

    4. Luke


      just keep brainstorming

  10. The only musical I can really think of endorsing right now is Reefer Madness. OOld school time. 12 angry men. 12 jurymen argue over the fate of a young man which seems like an open and shut case at first. To Kill a Mockingbird Gump Spaceballs Monty Python's holy grail L Lincoln tthe green mile wwho framed roger Rabbit aa Muppet Christmas carol Most every animated Disney movie
  11. Rivals make the best allies. No exceptions.
  12. subs beat dubs 99 percent of the time. that being said... maybe we should list the ones that actually have good dubs? llike bleach and G Gundam. and FMA brotherhood.
  13. Cowtao is a big believer in chick fila's message: et mor chiken. but little does he know that his ribs will go to a good cause once he has left this mortal plane.
  14. YYeah, manectric and amphy just got the Loreal treatment and it just looks so silly. Personally, I'd really love a mega-torkoal. Bias, plus it would be nice if they did something to repair or offset it's terrible spcdef. How many true fire typed tanks are there out tthere?
  15. In that case, I'd say Soul Sacrifice: If everyone was rich, there'd be no monsters. - Carnatux
  16. I've been away since the 7th and i'm still waiting to be able to say the same thing.
  17. As seen in a port-a-john: Things I Hate: 1. Lists 2. Irony 3. Vandalism
  18. That avatar makes me think of Ame as 75 percent happier than previous estimates. Such delusions from an avatar...

    1. Amethyst


      only like 63% or something

  19. That avatar makes me think of AAme as 7 happier than before. 5

  20. did someone ask for favorite FF tracks? where's my 3dds and theatrhythm when i need em? ZZanarkand- X MMan with the machine gun- X Melodies of Life- 6? I forget which. Suteki da ne?- X Starry Moonlit Night- CCrystal CChronicles TTheme of Love- IV The Darkness of Eternity- IX TTerra's theme- 6 EEyes on Me- VIII Waltz for the Moon. VIII BBeyond the door- IX Celes' theme- VI The Rebel Army- II SSomething to protect- IX JJenova- VII Judgement day- VII Fight with Seymour- X AAerith's theme- VII EElia, the Maiden of Water- III i'm sure there's plenty more I missed.
  21. Dobby the house elf is the Slippy Toad of the harry potter universe. I nominate him for the Slippy award.
  22. Ame is the evil mind behind fern's character after all... Tfw the AC broke down again and it's absolutely miserable inside i
  23. Be friends and play it at midnight, knowing that I cannot. I'm just lucky to have my cellphone.
  24. I vote yes. once ame is deposed, it will be even easier to take over from silver... mmyes...
  25. How did I not see this yesterday? Happy birthday, detective shanco. May you always get your man. Oh wait, that's the mounties but ya know what I mean.
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