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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. That is a huge flaw, the angle of entry does not prove one way or another, gg. Parents are not subjective, viable character witnesses.
  2. Time to settle down. *sigh*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Gyaradoskiller


      Well, what did you think of me when you first found out what kind of music I listen to?

    3. Maelstrom



    4. Gyaradoskiller


      But I'm not inexperienced at all. Hey, I listen to Billy Joel too.

  3. Omg a word means something?! Let's use something else to be the definition of the word and expect everybody else to follow it. Words have meanings. Fucking learning them. Shakespeare made new ones when there weren't enough. Your hero can't just make shit up with old ones that already have meanings. prison-industrial complex? I have, indeed, NEVER HEARD OF IT BEFORE. Tell me how how calling oneself a killer has anything to do with anything industrial or industrial aged. The people alive who know anything about the industrial age of the US are long dead. "Police see a lot more of the worst in human behavior, they don't see the best. It's their job to protect us from the worst. You know damn well that hiring ex-military and having the police strapped to the teeth are different things. You hire ex-military, and then you get the stuff that they are trained when and where to use. They are connected. They are hiring ex-military to do the same things they're used to doing. Just not the killing since they have non-lethal stuff to work with. They are not two different things because they want the police to handle more and more situations. How many fucking times do I have to stay, do you have any motherfucking idea what they are strapping themselves down with? I see new vests. What do they do? They hold more random shit. They might hold more ammo for the officer, but other than that, they DON'T hold more weapons than what they normally fucking carry. The highest lethal weapons in the past and now that i see are assault rifles (non-automatic) and sniper rifles (snipers have long been accepted into the police force for hostage and other situations AND HAVE NOT BEEN PRESENT ON FERGUSON POLICE so you can't claim them as actually having anything more lethal with them. At most, they have more rounds, and more stun grenades with them as a result of a vest that lets them carry more shit. BE SCARED MOTHERFUCKERS, HE HAS MORE POCKETS!!! No, I don't know damn well. How the military appearance actually make them more effective? Hence why they see the worst more often than they see the best. Don't leave those few words out. So you agree that they are trained to see the worst and protect us from it? How often they see the best is far rarer and obviously cannot be applied to the overall crowd in Ferguson. I'm not the fatalist. Godot is. And he can see how stupid, reckless, and dangerous people as a group are. the cops knowing the community that they police. When the neighborhood knows the cops, they can trust them, they don't fear the police. The police can also relate to the people of that community AND perform their job more effectively. fine. tell me how many cops in the ferguson police force aren't local. Clearly you completely missed what Mike had to say. A few people cannot represent and entire group of people. These people had very and I mean VERY special avenues open to them to get into their position. So a few police incidents can tell us that the entire goddamn Ferguson department is corrupt? Sing it again, Erick, how the may are maligned by the mistakes of a few. Hallelujah! First, you make sweeping generalizations about two cultures that are intertwined, then you go onto say that a form of entertainment equates to our values. I guess white people are all about eating chicken fried steak, breaking up with women, and living in the backwoods, because that's the impression that country music gives off. I guess Latinos are all about partying and love songs because that's the impression their music gives off. Then, after all that you have the gall to say 'nigga' and proceed to say that because of the music these people put out, and in turn the music that people listen to that 'nobody wants these kind of people because they can't trust people who share those values'. I wasn't aware that a) choice of music equated to one's values and that one deserves economic disenfranchisement BECAUSE of what they listen to and the perceived values they hold. I listen to radio stations, which are supposed to have the current, popular music. And I have been to clubs and all sorts of shit. It is not racism that influences me, but experience. HOW THE FUCK DOES MUSIC NOT EQUATE TO PEOPLE'S VALUES? THE SONG SAYS ONE THING AND YOU FUCKING SAY YOU LIKE IT FOR THE BEAT?! That would make sense if there was real music accompanying rap and not beats that it takes 2 brain cells rubbing together to reproduce on percussion instruments. If a song you really like does not represent you... why the fuck do you like the song? FUCKING POSER. Say what you mean, don't pretend ignorance. Hypocrite. one deserves economic disenfranchisement BECAUSE of what they listen to and the perceived values they hold. One deserves to be aware of the negative stigma they induce because of their taste in music. How the fuck I dress tells a lot about me. The tattoos I fucking have or don't have say something about me. The music I listen to says a lot about me. To say anything different is ignorant as fuck, Erick. Ask an employer how they feel about tattoos and you'll get different answers. Wake the fuck up. What you do, what you say, what you enjoy says things about you. Don't be stupid. The concept of 'Thug Life' was born out of complete distrust for the system. It encourages blacks to live their lives outside of that system and protect them and their own. So while I'm sure you agree with what the president said, I don't for a second believe you agree with why he said it. Thug- a violent person, esp a criminal. I call bullshit. I've only seen thug life used to rationalize a life of violence to take what a person desires. Might makes right for thugs. Wasn't aware you needed an explanation before passing judgement. Judging a book by what's on the spine is an easy way to get the wrong idea from the book. I'm glad i mentioned it was for an example of first impressions. Because you totally missed that part. If I was some dude who only judged by the cover, I would not have so goddam much to write in response. This is just what the words mean to me, a whitewashed mexican (a coconut some would say- brown on the outside, white on the inside). I know a lot of how the presiding white people think, because I fucking grew up among them. If you can't look at my analysis and take it fucking serious... then you are completely blind to the gap between cultures, because I am fucking spelling it out to you. I'm not saying it's right, but you're dismissing it out of hand like it's nothing for you to consider when nothing is further from the truth. Way to focus on the wrong part of the fuckin' statement. The issue stands with the fact that his rights were violated. Race comes into play when you look at the long history this nation has with systematic racism. Cop defends himself from male who was resisting arrest and attacked him. Tell me what rights were violated. As it stands, that 'fact' has yet to be determined. Gangster rapper is tongue in cheek. Okay. Glad there was a waving flag that told me he was different from all the other fucking rappers out there. Damn, bruh, you sure are good with that broom. More sweeping generalizations. A 1/100 exception makes the general rule completely unfeasable?! Fucking math and logic says the one is the exception and the rest will likely be a certain way. Don't tell me you expect most mexicans to be white? Or do you expect them to be brown? herp derp, experience determines all.
  4. You can't change the facts to suit your desires, Karpy. You have to understand them head on if you want to have any chance of instituting change
  5. No, no one is obviously correct and what you have been following are one-sided views with only partial facts. Why did I... I as a person... have to be the one to notice and point out that the reporter did his duty to tell the truth and told the camera that the crowd had moved the traffic cones meant to keep safe boundaries and placed them far too close in defiance of police authorities? If not for my attention to detail, would you not still consider their response whole unnecessary and unwarranted when in fact it was? Very few things in life are obviously correct, karpy. I don't know why you haven't seen enough to understand this fact.
  6. Obama has impressed me a great deal and I don't think he'd make a statement in this case without facts, and seeing how the witnesses disagree and so many important details are left out, I can see how he would not dare make a definitive statement one way or another because there is no one side that is obviously correct.
  7. Whether its this situation or illegal traffic stops, or policemen asking questions that directly interfere with 5th amendment rights, things are so lax that people we hold in the office, and the people they appoint, the people we pay to protect and server us... we as a people have to be more vigilant. Or maybe not distrust them at the first time of trial and tribulation. Granted, this is kind of a special situation where race has played an important part in this town. The officer was just given an award for great service over the recent past.
  8. What happens Darren Wilson (the cop in the incident) is not arrested? *Skips over the obvious commercial about a disabled war vet and John Walsh's new program about hunting down bad, bad people* Obvious priorities are obvious. He's got a barber shop has is frequented by some law enforcement figures. Why doesn't he talk about some of their own thoughts and opinions on the situation? He's afraid everyone's rights have been thrown out the window, not just African Americans. Too bad he can't consider the stress involved in being a police officer. He might feel the fear and distress of not being trusted, but how well does he know the stress of being in danger because everybody and anybody could own a gun and turn it on them?
  9. African Americans should be donating to African countries and not worrying how people perceive them. Too late, and you should be worrying. Because they don't trust in the African Americans as they perceive them. Rap. Baggy jeans and shirts. There is a cultural disconnect. Baggy shirts and jeans are seen as undisciplined and lazy. IDGAF attitude says they can't be bothered about their job, the company they work for, or the other people who work for their company. Flare < I Care. The value and perceptions are so different, is it really any wonder that black males aren't trusted? "Gangster rapper is code for I say very harsh, real, and brutal stuff, just like my dad saw in the street." Thanks for the clarification. Noone I know would have had any idea that that is what you meant because nobody else uses it like that. Lrn2English, because that is not the definition of gangster and has never before been used as a code word for talking about the truth.
  10. The president said there is a perception and there is a reality. "This 'thug life' has to end. It serves to fill cemeteries and prisons for foolishness." I couldn't agree more. Oh, so he is killer Mike because he kills microphones. He's the first person I've heard to have a reasonable explanation for a name like that. With no background context OTHER THAN THE OTHER HUNDREDS OF RAPPERS BEFORE HIM, I thought the worst of him. What's in a name? Connotation. That is the goddam answer. Connotation. Gangster rapper is tongue in cheek. Okay. Glad there was a waving flag that told me he was different from all the other fucking rappers out there.
  11. It says that it's POSSIBLE that his hands were up. it doesn't mention ALL the possibilities other than he was at an angle. If you or a football player were tackling someone, you would not be straight up, you would be bent forward. That provides an angle. What you are talking about is not definitive, the end all, be all. It is only one possibility the autopsy authority recognizes. It doesn't mention the alternatives. So, a bit of information is omitted because it only shows the one statement chosen by the family that seems to support them. Have you ever fired a handgun before? Have you ever fired one from the hip? I ask you to try this before you pass judgement.
  12. "Police see a lot more of the worst in human behavior, they don't see the best." It's their job to protect us from the worst. Using ex-military in the police. That has been true for a long time. Using military tactics? They are relevant to a police job. Militarizing police? Didn't he just acknowledge that they were hiring ex-military for the police? An area policed by strangers. Bitch, don't you realize how that means the area is policed by people who are unaware of local bias, racism, and hypocrisy? They see the situation without prior bias from the area. Children do childish stuff. Police are human and make human mistakes. "It's systematic" Oprah, Michael Jordan, LeBron, JayZ, Beyonce... they have these examples, but they're the exception. OK. They have far more people telling them to be different. Other rappers and gang members. Which is easier? To be talented and creative or anybody else? black males are the least looked upon. Okay. what values do black males profess? I can only look the the most obvious and blatant media examples: the rappers who talk about sex, weed, money. The dude who raps about taking your girl, shooting people, and driving fancy cars. Maybe that's not who they are, but that's what it says to me when popular artists become popular. You think anybody listening to that shit wants a thing to do with people who share those values? Get mean mugged and beat a nigga up? Fuck no. The people who have the money, who have power over the money making jobs... they don't want those kinds of people. They can't trust people who seem to have those values. "Violate the rights of an 18 yo african american child." The cop had little way of knowing his age. Even the parents said he looked older than he was. The way he said it you think he was conscious of the fact that he was african american and a child. Does age and race matter to anyone who is attacked? Certainly not the forefront of MY mind if I was out in public and had a disagreement with a stranger and got attacked.
  13. I said I would add more once I had seen the rest of the video. I'm trying to make a point of word choice and first impressions.
  14. What did you mean then if police weren't actually killing protestors? Speak up now, because that is what you said. "Killer Mike" He identifies himself as a killer. I am so likely to take his word seriously, Neo. So serious, Imma call 911 and report his ass. Killer knows all about peace and protests and law enforcement that doesn't kill anyone because he obviously has experience. He totally stands out from all the other shit rappers that brag how they are ganster and off everybody who looks and them wrong or gets in they way. It wasn't a black culture that said a man's word is his bond, because I can't count as high as there are rappers who are full if it. Neo. WTF is this shit? I will edit to add more once I have listened to the full video. Prepare your anus, Neo. Edit: prison as the cornerstone of economics... right... because prisoners aren't fucking treated better than US infantry soldiers. Because it doesn't cost taxpayers millions/billions to provide for prisoners.
  15. WAS I NOT THE FIRST PERSON WHO SAID THE ROBBER WAS IRRELEVANT TO THE SHOOTING? And that was way before the link to John Oliver's take on the situation. If Brown had tried to take the officer's gun, that would absolutely excuse the shooting. To take an officer's gun when the officer wasn't using it is a threat to officer, assuming intent to use it to threaten or plain old end his life (because if he wasn't using the gun, it isn't defense). Absolutely acceptable to fire in that instance. Listening to the eyewitnesses, it almost sounds like an accident that he was shot in the head. All those shots hit Brown in the side, and the very last... the very last shot hits him in the head and stops him dead cold. You are too quick to assume no reason, no excuse to take a life, karpy. And as I said, the robbery lends credit to the idea that Brown would have used violence against the cop and thus forced him into using his firearm. you're right, a cop dying would have been preferable. You are not looking at the possible outcomes.
  16. Suddenly, this just seems like fanservice.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      (Holknight's thing didn't appear until now for me lol.)

    3. Felicity
    4. Maelstrom


      My avatar. She quite the busty pirate.

  17. That dude from Uncharted.
  18. This one is dedicated to everyone in the armed forces.
  19. Always challenge the initial assumption, especially when you go on to look at it and see how few details are actually provided. From the start, the story was reported with a slant to it and people were very eager to roll with that slant. Then you get a group of angry people together and they rile each other up into a riot. Really, the whole situation has been counterproductive for both sides. Gotta think about those businesses were hurt because protesters weren't working because they were there, businesses hurt because maybe the protests and riots kept customers away from the area, and the obvious hurt from looters breaking into shit. Slow reaction by officials/elected leadership to curb the behavior of some obviously upset, undisciplined officers has really made this ordeal last much longer than it should have. Not to mention slanted twitters and snapchats and shit that riled even more people up. Like all those videos of the police reacting and maybe a mention here or there of what they were actually reacting to.
  20. Assuming it's racism and not just anger or misjudgement. One does not fear the police if one is constantly pushing the safe boundaries that have been set. It is only ignorance and deliberately choosing to see what they want to see when they see gear. Gear is protective or productive, and distinctive from the actual weapons they carry, which is what they have traditionally carried, shotguns and pistols and rifles. Not much has actually changed other than appearance. Also, by violating lawful boundaries, they forfeit certain basic rights, such as freedom (ie, they detained/arrested). and if you think crowd control techniques such as gas is unlawful, think again. but they will be held accountable for the decision of when and where to use it.
  21. The thing is, saying 'everyone is at fault' is not enough. When it comes to justice and the legal system, you have to do the hard job of determining who is at fault for what and by how much. "I don't care who started it is a response used by parents. WWho started something is a huge thing in court. These reasons are why people get paid the big bucks.
  22. Glaring tiger, angry waifu? Honestly, it's been a very long time since I've been excited by any of the things nintendo has released about the game. New Character reveals or gtfo, Nintendo. I'm tired of these meager bread crumbs.
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