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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Ah, but this was originally posted in gaming general, which is for anything and everything else gaming. A moderator moved your topic for you.
  2. Question- Is this for the Reborn game or for the canon games? either way, this is in the wrong section. There are two specific sections dedicated to all things reborn or canon games developed by game freak.
  3. Idk, does this mean I'm impossible to kill? That sounds about right. Devil? That sounds about right too. I see memories? Do I prey upon your feels? That would seem right, but it would be for empowerment and recruitment. This power level seems absolutely wrong but the speed and range is just right. no but really, what is a stand? what's with this random name analysis thing?
  4. It was nice outside. It was cloudy and rainy, and generally cool in temperature. I loved it. Then it started to hail. I still loved it. Somehow, I remind myself of Kublai Kahn from the netflix series, Marco Polo. I may have been wearing a Reaper shirt but Godot was in full cosplay.
  5. @Chase seems good to me. It's definitely true that the C skill slot is open to a lot of possibilities.. Her base speed is at 33, which is pretty good, and generally enough to keep her from getting doubled, but I've been wondering if Darting blow wouldn't be better for ensuring doubles on attack (seeing as I have an Azura as well). If you attack with her, you want to make sure she kills whatever it is she's attacking (which is pretty much guaranteed against any red unit), especially considering that she could potentially dance a ranged unit to kill someone in 2 rounds without taking any damage rather than trading damage with an Azura attack. The way I see it, Spd +3 is basically the average of Darting blow. Darting blow is +6 on attack, +0 on defense. Spd +3 is +3 on attack, +3 on defense. I have to err on the side of defense (spd +3) to help make sure she isn't doubled. You really won't use Azura for an attack unless the defender is a red unit, so what is left after that is what she is capable of on defense. The C skill slot always seems to have the weakest skills on any set, but there really aren't any C skills that aren't inheritable either. Seal skills are great for ranged initiators so others can finish units off, but threaten skills are so-so, since they have to be within striking distance at the start of your own turn to work. More often I find that the ai doesn't maneuver units within that range unless they can attack someone too. Even if you're really playing it safe and staying just out of range, the threaten benefits feel like they come a turn too late. If they triggered at the start of your opponent's turn after yours, it would be a different story. And the the unit type specific ones can give stronger boons, but they require a more specialized type of team. While there are some good fliers, I don't think a full flier emblem team would do all that well. Or an armor emblem for that matter. All that aside... Which skill do you all think is more useful overall, draw back or swap? Draw back is especially useful to protect against armored units and ranged units alike. It's a hit and run and probably works best to help out a ranged attacker, and probably works best to counter ranged foes. Hit with the first unit and step back to safety with the next. Swap is a reliable countermeasure to non-ranged units that the ai has stacked next to each other- the first being weapon triangle weakness bait while the one behind it waiting to exploit your unit's weakness after its victory (surely a lesson even the most dense players learned in Zephiel's GHB). It's also great for countering cavalry who can sweep in from a longer, safer range after -again- killing something weaker in front with a strong counter behind it, just waiting for you to take the bait.
  6. Tfw you face a Takumi, Tiki, and Ike on a team in arena. ffffffff









    That other feel when you manage to win without losing anybody.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Commander


      Tbh, the only thing I'm afraid of is Nino as that basically means Reinhardt dies. Seriously need more red and blue units for team comp, but those three aren't scary with the right team. Mostly a blue unit like Reinhardt, Azura, or Subaki.

    3. AuthorReborn


      Colorless units are the scariest to me atm. Azura can handle the Reds, Lucina the Greens, and Julia the blues, but even Takumi can struggle against colorless foes like Kagero. Particularly frightening is the dancer+Kagero combo. I have a backup calvary team (spearheaded by Reinhardt and Eliwood) in case it ever gets too bad, but for now I like using my Julia team. 

    4. Maelstrom


      Julia's base 35 atk is nice, but her def is so low, no wonder I never took notice of her. Kagero would have have snapped her up right away.

  7. The only reason not to go for this new banner is the fact that you can't pull an Ike from it while you can get the others from Ike's. Half the reason I was summoning greens in Ike's banner was to try to get Hector while angling for Soren and Titania. Takumi is alright. Mine is +spd -hp so eh, could be worse. I've been tempted to give his Close Counter to Kagero though along with quick reposte. Nah, you didn't misread. I have two of 'em and you made me realize the other one was better. Actually, when I look at her more, she has armored blow, so that helps out a lot. So far, Florinia, Chrom, Soren and Titania are making a great team. Soren is doing pretty well so far, but I haven't spent any sp on abilities because I think he needs new ones entirely.
  8. It's nice that they're doing a double skill points boost thing too. What with inheritance and the ungodly 50% sp cost on inherited skills... unless they've been a part of your main team this whole time, you're probably down a bunch of sp for that dream skills build. And even then... you probably spent a bunch of points for skills that are going to be replaced now. Seems like the best thing to do is get your unit, inherit the skills you want it to have and simply save up your sp and only use 'em on the inherited rather than the natural ones you're about to replace. Maybe even raise 'em from 3 stars. 40 levels of sp gain at 3, 4, and 5 stars comes out to a respectable sum if you choose to keep leveling 'em up rather than promoting right away at 20. Honestly, it sucks that you can't farm training tower 1 for the sp from kills. They seem to have to be kills close to your unit's level. Grinding those last few stratum for 9 energy a pop is gonna go slow... -hp + res... -HP puts her at 34 hp +Hp puts her at 41 -Def puts her at 22 +res puts her at 33 instead of 30. yeah, I guess -def and +hp is better. If it weren't for the emerald axe though, I'd be worried about her ability to hit lances. She's preferably a mage/blue and green dragon killer/bait, but as a direct attacker, she's gonna have to trade blows at some point.
  9. Oh great, a second 5* Titania. one is -hp +res, the other is +hp -def. both seem bad. that reminds me. Linde #2 is +def -hp >.< Oh, my first Chrom. 4* tho My Eirika is neutral... well, a lot of my best units have crappy iv's. =/ Kagero is like, the only one with a really good one.
  10. Yeah, I'm trying to find a sword user to put it on. I've got Eirika (seriously, I hate typing that 'I' in that name because of that bad, overly direct/literal translation of the Katakana of her name), but she's better off with her personal weapon, especially since I plan on pairing her with a Gronnblade F-Corrin. I've got a 4* Marth, but that seems like a waste. How about that 4* Navarre. He'd need a new trigger ability but he gets desperation 2 and threaten speed 3. 4* Roy, Cain, Draug (who is better off being a wary brave sword) Oh, I have the 4* Zephiel. Wo Dao+ is definitely better than his silver sword and his retribution (soon to be 2 trigger Reprisal) pops off very often. He can keep wary fighter, but Life or Death seems wasted on him (since wary fighter turns it into Atk+5, def/res-5, and turning 16 speed into 21 isn't gonna save him). much better to keep his defense so wary fighter keeps working longer. Seems like the best bet to me right now. Though there's Palla with Moonbow at 4*
  11. Yeah, by himself Jakob seems kinda trash. And I have 3 x 4* Faes that also give renewal 3. I'm trying to decide whether Vantage 3 or Renewal 3 would be a better B slot skill for young tiki though... I use her very offensively and rely on her to tank a lot of hits afterwards. Sometime it feels like Vantage would have killed a bunch of people who instead killed her on defense. But at the same time, I recently got done in by a Renewal Lucina because I didn't have the positioning or the dancer to finish her off. Who would I give Wo Dao to? I haven't looked at his stats yet but Karel seems to have really good ability synergy. Hmm, he's -atk, +hp. 50 Hp seems pretty good, but only 26 atk, 25 def and 20 res... he's basically a really bad tank who really needs his weapon skill to do any real damage. He'd only do 6 damage to a 4* Cecilia before weapons triangle advantage and do nothing to Eirika or Tiki. Wow... he's just... there to give his weapon skill then?
  12. I ended up spending money and not getting him. I'd saved orbs because I knew Ike was gonna come out at some point and nobody except Alm in the last banner drew my attention. So, the haul: 5* Soren Titania Sheena Karel Jakob 4* Sheena Eirika Cain Eliwood Palla Henry Jagen Arthur Cherche Beruka Fae Saizo Jakob Lilina Guess I got a couple spare Svalin shields to go around, but Heavy weapons are pretty rare.
  13. Hm, that reminds me. I pulled a 4* Lilina, and I heard she's the red mage to use besides Tharja. Does watersweep seem rather bad to anyone else? It's like a way fighter that works on attack so he can't double. The only time I see this being useful is when you're trying to hit something that would resist his attack and counterattack in the process. Most things you want to hit with a mage usually can't hit back. So I only see it working on magic users, so Adult tiki and Nowi wouldn't be able to range counter back if he attacked them, and the one you'd want to attack would be Nowi and he would have doubled her (if both neutral) without it. It would have been nice if this had worked against Takumi or Hector, but it doesn't. It's weird that the only time he can double with this skill on is on defense. I guess if you want to use him and this skill, you're probably better off with a seal skill for slot C. I'd say poison strike too but that's a B skill that would override Watersweep. He definitely feels like a support character that sets up damage at little risk with watersweep and grants fortify res at turn starts. Well, I've got my weight lifting class to go to and my lab final practical to study for, so I guess I'll take a look at Titania's kit and see if she's gonna replace Fred.
  14. Yeah, it does mean more orbs but... man, I really, really want an Ike asap. But I'm laso out of stamina right now because I was trying to grind up some units, namely; F-Corrin, Nowi, Zephiel, Abel, Michaelis, and Ninian.
  15. Linde and F-Robin I guess. I'm still rolling for Ike but it gave me 5* Karrel instead. ... Man, now I'm out of orbs.
  16. It should be fine, @Fabled Asian , especially if that 3 extra speed instead of attack will help you double things. I'm not sure what the speed stats of other characters are though. I got lucky and mine is +Atk - Def. 35 max speed isn't too shabby. agh. I'm nearly at the point where I either buy more castle space or start sending home unneeded units. Any tips on what to get rid of first? I'm thinking Cherche, since she really doesn't have any skills worth giving in SI.
  17. Hmm... that's interesting. Does he have two IVs? I just pulled him out of my third summon. HP 18 Atk 20 Spd 9 Def 4 Res 6 Edit: OMG. On my second summoning session, I had 4 red and 1 green. I decided to get the Green out of the way and it ended up as 5* Titania HP 19 Atk 18 Spd 8 Def 5 Res 8
  18. welp, wrong election topic. lel. 50-50 chance, wot.
  19. For those of you who want something quick with a little humor to get an idea of what's going on...
  20. Well, I figured they'd give him Ragnel to allow distant counters and figure a way to put in Aether. You get +1 charge as in it counts as if you had an extra action taken that turn. So if you attack someone and your attack is higher, your count towards the actions needed is added by 2- +1 for the ability and +1 for the attack itself. So if you attack twice, it counts as 4 actions and he'll get his aether right after, if not sooner if an enemy counter-attacked, also adding to the action counter. Honestly, this ability is much better than a simple killer weapon. Really, when we think of a cooldown we count down, but really we are triggering abilities by an accumulation of actions, so yeah, +1 charge means ours gets triggered faster, and the other ability of charge -1 seems to simply negate the action counter we give them when we attack. Yeah, it's kinda poorly worded, but yeah, I'm pretty sure that the abilities are in our favor and not against us for using 'em.
  21. Well the good news is that you just need someone who knows dance/sing. My dancing unit never got within anyone's range, so it doesn't have to be strong or anything.
  22. If Ike isn't stupid OP broken in heroes, I'm gonna be mad. =/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sheep


      Well we already know he's got Distant Counter built into Ragnell, which he should so that's good. He also seems to be able to use Aether like it's a low cooldown special. He'll join the group of vantage abusing 1-2 range counterers, with a stat spread that'll probably be very similar to Takumi's. Solid bulk, high Atk, solid Spd, glass Res.

    3. Maelstrom


      Idk that I'd replace swordbreaker with vantage but that is definitely a great option.

      What would be good for his C slot? Threaten Atk, to help make sure Heavy blade gets him his quick trigger?

    4. Sheep


      Assuming it's based on his PoR stats then his Spd will be low 30s, in which case Threaten Spd may be a good option to help him double things and thus charge Aether faster. It'll be interesting to see whether Threaten Spd or Atk wins out, but whichever one does it'll be in the name of getting quick Aethers.

  23. Well, you don't even need vantage on her, just a dancer. I literally did it just now. Rally res, move, dance, kill the axe. top two mages kill themselves against Kagero. Move kagero to kil the lancer. This puts her conveniently right next to the dancer again. Dance and have her kill Robin. And after many, many tries, I finally beat the Navarre challenge. It definitely took some creative maneuvering at the bottom of the map. Idk if I can even remember the movements that finally cinched it. Most of the strategies I've seen involved Draw back at the bottom right, so I used Ericka, seeing as how I didn't have a leveled up Donnel. Instead of the archer, I used Kagero. Fred's Fortify def helped keep Eirika alive (instead of the recommended Shareena, since she's not levelled up either). Did the bait and draw with eirika to kill the first ninja with Kagero. When Navarre came down, I hit him with Eirika, moved Cecilia and Kagero over to finish him off. Since Erika was getting low so I moved fred to her left and smote her back over to where she originally was in the trees. The upper ninja targets fred, who lives. Kagero takes him out, and then I think fred and cecillia took out the axe unit. It was easy for Kagero and Cecilia to finish off the healer after that. But geez, that was a pain.
  24. Yeah, my Kagero pretty much solo'd that map for me, but required a dancer. First thing was to rally Res on Kagero by Cecilia. Move Kagero in. Dance on Kagero, then move up to kill the melee character. End turn, the mages break their faces on Kagero. Kill second to last unit with Kagero, dance and kill FRobin... profit. but yeah, that picture. I smacked her with Fred first, just because I could. I still haven't figured out a good approach for Navarre's Lunatic map. Even Tiki and Fred get eaten up the turn they get within range. I know I need to switch units but what did you all do? Top left ninja is basically Jaffar, so trying to tank any of his attacks won't happen, but you can't really get to him without dealing with the others in front.
  25. Aww, I was hoping it'd work the other way around. Thanks ICSW.
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