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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. c-c-c-combo breaker! http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1474793744/200983706
  2. Is that a pet raccoon?! I can haz one too?
  3. Maelstrom


    Banned for not saying which shooters in your interest section. Do you even headshot, bro?
  4. At the mall to pay thr internet bill and they've got a model search thing going on. All the pretty ladies.

  5. “In my youth, in my manhood, in my old age, I had fondly dreamed that when any fortunate chance should have broken up for a while the foundation of our institutions, and released us from obligations the most tyrannical that ever man imposed in the name of freedom, that the intelligent pure and just men of this Republic, true to their professions and their consciences, would have so remodeled all our institutions as to have rid them from every vestige of human oppression, of inequity of rights, of the recognized degradation of the poor, and the superior caste of the rich. In short, that no distinction would be tolerated in this purified Republic but what arose from merit and conduct. This bright dream has vanished ‘like the baseless fabric of a vision.’ I find that we shall be obliged to be content with patching up the worst portions of the ancient edifice, and leaving it, in many of its parts, to be swept through by the tempests, the frosts, and the storms of despotism. Do you inquire why, holding these views and possessing some will of my own, I accept so imperfect a proposition? I answer, because I live among men and not among angels; among men as intelligent, as determined, and as independent as myself, who not agreeing with me, do not choose to yield their opinions to mine. Mutual concession, therefore, is our only resort, or mutual hostilities.” – Thaddeus Stevens, June 13, 1866, on the alteration of his original proposal for the14th Amendment.
  6. New Dawn trailer was pretty awesome. Nautilus wrecking shit.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      But Graves was super awesome, He was the most himself in the cinematic imo.

    3. Brockze


      Graves just didn't give a fuck. Until Nautilus came.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Then, things got serious.

  7. You really should. Reliable teammates are hard to find in matchmaking. Especially them rage quitters leaving me high and dry. And yeah, the iron banner gear looks amazing, doesn't it? Just look at the guy selling the stuff. Paging Dr. Nope. I'd put a few other minor things here but now silverlight has like, stopped uploading. =/
  8. Let me ask you this question, Chuckles. Can your Microsoft friends shoot like Gaston me?
  9. Can't wait for the full game in Sep.

  10. First things first, some in game scenery. Now to show off a little.
  11. First, do no* harm. *For values of 'no' approaching 'vast and permanent'

    1. Noivy


      Good medics know when to saw off a limb or two! c:

  12. Iron Banner in 20 minutes. Assemble!

  13. I can't win battles if my teammates can't carry their own weight.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Damn Straight.

  14. Here are stills from the popular snail horror film simply entitled "The French"

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