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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom


    Banned for being interested in GTA and Naruto. You're dead to me.
  2. The Keebler Elves' poor relation.
  3. All ya'll have to wean yourselves of your dragon dependency.

  4. 1 year down. 1 more to go before we send you to the butcher's for harvesting.
  5. Jericho be spying on my itunes library. Listening to these two because the translated lyrics add so much more to already beautiful songs.
  6. You wanted to know more about the Wheel of Time saga right? Well, if you liked the LotR trilogy... WoT is like 10 times better (like if you look at Gandalf, you can see how he doesn't have a developed magic system, as he rarely ever uses magic at all and really only serves as the wizened old man who knows much and says little- not to mention 90% of the action in the movies or the books is WALKING). There is way more to it than can really be covered in a simple summary, but let's see how many of the world's threads I can condense together here. And it doesn't touch upon a lot of things, but merely sets you up with backstory that is really only revealed bit by bit in the story. This world is rich in nations and peoples with well thought out and developed customs, histories, and personalities that really do make Tolkien's pale in comparison. On a side note, if Ame is still looking for inspiration for male characters/personalities, there are plenty of those in here. Not that she won't find many females to look at and enjoy. After the fall of the male channelers, the women channelers began to shape and influence the world to their own designs and does not lack at all for strong female characters.
  7. Happy Spawning Anniversary, blue cub. What are you expecting/ hoping to get in your presents?
  8. Happy birthday, reprobate. ps, stop hogging all the cake.
  9. Happy birthday. You're another year closer to becoming dog food and glue. Savor the moment.
  10. My eyes are the eyes that pierce the heavens.

  11. Random question... Nyrias, who is that in your avy and sig???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nyrias


      yeh what he said. Kurumi Tokisaki from Date A Live

    3. Maelstrom


      ... Come again? That title can't be complete.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      If I was the gy who didn't give a flying fig about anime I was a year ago, I would agree. Now that I am not that guy anymore I can safely say there are definitely some weird titles for them out there.

  12. No. I dream of simple and random things relatively often. They're just usually not telling about, because they were so mundane or too short. I keep getting dreams where I'm somewhere getting sent off to do special forces training or evaluations and always fretting that I'm too out of shape and unprepared to do any of it. Or I'll have dreams where I'm enrolled into college classes and attend a few for a few days or weeks and then realize that I had forgotten to attend several others and have no idea how I'll make up the lost time and grades how its messing with my graduation timeline. Stressed out dreams are not good dreams. And as for lucid dreaming, you can really choose anything- any object or action that you want- as a trigger that makes you realize you are dreaming. "Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming" is a saying that stems from this concept- if you get pinched and don't feel pain or it feels odd, then you know you're dreaming. When you're dreaming, your logic is muddled and inhibited so by focusing on an object or action (like the letter A that soy sauce suggested) while you're awake or going to sleep helps to settle it into your subconsciousness and allows it to open up the neural pathway to your higher level cognitive functions that are turned off during sleep and allow you to be aware you are dreaming and shape it to your will whenever you encounter said action/object in your dreams. Edit: Have some helpful copypasta from the Ace board.
  13. To see or not to see the new transformers?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ragnar


      it's ok, i guess. the main villain is kinda weak. expect lots of product placements and explosions everywhere!

    3. Chevaleresse


      @Tacos: That's exactly why he should go see it.

      It was pretty good. There are some definite flaws but it was worth going to overall.

    4. Shamitako


      To see, definitely

      It wasn't perfect, but it was really, really good. The characters were well developed, the storyline was pretty good, and the action was epic

  14. I watched the series on CN back in the day. It was heavy on the drama and light on the action, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. You can see where people draw parallels from SAO to //sign, but it's still quite different.
  15. Well NY times is kind of a big publication I guess. But yeah, sounds like a big tourist trip. Which isn't a bad thing. I plan on visiting NY and being a tourist myself soon enough. But yeah, might want to jump on those inter-country trips as much as you can. I regretted not being able to go to sydney for a swim invitational because I hadn't swam for the year in between the invitation and the even that earned me my place there. Your parents want you to go to different places and try different things and see different things because they want you to be happy. And if you go to NY, to them it probably seems like a really expansive christmas gift to you. It might not be all that practical, but you're not really traveling all that way for the practical aspect of it.
  16. Let me put it this way... NY is one of the most expensive areas to visit/live in the US. I don't see why they don't send media students to California, where Hollywood and most of the media studios are located anyways. NY is often romanticized, but it isn't as awesome as it claims to be. 1200 pounds just about equals 2045 american dollars. Which is quite a bit under an entire year's worth of rent in cheaper areas of the US. And then there is New Mexico, another state is the US where the movie industry is being drawn to thanks to state legislature and incentives. NY is stereotypically not one of the friendlier US states, either in terms of the industry or attitudes toward tourists. At first I wanted to say for you to go, but once I really think about it, the better option is not to go.
  17. Yuki- the satanic bible? I am interested. Plot summary plz. Not joking here.
  18. Happy belated birthday, Colin. Hope you had more fun than I did that day. =P
  19. Shower feels so good after a week without one.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Army takes camping seriously, son.

    3. Magus


      That's why I joined the Airforce son

    4. Maelstrom


      Airforce is best choice. Good job, maggot.

  20. without that hair in the way, we can see your elf ears now.
  21. Kids these days are also inundated in casual games that are free or straight up cheap on their phones or tablets. They're not gonna want the casual stuff the wii u offers when they have a lot more on these other devices. I think Nintendo miscalculated when they thought that casual scum would want expensive-ish innovation instead of targeting the serious gamer audience who has been pining for something to add a little extra depth. It only makes sense when you look at the Japanese themselves as a gaming demographic- they're all far more casual gamers than anything else. The street pass feature on the 3DS is really just a rip off all the things they did with their cell phones, which (at least used to) have far more functions and did far more things for them than they do in the US, like ring/vibrate if they come within close vicinity of a potential date via a dating website app, for example. The street pass is also a far more effective tool in a tiny, crowded island nation than it is for a very large, very spacious nation like the US. The fact that Nintendo/gamefreak hosted all sorts of special events and wifi mystery gift events that none of the other countries received (if you don't believe me, look at the serebii.net database of event pokemon) says a lot. Also, does the pokebank thing ring a bell? Clicky Nintendo seems to be pretty ethnocentric to me and really shows very few indications of actually listening to fans. I remember reading an article where nintendo decision makers say they read ideas and suggestions, such as characters for the new SSB game and didn't take any of them seriously (which I understand because people want some ridiculous characters in the game) and another article about Nintendo's response to game suggestions in general as pretty much being ignored. Nintendo forgets that there has been a whole rest of the world that has generated most of their income until now and their neglect of their desires has left them in dire straits. Magazines have for years now reported on how over-controlling and restrictive Nintendo is with third party games. One may applaud how nintendo has refused to add in the extra hardware power to make its processing comparative to Sony and Microsoft and keep things a bit cheaper and more simple for the gamer by not buying into the 'better graphics = better game" idea their competitor have seemed to have bought into over the past console wars... but in the end this also denied developers the ability to port their non-console exclusive games to the relatively underpowered system without a serious, costly overhaul of their entire game. Some of you obviously think my hatred of Nintendo is just willfulness on my part, but rather it is the result of years of personal past experience and growing up with Nintendo that allows me to see how they've changed the way they think and market new games and hardware. I know whereof I speak.
  22. The first thing guys who get out of the Army do is let their beards grow out.

    1. Arkhi


      And then they don everything in American flags.

    2. Maelstrom
  23. Now I see why you go by Dobby the Elf.

  24. Future T-Virus inventor, everybody. You saw it here on Reborn first. Prepare your anti-zombie kits today, peoples.
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