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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Who-oa, amber is the color of your energy~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY3ATmNPtWI Girl I wanna make you sweat~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0M4J849dmA
  2. Pls. *comes back to life and wipes poke princess off the face of the earth with a Spirit Shotgun* And don't come back.
  3. Rapidash without extreme speed? Gamefreak, pls, go kill yourself. >> ... what is chaniera btw?
  4. So I heard turtles are tanks and come equipped with all sort of protective and defensive moves....
  5. Megaphone (exploud)- boosts the power of sonic based attacks of the user and its allies. Round/echoed voice, anyone?
  6. Hold on guys, I got an etch a sketch with a usb port. I'm gonna smoke all of you.
  7. I'm tempted to get one of those booster boxes so I can read the insert that tells you what every card in the set is and does.
  8. If I knew the answer to that, I would have been going after that as a job instead of aimlessly graduating college and joining the military again. Which would you find more useful, teleportation or psycho-kinetic powers?
  9. Maelstrom


    Banned for not swimming along with us.
  10. *bends the spoon with psychic powers* And then I telekinetically toss Rose off the hill. Don't make me use my mind bullets. Now all of you scram.
  11. Living in someone's shadow, like Robin is in Batman's (until teen titans came along)? I know some things that would break me as a person, but I don't actually fear them happening because highly unlikely and just kinda thinking about them just doesn't bother me. But things that do scare me are sharks, specifically dreams of being in the water with them. FU megalodon. As an extremely proficient swimmer by human standards and having been hooked to pbs and discovery channel as a kid and teen, I know exactly how fucked we would be if a shark really wanted to eat somebody. And heights bother me. I get scared/anxious every time I have to jump out of an airplane, but once I feel that parachute catch wind and start deploying I get to start enjoying it. And those are really the only pressing concerns/fears for my part.
  12. ^ That fucking feel when you are about to sweep a fucking parking lot.
  13. Blastoise could use some calm mind, amnesia, and bulk up goodness.
  14. you want broken stuff? in team battles, white smoke has additional effect of increasing the effectiveness of allies' evasion increasing moves and increases chances of protecting moves to work again consecutively. Mega Launcher would make more sense and boost the attack and acc of hydro pump, hydro cannon, flash cannon, ice beam, and hyper beam in addition to the other moves it already boosts.
  15. Dramatic Entrance- whenever this pokemon switches in, it deals damage to the foe's pokemon. Dramatic Exit- guess how this one works. Ambush- deals damage to opponents that switch into battle against this pokemon. The damage for those works like stealth rocks, dealing more, less, or no damage based on your pokemon's type and theirs.
  16. Standard is limited to the core set and whatever is out for the current block (3 sets to a block). Ex. Alara is made up of Shards of Alara, Conflux, and Alara Reborn. When it started, you played with Shards of Alara cards, then added Conflux as it was released and so on. Extended is you can use any cards from whenever (some limits and restrictions apply because a lot of earlier cards are OP in combination with newer cards, which tend to be far more balanced)
  17. Midnight might be a bad time to start trying to catch up on Colbert Report episodes...

  18. He's not here atm. He's slacking off somewhere. Gogo gadget Godot
  19. It also depends on what cards he's limited to. Standard or extended?
  20. tfw imagining the technology to reach through your computer screen and punch someone in the face.
  21. Yeah, I haven't been keeping up with the new card sets cuz nobody to play against.
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