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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. I dunno. I think the info in my profile speaks for itself. =P
  2. I'm not even sure you're not making things up. That sounds like the act of being fascist.
  3. What's your arcana?

  4. ^ you forgot delusions of humanity. You're a windmill.
  5. In Atlanta right now. I actually wish I had more layover time. I'm tired and tired of those plane seats.
  6. That's only the best birthday song ever. You lucky dog. Anyhoo, happy birthday, varmint.
  7. Some stuff from Harry Turtledove: Darkness series- "A fantasy series about global war in a world related to medieval Europe, where magic exists. Many plot elements are analogous to elements of World War II, with kingdoms and sorceries that are comparable to the historical nations and technologies." Basically, magical alternate world WWII. Instead of fighter/bomber planes there are dragons. Instead of tanks, there are rhino-like behemoths. Instead of submarines, there are leviathans (sleek, intelligent cousins to whales). And instead of bullets, it's directed magical energy. Instead of the atomic bomb there's plot spoilers. And you get to follow characters from all nations and stations of life from all sides of the war. It's just really awesome. Artemis Fowl is a series that a friend introduced to me via audio books cuz of road trip. Good stuff, I enjoyed it.
  8. Because he's a dandy? Tempest- Like a Sir
  9. Imma have to come back and add more later when I have the time but for now... I second the Wheel of Time series. Honestly, this series beats the pants off the LotR. I remember reading books by T. A. Barron as a kid and really enjoying them. I just don't remember a lot about them anymore. First is the Lost Years of Merlin series, which I remember more of, which follows Merlin as a boy, discovering his magical heritage and the land of his birth, Fincayra. The other book was Heartlight, but I really don't remember anything other than an association with light, butterflies, and traveling to another planet. I didn't find a summary but found a book preview instead. Which I will be reading and probably getting for my nook to read on the plane.
  10. So when do they make a safari zone made of nothing but revived fossils in tribute to Jurassic Park?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maelstrom


      The precursor experiment before using the same cloning techniques to repopulate Reborn's barren wilds. Ame, pls.

    3. Chevaleresse
    4. Tenshine


      ^ i think at the start of next month, all in support should have a dino avy

  11. Part of ghetto fishing is stocking it yourself. xD
  12. Teemo = furbie satan

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Magus


      Teemo = Cancer

    3. Maelstrom


      But the work he does, he does for my glory. =3

    4. The Fush

      The Fush

      Implying furbie isn't already satan

  13. Lucid dreams are great. Unless they're initiated by sleep paralysis. Had that happen to me this morning, actually. It's less of a problem for me as a thing that happens every now and then. Them dreams of dangerous things with sharp teeth in the vicinity of my neck while I can't move. >> And uh... nothing wrong with me to report. I'm just a lucky, lucky guy.
  14. That Yasuou/Riven connection.

    1. Ikaru


      you can't run from yourself

  15. In a Glass Box of EMOTION
  16. *uses waterfall up the hill, knocking absol into next year* Guess who's back?
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