Duty in my pants
Spiderwebs in my pants
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For in my pants
White Reflection in my pants
The Saga Begins in my pants
Velveteen in my pants
Strangers in my pants
*Shoots Godot with his grappling hook, bringing him down to the ground where he chains him so that Zeus's giant eagle can feast upon his liver all day, everyday*
Cuz the dungeon is too good for the likes of you.
Hey, this suspiciously reminds me of a certain topic started by a certain owner about field effects underwater OP
EQ in cave collapses it, dealing supreme damage to fliers and collapses the cave. Make it so, Ame-san.
No that insinuates that the Diglets evolved. It is literally just...3 Diglets...WHY IS POKEMON LOGIC MAKE ME BRAIN DEAD? OF COURSE IT WOULD BE DUGTRIO!!!...or maybe not...gah forget this.