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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom


    Banned because I'm not making you bad. It's just that teaming with me causes matchmaking to bring in higher level foes than you're used to.
  2. Yeah, getting feet angled the right way is a tough one. If I were to work on it, I'd probably look at some stock photos to see how angled the feet are and how much you see of what area when looked at head on.
  3. If pokemon were real, people would be a lot tougher from a long history of prey-predator relationship that goes both ways between people and pokemon. People would have gear that would allow them to battle against pokemon and hold their own. Probably made from dragon scales and metal plates from deceased pokemon.
  4. Maelstrom


    Banned for lack of bananas.
  5. That's if others' perceptions don't affect how they treat you, but since this is real life and they do, it has to matter a certain minimum amount. Finding that balance is tricky.
  6. To get BF4 for 360/ps3 or not. That is the Question.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      That's not how you spell PC.

    3. Maelstrom


      PC is how you spell 'lame controls'

    4. James-Sensei


      Maybe a little late, but check out some reviews, and get entertained at the same time!

  7. 7/10 Who is that, and why do I get a vampire vibe from him?
  8. What kind of stuff do they let you have in your room?
  9. ShatteredSkys of the Shattered Blade Clan
  10. Well, that one guy does look like he's leaning. But the way you draw feet/shoes always make it look like they're hanging in midair rather than standing on the ground. Or maybe standing on tip-toe.
  11. Maelstrom


    Banned for never changing avatars. Unbanned because that's the cutest Riven art in existence.
  12. Maelstrom


    banned for mlp pokeball.
  13. Hi, welcome to Reborn and stuff. Like they said, most of us don't bite. We replaced Bite with Crunch long ago, so there's that.
  14. So many feels playing through P4A and finishing the last thing you unlock in story mode...
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