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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. I originally switched to this avatar because I like to replace the penguin with memes in my mind, but now I can paste "AHCA" on it instead and feel even better about it.

  2. Because the republican politicians think one way, and their constituents have started feeling the other way. Trump- "Who knew that healthcare would be so complicated?" Everybody except Trump knew that, actually. Paul Ryan- "The whole thing with Obamacare is that the people in the blue pay for the people in the red. The people who are healthy pay for the people who are sick." This idea seems to be one of his problems with Obamacare, but as someone so astutely pointed out, 'you just described how insurance works.' When you give people the option to back out completely from paying anything, then you greatly increase the cost burden of people who want or need the coverage. Which basically means they all have to pay more for it because there isn't that same store of funds. It's very simple math, so let's do a simplified example. If 100 people pay $2 each and it costs $20 to care for a sick person, those 100 people can pay for 10 of them to be sick and get proper care. If suddenly there are say, 50 people in the pool, they can only pay for half as many sick people. But you know what, it's still gonna be the same 10 getting sick, cuz it's the healthy ones who left because they didn't want to pay. The sick people are still there because they need the care and have pre-existing conditions and there will be a some healthy people still around because they're worried about accidents and diseases that can show up in the unforeseeable future (and that's the point of insurance, right? that just in case?). But everybody left is gonna have to pay 4$, or double what they did originally. And not everyone can afford that, so they drop out, and prices have to be increased further as the pool of money shrinks. The sick are left on the wayside because they might not be able to afford it with the limitations their individual conditions place on them. All too soon the money for adequate care is gone and the system goes defunct. That's why the Individual Mandate is absolutely essential and not some liberal lawmaker's whimsy or afterthought. With the penalty, you pay less than you would if you bought into the coverage, but your still contributing something. We will all have to pay some to make it work or it won't work at all. You'll just have to think of it as a tax, because that's basically what it all amounts to. This is the perfect time to point to Canada, cuz that's how they have it. That does go hand in hand with paying a bit more, but it seems reasonable to me. And I wouldn't be surprised if they also have laws that directly regulate medicine costs. Erick is right in saying that a major part of the problem is that our healthcare is based on profit. This part of the economy is far too 'free' and cutthroat. You have big pharmacy and hospitals and specialists who charge a shitton because they can and get away with it (I have my own ideas of how I might handle it if I had the opportunity...). They go for max profit over a tempered profit and wider benefit. Personally, I want government regulations and restrictions in these kinds of matters but I know Republicans and other conservatives hate government interference. They also hate the taxes that (for example) maintains the highways and freeways that allow their businesses to stretch and supply to everyone across the nation and beyond instead of being constrained to their little niche in the dirt. They hate the 1960's laws on emission and pollution, that changed things that you can actually see the mountains from a backyard in LA, instead of the gray fog that blankets China and is literally causing thousands of people to be stricken with disease and sickness now. People who now can't work and require the time and attention of a caregiver. Clearly, not good for business owners and the economy... but I digress. When you have big businesses creating monopolies and taking unfair advantage of people, who else but the government can step in and make necessary changes? I would compare our country to a biological organism, and republicans are like the cells in a tissue that likes to whine and complain when blood is shunted to other tissues and organs that get damaged or sick. They're germophobes, afraid of all bacteria as foreign invaders while not realizing that for every human cell in our body, there are 10 that are not. It can be complicated and there are controls (as it is with immigration), but there is still cooperation and symbiosis. Even the dreaded E. coli is naturally found in our body and helps us with digestion. It's true, in the wrong areas or concentrations in our body, these other organisms within can cause damage, disease, and/or death, but to make no distinction at all and attempt to forcefully remove them all at once is a grave folly. A grave folly that all too many Trump supporters embrace. And no matter how important the heart is, if it hogs up all the blood and refuses to let enough trickle down to the rest of the body, the heart will suffer for it. (How many metaphors and references have I scrunched in to this, I wonder?) It's not that republicans or conservatives don't care about other people. It's just that the circle of people they care for is much, much smaller. As someone who has been to the middle east and spoken to people and got to get a feel for attitudes and opinions... republicans and conservatives are so very similar to these all the different tribal, Muslim groups that some of them seem to hate that it's ridiculous. I'd go into it more but I think that's enough rambling for now. Quite frankly, I'm glad this AHCA didn't pass (that's another big L for Trump, no matter how he tries to dodge it with semantics, just a transparent attempt to save face). It wouldn't have worked because like most republican calls for tax cuts, it isn't financially sound or stable in any meaningful way. And as with taxes, the numbers for costs and penalties should be reassessed and changed to meet the needs and requirements that different times and situations require. Edit: You do realize that the creation and adoption of the insurance system in our free market is the major reason WHY healthcare is so costly in the first place? It's because our beloved free marketeers recognized and took advantage of an insurance company's ability to pay much larger quantities of money in exchange for health service than any single average person (and are contractually obligated to do so in the terms of the contract). Between medical service providers amping up the cost for care and insurance providers using this as both proof and excuse that everybody needs health insurance, the average person gets boned. Now they have to pay higher and higher insurance rates for less coverage (another way the insurers combat payouts to medical providers). It's a terrible cycle and system, and I think that's why Erick and I agree that the problem with health care is that it is run for profit. Edit 2: And I just want to make it clear why certain people don't like that the AHCA still held onto the facet of not allowing companies to reject people for having pre-existing conditions. And they're mainly insurers. What it means, as it is hinted above, is that insurance companies are compelled to pay out. Before, an insurer could look at someone who has a condition that needs chronic care (med prescriptions, etc) and refuse to offer them insurance because they knew they would have to pay for that stuff and it would eat into their profits from that person, or even go beyond that if the condition was severe and/or the medicine is that expensive. The way insurance works is that they want to insure the young, the health, the strong, the ones who take care of themselves and don't take risks. That way, they only pay for the rare freak accident or disease, and the cost is absorbed by the other people they insure. If they can't say no, this is a problem. But again, this is a problem because healthcare is for profit and not a social service paid for by taxes.
  3. Well, that's still assuming you raised those 3* to level 40... That would have taken a heavy toll on time and/or crystals and shards. Although this does reaffirm my theory that dancing/singing units are incredibly powerful in their own way. A force multiplier, I would even venture to say. And as far as these builds go, I haven't forgotten what I said. I'm still thinking about how to divide and organize it. Characters, sacrifice characters, star based ability options, overall rarity/accessibility, and of course crediting the ones who put up their thoughts. Much to think about. Sometimes I think a big complicated spread sheet might work well enough to cover mass amounts of detail if you know what to look at and look for but yeah... Takes quite a bit of forethought and work. In tangential news, I'm at over 19K feathers saved up and soon I will be able to make Kagero a 5* unit. I know I could turn a lot of 3* characters into better, more viable 4* inheritance fodder with all those feathers but Kagero just puts in the work in Lunatic and Arena matches. It's also not a common thing to do that I know of but I do plan on making a screenshot of her stats at lvl 40 at both 4* and 5*. I'm still not certain enough about this stat RNG growth thing to be completely sure she'll get the rolls that will make her at least a little bit better in every stat at max level. I also have battled enough lucky bastards with Hectors in Arena to also reinforce my theory that I need this broseph for my team. My 5* young tiki absolutely shuts him down. She's a really good tank in her own right but it feels like she was made just to counter him. Even poor old 4* Frederick, also a green unit but with a Hammer for taking out knights gets clobbered by this man. No fucks given. and his auto double retaliation at over 80% health (aka, anyone who dares attack him first) at any range means that unless they're Tiki.... they're absolutely dead or nearly so, and you know Hector or someone else is gonna close in and end them next turn. Maybe it's cuz I don't have any really good red units, as I mentioned earlier, but Hector is scary and I have to focus my arena fights on keeping tiki alive so she can take him out when normally she leads the offense and allows my other units to close in and finish what's left.
  4. You were the one who was eager to play the new Mass Effect, right?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      I'll get to it soon. Probably. Maybe.

    3. Sheep


      I wish I could play it but I'm gonna hold off until holidays. In June probably. Even then that's only a week, and I've heard it's pretty big so maybe I want to wait until November/December when I have some proper holidays.

    4. Maelstrom


      Yeah, I'm still just scratching the surface at the beginning, atm.

  5. Maybe @Arkhi or @Felix- @Cool Girl or @Rosesong- I just found out this exists and it's just so pretty...
  6. My 5* young tiki doesn't orko hector every time, but she generally takes 0 damage (8 at max) from hector on defense and removes his ability to counter attack first at above 80% hp. I have 4 or 5 effies now. If I could sell her off, I would. I have a 4* Sheena too but its too soon to really say how she handles herself.
  7. Anybody interested in a ME Andromeda stream?

    1. Maelstrom


      oh lord, I'm gonna drown in these sidequests again.

  8. You know, I wasn't exactly thrilled that they were making another ME game but I'm liking the way the story starts off so far. This is gonna be fun blind run.

    1. Maelstrom


      I feel like we're about to unleash something we shouldn't.

  9. I really don't have that many red units. I got Eiricka but she's not that great. Roy and eliwood are meh at best. Draug and Olivia are a pain to raise. Caeda is a huge disappointment. I have both Tikis but I have to consider that they deal magic damage and not physical. I'm working on stahl but he doesn't exactly stand out.
  10. As much as I don't like Roy, I kinda wanna keep my one copy of him. and I still haven't even looked at my 3* M-Robin.
  11. Waiting for ME Andromeda to dl and install. What should I do in the meantime?

  12. So who would you sacrifice to make this Takumi killer? Blarraven I know I could give from a spare Cecilia. Idk who has bowbreaker, and moonbow I could steal off one of the 3 or so odins I have now. Which particular character would you steal triangle adept from?
  13. If anybody comes up with some killer inheritance recipes and shit, I'd be happy to add em to the OP. There's a lot of researching and grinding to get done to make the most of the system and it would be nice to have some inspired builds to focus on.
  14. It doesn't get challenging till you hit lunatic and 7th or 8th stratum in training. really, 10th stratum just cheats. BE isn't a challenge at all. You literally have to wait till RNG gives you someone good. And even 5* characters in that game can be trash. Far as I can tell, the meta is far more strict than in heroes, and most of the time, moves and abilities that make a character unique have no effect on bosses and monsters and movepools are absolute garbage. Take Garland for example. He has shit for magic stats and semi decent phsy stats. He has all magical attacks except for some really shitty dark attacks, (like 1.2 phys damage in exchange for 25+% max health and a gravity attack that works on nobody). If I had a team of 5 Noctis at 6 stars each, I would win the game. period. no jokes. hands down. your best 6* character just died 5 times over already. BE had an update recently where i have no idea where to look to read the little story tidbit behind each character. So now I have no idea who the fuck any of these characters are that I summon. Except for the treasure seeking adventurer with iconic whip and hat is whose name is Montana instead of indiana or Kenyu, who is no way at all a jab at ken and ryu at all. I don't see the argument for superior gameplay when team composition and movements play an entirely crucial role in any and every single match in Heroes, whereas in BE the match is decided way before it begins and is completely unforgiving to newcomers.
  15. "Why?" Insert that into a random daily conversations throughout the day and see what answer you get.

  16. It's been years since I've been to a library. I don't even know where the closest one is from here, tbh. But the last time I went to any libraries, I was surprised that they were building up collections of movies and music cd's. No video games yet. As for your libraries, when you say rent, do you mean that you pay to borrow games for a while? I'm thinking it's just a translation thing- We rent apartments and cars, but we borrow or check out books from the library for free. A lot of the places that used to rent out games got shut down. Blockbuster and Hastings used to rent out games as well as movies but they went under. I don't know of any chains that rent games out except for gamefly, which works like netflix through the mail, but they probably have everything available for these later gens consoles that use discs. *looks it up* I was mostly right. Ps3/4, xb360/1, pc, 3ds. wiiu.
  17. I got a 3* M-Robin and it gave me the summoning animation. I feel gipped.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      The bwostring is actually only missing in her attack animation since it'd be drawn directly over her face, which... isn't something you want to do in a piece lolol.

    3. Maelstrom


      @5hift I don't see it.


    4. 5hift
  18. I'd say that the Hylians are elves. Must be the ears and the magic.
  19. I too got Jaffar on my first roll. I also ended up with Priscilla and Azura. Was hoping for Ninian, but Azura and her dancing will do for now. Arena teams with dancers seem to be doing really well lately. All 5* btw. Got Sheena and Gordin at 4*.
  20. @Felix- how far did you get into Gantz? You should really check out Gantz: 0 on netflix.

    1. Felicity


      I actually watched that after ending the Osaka arc so I had what happened fresh in my mind when I watched it. When I came to terms with the changes they made to accommodate it as a standalone film I liked it, although FUCK the lip syncing and Anzu's voice actor. RN I'm kinda sitting on continuing it, I've heard the ending steams towards even more "oh shit this is getting bad" territory and I'm unsure as to whether I'd enjoy that.

  21. Just finished rewatching Yu Yu Hakusho. Let me tell ya, it holds up really well (except for maybe the bit about the 4 saint beasts, you should skip that). It's also one of rare times where the Dub is much better than the sub. I watched it in english with the subs still on and you can really see how improved upon the translation with the dub.
  22. I'd say start with Awakening, as you already have a foot in that door. It's definitely good for starting. Then move on to Fates. Then PoR/Radiant Dawn Then maybe try some older games which are more an exercise in frustration than the amazing fun the above players would have you believe. I've played all the FE games that came out in the US. There's a lot of mechanics and restraints that you'll have to monitor a lot more closely and just make a lot of micromanaging decisions. They see that as challenged accepted. I see it as an annoyance that severely slows down the gameplay and story. Not to mention the likely resets when rng plays its many jokes on you.
  23. Your sister's skill rating must be pretty low then. Lvl 98 only says so much, like how much time was spent playing. Look into the settings and see how many total hours played or something.
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