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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB58QbnDKPw
  2. Internal clock needs to be reset. Imma work on that right a-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  3. Maelstrom


    Banned for using the best Riven fan-art I've ever seen.
  4. That super beef bowl thing from Persona 4. That looks sooooo friggin' good.
  5. Well, if there's resolutions to start/finish games we own... Start FF6 Start AC5 Finish KH final remix and move onto CoM and 258/2 Plantinum Soul Sacrifice (only 2 more trophies to go, and just an easy grind for those two) Finish Portal 2 single player campaign, do free DLC coop with Godot/steam people Start SMT5 Finish Project X Zone Finish the last few character stories in P4A Finish playing through P4G. Eventually transfer over my stuff using poke-transfer and re-EV train everything I plan on using, breeding, etc. Maybe finish playing ToA, ToG, but not really feeling those games at all. Finish ME:2 and upload clear data to ME:3 Finish FF13, then play FF13-2 if I like the first one at all. Finish paying off the final house upgrades in New Leaf Try out Malicious Try out Uncharted 3 Finish Zone of the Enders HD collection Perhaps replay MGS4 so I remember all the important stuff that happened in MGS1 and 4 all at the same time. Finish SMT Soul Hackers Finish new restarts of pearl, platinum, soul silver, and white. Finish playthrough of X. Finish Super Paper Mario Finish virtual console play through of LoZ: Oracle of Ages Finish KH 3DS
  6. Maelstrom


    Banned because liking absol is too mainstream. xP
  7. Maelstrom


    banned for cat burglar avatar.
  8. Just so you guys realize, there's an option to delete your status. Just look for it the next time you mistake it for a search bar again.

    1. Maelstrom


      Hint: it's faint, but hidden next to the date of post.

  9. Remember to use the screen-cap on my Vita more, capture some P3P and P4G feels. Survive another year in the army. Go swimming more. Go to bed at a decent time more often. I dunno what else.
  10. This is shanco who will only ever post in here once. >> << Absol?
  11. Tfw dreaming about a dystopia that's pretty much a blend between Elysium and the Hunger Games. And that tv host guy who does the interviews in the hunger games is actually the supreme leader in this dream and is purposely driving everything into the ground. =/
  12. TFW looking for this on itunes and not finding it, but finding Theatrhythm tracks grouped by song type- BGM, EMS, FMS, and even my favorites from the chaos shrine.
  13. TFW browsing through PSN, looking for unexpected DLC and avatars. Findings: Free Portal 2 DLC. Valkyria Chronicles wallpaper Dissidia Duodecim Character avatars are awesome, and 49 cents each Games that have really nice looking art/avatars: Atelier, Neptunia
  14. I am thou. Thou art I.

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKabmuqqG2w
  16. Utah asks supreme court to stop gay marriages I will laugh with inordinate glee when their request gets shot down on the 3rd.
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