Well, if there's resolutions to start/finish games we own...
Start FF6
Start AC5
Finish KH final remix and move onto CoM and 258/2
Plantinum Soul Sacrifice (only 2 more trophies to go, and just an easy grind for those two)
Finish Portal 2 single player campaign, do free DLC coop with Godot/steam people
Start SMT5
Finish Project X Zone
Finish the last few character stories in P4A
Finish playing through P4G.
Eventually transfer over my stuff using poke-transfer and re-EV train everything I plan on using, breeding, etc.
Maybe finish playing ToA, ToG, but not really feeling those games at all.
Finish ME:2 and upload clear data to ME:3
Finish FF13, then play FF13-2 if I like the first one at all.
Finish paying off the final house upgrades in New Leaf
Try out Malicious
Try out Uncharted 3
Finish Zone of the Enders HD collection
Perhaps replay MGS4 so I remember all the important stuff that happened in MGS1 and 4 all at the same time.
Finish SMT Soul Hackers
Finish new restarts of pearl, platinum, soul silver, and white. Finish playthrough of X.
Finish Super Paper Mario
Finish virtual console play through of LoZ: Oracle of Ages
Finish KH 3DS