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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Yes, one who lives with me and a few others I've never met. Odd to think about that right now. The next person would think it awesome to go swimming with sharks.
  2. This is how the city of El Paso got rid of the ASARCO smoke stacks.

  3. Ame frequents other forums?! You take back that dirty lie!!!
  4. Godot plays monster hunter. I don't. I tried it and hated it. What else you play on the 360? I've got BL2 and P4A, but for PS3. The only things I play on 360 nowadays is halo4 and black ops 2.
  5. Oh hai, just on break from head shots with an SMG. Let's go with... Alpha
  6. TFW jumping up 9 levels in Black Ops 2 after not having played it in at least a year. And I'm just on break. I have more people to shoot.
  7. TFW I can't stop hating on Nintendo now. After owning all the Game Boys and consoles since SNES and only having really owned nothing of the others before 360 and PS3... Nintendo has just murdered itself these last 2 generations. The only thing it does right anymore is handhelds, and that's still ignoring wifi for that too.
  8. Well it was either that or the holy hand grenade, but if god had used that, he'd look like a redneck fishing. 8/10 Any more custom pokemballs over there on DA?
  9. Borderlands 2? For what system? For that matter, what systems do you have? No incinerators, but the paper shredder works just as well. Usually.
  10. floating ruins revamp. I like it. The blue lines on the main body of the stage kinda feel out of place though.
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