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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom


    Banned for being from the obviously sovereign nation of New Mexico. You know, because it's not the old one.
  2. Barack Obama back in Germany, this past June. Read the whole speech though. It's very good. http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/06/19/remarks-president-obama-brandenburg-gate-berlin-germany
  3. Maelstrom


    Banned for Dr Who teleporting phone booth pokeball.
  4. Nah, not really. Even if vampires are a study in human condition and tragedy. The next person likes Katy Perry.
  5. I'm here, and I would have replied in your spot if the forums hadn't chosen that moment to die. Alina?
  6. Seems fair. Lanaya for queen and Miku for jack frost.
  7. Epic Rap battles. Capone vs Blackbeard was pretty damn good.

  8. Welcome to humanity, take a number, have a seat. This line isn't going anywhere fast. And for those of you the server last night... I am no glass cannon. D= The truth is... I've been saving souls and tanking it up- beefed up defenses and superior healing spells. Up front in the monster's face while Godot rains hell from behind with his atk boosting, def reducing arm tattoos. Fire drake eggs go BOOM!
  9. I don't think everyone understands the rules for this game...
  10. Maelstrom


    Banned because waifus waffles.
  11. well that was a safe bet around here wasn't it. The next person saw Pacific Rim and enjoyed it.
  12. If running around trying to have fun is pointless... Imma try to be as pointless as possible. Working to live, not living to work, etc, etc, #lessonsfromsenpai
  13. Brave, how does one become so stylish?
  14. You just love the bad girls or just that look on her face?
  15. Aggron is Nidoking's armored cousin. Articuno
  16. Maelstrom


    Banned because that ain't a penguin. It's a peregrine.
  17. Nice try but no cigar. You don't really want one anyways. Let's go with Kamina.
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