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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. No, try again. For once, I'm still around and lurking these places. I suppose I guess... alpha
  2. As an active duty soldier who has been deployed to Afghanistan... I want to be the first to call this Unknown a retard.
  3. um... you pray to arceus for a miracle after soaking the bit in your blood as a show of sincerity on your part. I dunno, I'm way behind in the reborn game
  4. King of Hell reporting. The capital is quite a party city, lemme tell ya. Rolls a dice and bets on Alpha.
  5. Maelstrom


    Banned because you never finished P3P.
  6. Peppy is an old hand and not annoying in the slightest. Slippy, on the other hand...
  7. Maelstrom


    Banned for not seeing that as a good leader, I give recognition to those who have earned it.
  8. Nope. Just a repeat offender here. Speaking of which... Fezzdoge, show yourself!
  9. "Republicans reach out to Women. And the Women get a restraining order."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chevaleresse


      Republicans, in my opinion, are idiots. Democrats are well-intentioned idiots. And the others are too small to do anything. /pessimism off

    3. Maelstrom


      Psst, there's a Soap Box thread that's perfect for discussing this further.

    4. Requieon


      @Murdoc Truer words have ne'er been spoken.

  10. I don't know how to describe my chin, so I dunno. Let us 'seize the karp'
  11. Maelstrom


    Since I'm Lucifer, it's just "For GLORY... for FREEDOM!", thank you very much. Banned for employing several of my favored minions in your signature.
  12. I'm looking for the glitter but I don't see it.
  13. Lol, I like how she kind of acknowledges how bad 'Friday' was at the beginning of the song. Still sings a mediocre song though. I was at the store, buying drinks when I hear this and get right in the nostalgia. Wipes out the bad funk I was in yesterday and today. http://youtu.be/qdzbjUWu2VU?t=1m9s Edit: And then linked videos were From This Moment- Shania Twain Because You Loved Me- Celine Dion
  14. Maelstrom


    Banned because your avatar just screams "for the glory of Satan of course!"
  15. Maelstrom


    Banned for obscured dragon.
  16. Porygon for megaman interest.
  17. I think the last game we won was because they were bad at recovering after their own successful ganks and I was like, gobble up all the minion waves and cross jungles to rake in all the money and exp.
  18. This is where you take a lesson from history and form mutually beneficial alliances with ideologically friendly, larger countries. Err, classmates. Diplomacy skills, activate.
  19. In b4 "WHERE'S MY WIFE?!" like a bad Gears of War storyline. And I had a daughter?!! What did she look like???
  20. Bitch pls, Owen. I need january to go smoothly and hopefully I get the leave days I want. Though I don't know how many that is.
  21. TFW you look at Elinicia's art from PoR and look at her art from FE:A. It's like they took some really bad fanfic of her being a robotic amazon princess and used that art for FE:A.
  22. Wasted away again in margaritaville... *hiccup* Jimmy Buffet's before even my time.
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