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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. tfw you're really not satisfied with your 3 midterm exam essays (all for the same class, btw), but you did 'em last minute and the deadline is coming up in a few more minutes so you say fuck it, wrap it up, and submit it online. shoulda given it more time but there's no point to worrying about it now.
  2. Happy birthday, ya spring chicken. Keep on dodging them venomous varmints.
  3. The wasteland is over there... but I can tell you which power rangers arc was the worst- turbo force.
  4. Definitely depends on the genre of games you've been playing. Some are really easy to burn out on. Platformers, for one, end up feeling samey after a short while. And then there's the LoZ and mario games, which are all pretty similar. I still play lots of shooters but I don't bother with Battlefield or CoD anymore. Every Tales of Game is pretty much the same and I'm not the biggest fan of their combat system either.
  5. The game looks easy, as I sit here and watch godot play. It's a bunch of simple puzzles for the most part, and the combat against average enemies is braindead easy. I keep seeing godot get one shot or nearly so in other fights and it makes me wonder if he missed all the hints on where to go and what to collect first before heading off in a random direction. The boss fight mechanics are pretty simple too. Not really a fan of the weapon durability thing. That's one of my least favorite things about Fire Emblem games. Best parts so far are the flashbacks and cut scenes with dialogue. Second thing I can think of liking is that you can just go and pick up the weapons the enemies were using.
  6. It might be easier to just round up (looking at that +8.45) or round down your time zone than to add in all the random little places that kinda just do their own thing.
  7. Freddy get's demolished by Ursula herself thanks to his super low Res, despite having the color advantage. He's tough enough to tank an attack or two from the mounted knight though. It just sucks that your initial positioning on this map is so terrible.
  8. I keep trying for one of the 3 princes, but I got more women out of it than ever. I even got a 4 star Eirika out of it. When did my luck turn so bad?
  9. Use proper insulation and run around in circles to build up body heat?
  10. Full combo'd another song on hard. oh yeah.

  11. 15? Still so young... train up if you want to fight me in my next form, much less my final form, scrub.
  12. Fuck you. I mean happy birthday. or something like that. idk.
  13. given your classy name, I could take a few guesses as to the possible whys... Are you banned here or on the server? Do you have a dynamic ip that might have changed spontaneously to a banned ip? What was the username you were trying to log in as?
  14. I started on Eirika's team because I actually have her and by using her you're supposed to get bonus power after winning a gauntlet match, but it ended up not being enough. Switching from Kagero to Eirika for those battles just makes it more trouble than it was worth.
  15. Yeah, my poor Eirika is losing pretty badly. I forsee Lucina winning the whole thing at this point.
  16. I really hope you can inherit the whole skill class and not just what the losing unit has unlocked. All my heroes at or near lvl 40 have hundreds of extra SP they can't do anything with...

  17. Yeah, and I was trying to give him buffs with both Jeorge and Saizo, since they both have Spur speed, but with his current stats being so low, it really didn't help enough. And... I just pulled a 5* Linde. Is she any good? I'm checking her skills and I'm not a fan of Ardent sacrifice. I mean, I guess it's good that you can have an attack unit that pull off a little bit of heal in a pinch, but that heal isn't strong enough to offset her own hp loss, especially since she looks to be glass canon-y. However with aura, it looks like she'd pair well with any of the dragons, especially Femui. Lead off with the bulky dragon to do damage and defuff, follow up with Linde's range attack right behind her to give Femui back 5 hp. her lvl 1 stats are Hp- 16 Atk- 22 Spd- 10 Def- 4 Res- 6 She could use a good Ability, Support, and B skill to help her out... https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/hero/linde Edit: Okay, totally replacing Odin with Linde. Maybe give her Odin's Moonbow (2 to charge, resolve as if foe suffered def/res- 30%) if it lets me or tomebreaker or defiant attack. He's got good skills. It just sucks that he kinda sucks too bad to make good use of 'em.
  18. Yeah, Kagero definitely my favorite meta-unit killer. Had to try out out some of the 4* summoning gave me recently. I spent like 50 on the prince focus and still haven't gotten one and the rate has increased to over 4% for 5* and focus. grr. Oh yeah, it gave me awakening Tiki and her lightning breath really helps her out (retaliate from any range).
  19. Is it just me or is Saizo rather weaksauce? Makes me regret the 2k feathers to make him 4*. He needs the poison damage to actually make up for his lack of damage but he can't kill with it. He's good at support and setting up attacks against non-ranged or ranged countering units, but that makes him hard to level up. I'll probably end up using him as inheritance fodder. It might help to unlock his skill that debuffs enemies around the target. In fact, Jeorge does his job a lot better. Hits hard, seals attack, and adj allies get a stat boost in battle. He feels a lot like takumi when it comes to just straight up taking enemy units out. And Odin has some pretty weak attack too....
  20. I must break you. /Russian accent

    1. Combat


      Sorry you have to friend. /Canadian accent

  21. "When men do what they're supposed to do, it's not always about what they want."

  22. That's kind of the point. There are so many good games out there with so many different things that are great about them. Picking a single one out of them is like asking a parent to choose their favorite child. It isn't that the standard is low so much as so many games deserve recognition and praise. Honestly, if you (or someone else) say you watched watched 200+ anime series, your standards are too low. Or you watched way too much because you had way too much time on your hands. A discerning watcher just doesn't watch that much crap to the end. How many of those 200 were worth the time spent on them? Every season, I look at so many synopses and pilot episodes and I have to ask why people think this is particularly interesting or cool. I only have so much time and attention to pay to anything. It has to be worth my while to continue it. I really can't fathom how one can claim to watch or play so much stuff (assuming to completion?) and still claim to have standards. I too have been gaming since I was 7 yo, if not before. Certainly my allowance at least meant I had to be selective in my gaming choice. And truly, I've never been as disappointed as I am nowadays when I have the cash to drop on games I wouldn't have if I were still on a small, strict allowance that required me to do a lot of research on potential buys. And you have to recognize that I'm 30 now, with more systems under my belt than Godot. I've always been and always will be critical of the movies I watch and the games I play. And that means being able to appreciate when things are done artfully.
  23. I didn't realize you were such a computer nerd, Tempest. =P How tall are you by the way? I've got a cousin who's up there in MN for work and by all descriptions, it is inhabited by tall people frost giants.
  24. I think he can be a really boring character to play in overwatch. I have no idea. I did see someone post a pic of Rein doing ridiculous line damage to things earlier but I have no real idea how he plays as a unit in this game nor in his original FE game habitat. I could probably post Tiki doing something similar but that wouldn't say that much either.
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