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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. I've known professional short stories with fewer words. What are you gonna waste so many words talking about?
  2. My ipod camera >>>> my cell phone camera. And then the resolution looks better when you make the picture smaller on the computer before you prints creen 'n crop.
  3. Maelstrom


    Banned for being interested in fan-fiction, a genre that always fails to meet the standards of the inspirational original.
  4. A fighting safari. Only the second I've encountered.
  5. cutesy interpretation of 2 P3P characters, 9/10
  6. Maelstrom


    Banned for not realize how much the dash of blue makes it all better.
  7. "I sure hope we solve this mystery." *And nothing happens!* (bonus points if you know who I'm quoting) Annoying world is annoying. This is all you're gonna get. Sora gets pwned by Cloud, Cloud gets sucker-pawed by Cerberus, Hercules saves the day. Sora defeats a severely weakened hellhound. Cloud still badass.
  8. But I totally won... Stupid Sora doesn't even lift. Why can't I play as Riku??? Bitch, what did you just say to me?! Well, this isn't Sparta...
  9. That first and final day of peace. On a secret mission in uncharted space. Fateful night That canonically important moment:
  10. This is what I've found so far: Godot: Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops Silver: Pikachu, Pachirisu Flamani: Phanpy, Camerupt, Palpitoad Shadow: Panpour, Gyarados, Poliwhirl Owen: Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Floette (Red) Roo: Shuppet, Phantump David: Combee, Volbeat, Pinsir Edge: Panpour, Quagsire R.J.: Teddiursa, Mincino James: Mightyena, Cacturne Fred: Wooper, Dugtrio, Gastrodon Ame: Teddiursa, Minccino McZipo: UNK, Pumpkaboo, Driflblim Jonah: Snover, Sneasle, Cloyster Frodude: Gabite, Shelgon, Sliggoo Renzo: Octillery, Quagsire, Froggadier Eclispe: Pachirisu, Pikachu Phoenix: Pansage, SAWSbuck (Spring), Maractus Kalina: Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier Aeon: Pansear, Slugma, Ninetales Crys: Ferroseed, Metang, Bronzong Khayoz: Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon Raul: Dunsparce, Loudred, Ditto Dallas: Shuppet, Phantump, Drifleblim Neutral12: Pidgey, Tranquil, Tropius Shade: Tangela, Sawsbuck (Spring), Maractus Wes: Kakuna, Ariados, Drapion Dana KS: Pawniard, Sneasle Nose: Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus Lanaya: Lampent, Pumpkaboo David J: Grumpig, Sigilyf, Gothorita Lust: Magmar, Slugma, Fletchinder Melody: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus Roo: Spearow, Swanna, Fletchinder Joe: Electrode, Electabuzz, Galvantula Major: Butterfree, Beautifly, Vivillon Ricki: Pidgey, Hoothoot, Rufflet Tempest: Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika Lee Lee: Tediursa, Minccino, Smeargle KT: Gloom, Swalot, Muk T.S. Elliot: Dwebble, Corsola, UNK Fila: Gloom, Swalot, Whirlipede JayDo: Lilipup, Loudred, Chansey Beau/Skeleton: Spearow, Woobat, Fletchinder Inuki: Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Floette (Blue) Bocoom: UNK, Bergmite, Dewgong Zoroark MS: Dwebble, Pupitar, Barbacle Evan: Cascoon, Swalot Felipe: Onix, Dwebble, Dezae: Ferroseed, Metang, I-van M: Ponyta, Charmeleon Braixen Bob/Monkeeman: Throh, Mienfoo Callan: Meditite, Pancham
  11. You still don't have me added though... double check the code you put in for typos
  12. I'll have to scope you out on Halo waypoint to see what it says your CSR is. Elite is pretty close to my level and Nutcase is probably above me.
  13. gloomy looky avy/10. 8/10 isn't too bad I suppose.
  14. Well, time for a re-spec and update. Do you have BL2 for PS3, Jacze? I don't like the last 3 skills in the sniper tree because it requires the sniper rifle or taking your time aiming down the sights. In Ultimate vault hunter mode and the incredible reliance on the bee to do relevant amounts of damage, sniper rifles are outclassed in damage output by good SMGs. Gotta love weapon swap and reload speed. Kunai ultimate ability is incredibly awesome, doing incredible amounts of damage while doing lots of elemental damage and slagging to boot. I like to keep my distance and don't melee much at all, but killing blow is totally worth it. Can't remember how many times that skill has gotten me a kill revive when my equipped weapons weren't doing crap in fight for your life. And kill skill abilities to increase speed, reload, regen health and stuff? Always good. Although I might respec and try out a more melee build if I find a good maylay shield.
  15. Well, if it's any consolation, she'd do it to you, but she's glad you put her out of her misery so yeah. QQ, Sortiara.
  16. Come my minions, fly for you master. Let your evil shine!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Gyaradoskiller


      Mael, go back to typing school, you got a typo.

    3. Maelstrom


      First one ever, obviously.

    4. Gyaradoskiller
  17. You're forgetting rule #1 of the internet: Pics or it didn't happen.
  18. Maelstrom


    Banned because maid Nidalee should be more professional about taking orders.
  19. This is what happens when start an alternate account and go on matchmaking. Sou1nado This is how I looked at my peak. Guess what you have to do in the next level.
  20. Incidentally, verified as girl gamer. Dat wall.
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