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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Hardest boss to fight in KH1 is without a doubt Trickmaster.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neo


      A-Are we just going to ignore Sephiroth/Phantom?

    3. T-Raz


      Phantom I think really is the hardest boss.@_@ Unknown was pretty difficult to.

    4. Maelstrom


      Never had a problem with Hollow Bastion. Phantom was a bitch, and Sephiroth wasn't quite so bad. I'll let you know if I change my mind during my KH 1.5 run through.

  2. Dezae, Chrattac, apathetic panda, and monkeeman still haven't added me. 1633-4263-3297
  3. I've seen at least as much elegant as modern on GTS, if not more.
  4. Just needs more attitude is all. there used to be a lot of Jews who were German...
  5. Not sure if Greek, Jewish, or both. Either way, damn, look at that lady killer.
  6. Married women are easy to talk to. So much invisible tension with a single lady, who generally has her nose stuck up in the air at you.

    1. Gyaradoskiller


      It's hard for me to talk to my mom without pissing her off though.

  7. Maelstrom


    Banned for hunting. I seriously don't see the sport in it
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO9Qa7MpAvw
  9. Maelstrom


    Banned for favorable bias for certain letters.
  10. I'd be interested but I'd have to take some time to think of some concepts for you to work on for me.
  11. Magikarp is able to splash over mountains. You should be able to use it to skip tunnels and caves and stupid obstacle filled paths from the entrance all the way to the end.
  12. Contradictory. 'They're trying to be second parents but they don't care how they scrape by.' What? if students don't pass one way or another, teachers alone are punished under the no child left behind act passed into law by George Bush, so if they like to keep eating and sleep under a roof of some sort, they have to abandon their integrity to survive I don't understand this. Explain this to me. This non sequitur eludes me. Which is probably why it doesn't work, but I have no idea how a teacher would use attraction to try to teach a class. WTH is this? So you're saying every teacher should reach out to every student and teach far beyond what the curriculum strictly states they are supposed to learn. After you just argued that most of them give no shits and would rather not be there at all. What? Teachers are human, not miracle workers. You can't reason with a two year old and if they never grew out of their "no" phase, so how is a teacher supposed to undo a lifetime of conditioning for each and every student they have for but a fraction of a single year? If the 70% aren't going to give fucks every year no matter what, and the other 30% are going to pay attention every year... Whose behavior needs the most changing? pretty sure they're legally obligated to unless they can prove a hardship case. And it's kind of a good idea to make it mandatory if no employer in their right mind would choose to hire somebody with the attitude that the extremely basic skills they're supposed to learn by the end of high school is a waste of time. If they really wanted to opt out of 'that nonsense' they could take the GED and graduate from public education ahead of time. This is the basis of peer review, and I'm glad you chose to voice this. What I mean by this is that you gave your perspective and allowed others the chance to say that they hadn't though of it in in those terms and you widened their point of view, or to say that they think that you might have missed X, Y, and Z. The very basic principle of discussion is to hone your thought processes against those whom have take some time to contemplate the same issue. I salute you for putting your ideas out there and await others to point out things I may or may not have noticed or mentioned within my own rebuttal.
  13. Incensed. Indignant. I will have my say.

  14. Seems to me that only if they're hacked will they be completely unable to transfer. Otherwise you should be good to go. They just may not be able to participate in official wifi competitions and such.

    1. Summer


      btw server is unstable atm but ok to get on

  16. well, I guess that explains certain friend safaris that don't have a 3rd pokemon that I would have figured would have beaten the e4 by now.
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