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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. How astonishing that this should so remind me of a certain gray kitty with wings. I see you were having fun on Halloween Ame. I had to work till 2am
  2. If blue was the last time you played... well, you've got a LOT to catch up on. Welcome to Hotel California Reborn. Enjoy your stay.
  3. Kind of tired of all these thoughtless words ending in Y. You guys can change how it ends you know. >> Yelling/Yelled take yer pick
  4. So, who wants a Polar Vivillon.

    1. Nico Nico Nii~

      Nico Nico Nii~

      me, me, pick me

      *raises hand

  5. What, are you gonna go trick or treating from church to church? =P
  6. I suddenly really wanted to play Folklore again because of Halloween and then I come to find out I left it in Texas. qq
  7. I literally saw that on the site 3 minutes ago and that's exactly what I thought. Hope there's more where that came from.
  8. Maelstrom


    Banned for not acquiescing to people's requests of you for food and stuff.
  9. Why haven't you added me yet, Elliot? I'm like front page of the friend code topic too 1633-4263-3297
  10. I think I just saw a ditto I traded away being offered up for a trade on GTS. xD Got a couple vivillions of different patterns. Lots of purple ones up for trade, and lots of cool pattern ones (ocean and savannah) being put up for legendaries. >> No one wants speed boost whirlipede though.
  11. Moxie Pyroar?? Ok.

    1. Color


      trolling gamefreak

  12. 3rd is Zebstrika D finally has a third pokemon in his safari, Braixen.
  13. Polar Pattern is best pattern, which is why I will go ahead and catch some more in someone's Safari and trade 'em away. That's actually a good idea to wonder trade with.
  14. Tfw people make posts after the bots, hiding the spam posts. Rather like gawkers and news media surrounding the scene of an accident, blocking emergency care workers from getting to the victims. :feelsgn:
  15. Don't listen to Cowtao. It's the students. And if there's any corruption at schools, its at colleges and universities where people with fancy named positions get the big bucks and the people who do the work don't, and then there's the college sports bullshit.
  16. I saw the pokemon name Volcanion again as a pokemon someone was looking for. If you pay to go into areas of cafes and talk to people, they'll tell you about pokemon. It is likely that this is how people have games that have heard of those names and thus allow them to search/ask for them on GTS.
  17. Okay, so squirtle can only learn Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere as egg moves. I checked my Clawitzer and it still knew all 4 of those moves so I know it for a fact.

    1. Color


      It is definitely Clawitzer

    2. Maelstrom


      Yeah, just saying squirtle can't get Dark Pulse or Heal Pulse if it can't get em as egg moves from Clawitzer.

  18. Well, I was gonna breed one but if you've got spares, I'd like one. I'd have to go through my stuff to see if I've got anything to give you in return.
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