This sounds like an awful system. Is there a set-time this takes place regularly? This alone would cut out large section of the community based on geography and daily activity. There's a bunch of other problems with this, like who is the one or ones who will host this and keep track? Is there a minimum number of people required for this tournament or will it devolve into the same two people battling it out at the same time everyday? When is the song start/end time? There's no information in this post whatsoever. This is as poorly explained and executed as forum exp. You still have to answer for that too, btw.
Use fewer letters, express more? Methinks not.
u iz bae vs You complete me, babe.
It doesn't bother me too too much that you guys took out this rule. Chatspeak and leet are still gonna look stupid in my eyes and I will be silently judging you. But it still bothers me. Fuck literacy, am I right guys? So no, not happy about it, but I don't care enough to argue to bring it back.