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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. The new-ish rockband expansion has me putting that mic to use again. (cuz I suck as the guitar, my fingers don't do that well independently it seems)

  2. Japan Australia Scotland Britain France Germany India Costa Rica Brazil South Korea New Zealand Argentina Canada Hong Kong and probably more I can't think of off the top of my head, and probably not in that order.
  3. Just some of the old trip pics that I really need to eventually upload to failbook. This is from my drive from Ft Bragg NC to El Paso Tx. try to guess some of the places I went to along the way.
  4. How hardcore you doing this? Cuz you could get the money or exp dlc's. They really only speed up things you could do by doing those random enemies on cleared map anyways.
  5. PSA: Bastion is broken in 3v3 elimination.
  6. inb4 Zumi cosplays Aloy.

    1. Zumi



      i'd do it if i actually had money and sewing skills to go with it so i could put a cosplay together LOL

  7. This sounds like an awful system. Is there a set-time this takes place regularly? This alone would cut out large section of the community based on geography and daily activity. There's a bunch of other problems with this, like who is the one or ones who will host this and keep track? Is there a minimum number of people required for this tournament or will it devolve into the same two people battling it out at the same time everyday? When is the song start/end time? There's no information in this post whatsoever. This is as poorly explained and executed as forum exp. You still have to answer for that too, btw. Use fewer letters, express more? Methinks not. u iz bae vs You complete me, babe. It doesn't bother me too too much that you guys took out this rule. Chatspeak and leet are still gonna look stupid in my eyes and I will be silently judging you. But it still bothers me. Fuck literacy, am I right guys? So no, not happy about it, but I don't care enough to argue to bring it back.
  8. You'd think the tipping point would be a Fox news caster admitting that what Trump is doing and saying is insane, but he still has a lot of supporters. And there are still conservatives who love the ACA and hate Obamacare without realizing that they're the same thing, all because of blind partisanship. I hope other conservatives get your message, but I really don't think there are many other conservatives at a place like this. skip to about 4:05 for the part about GOP members voicing their discontent in their hometowns. ngl, his humor is really stupid this episode though
  9. Maelstrom


    banned for the emo gif in your signature.
  10. more proof battleborn is better than overwatch.
  11. close enough. been a while since I played it and there's still no one to rope be back in to doing it.
  12. Yo, does anyone know or know of a resource that can tell you the level and types of units on each map in story mode? I gotta kill a few more armored units for 5 orbs and today is the last day for that challenge. nvm, I looked it up. 7-2 on lunatic has hector and another knight. 9-2 has 3 knights. Both are expensive stamina-wise.
  13. That was my guess and most of the people here play it on pc too, but I don't and I really hate playing fps's on pc.
  14. that sounds like a really terrible achievement. Is that an in-game thing or was it just something you challenged yourself with?
  15. I can never tell who is playing it on what, since this IS a cross-platform game and few people seem to remember to mention whether they're pc elitists or xb1/ps4 players. =/
  16. Yo, where are all the ps4 players of Reborn at?

    1. seki108


      Sadly, I'm still stuck at PS2, and even my physical copy of that is fading.

    2. Eternal Edge
    3. Maelstrom


      What are you playing and why aren't you playing it with me, Edge-kun?

  17. Tsukamori? the name reminds me of this song.
  18. I look and feel like a heartless as I end lives today.
  19. This color/paint scheme feels patriotic for some reason....

    1. Godot



    2. Maelstrom


      Must be my lucky armor. I tried my luck with my first duel today and came out 3-0.

    3. Godot


      ¡Que Viva Estados Unidos de America!

  20. Yeah, I've preferred to turn 5 3* into usable 4* rather than try to wait for the extra 10k feathers after getting the repost 10k. On that note, I think I need a better green mage unit than Cecilia. But I've only got 2x 3* Nino and now a 3* F-Robin (hey, 200 feathers is chump change and much better than hitting my head against that BS wall that is the 3* robin challenge. Should I work on either of these two or hope for someone else, assuming I have the orbs to pull more units?
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