Ah, dat gamefreak trying to do things with gender and gender differences. Like those cats. Apparently the female learns more attack moves and the male learns more support moves. Hmmmmm.
X has the more masculine mewtwo that is part fighting, while Y gets the more feminine mewtwo. Did I mention the stag is totally a male thing and birds (what with their singing, and their fragility yet surprising strength and beauty and grace is VERY often a feminine thing)? I think I may have mentioned half of that. Anyways...
Mega Garchomp gets sand force. ubers fo sho
Froakie evo looks like one cool customer, and does indeed begin to look more like a geko, which I noted before I saw the geko part in its japanese name. Slick.
Gotta get me that Iron Fist Pangoro named Kanji. Honor demands it.
The lion's evo is a bit underwhelming. Not impressed that they put the japanese kanji for 'fire' into his mane in red. derp derp. < Mufasa
Rock/Dragon Rex. <3. Now where's my Triceratops or does Aggron count?
Why do so many of these new pokemon have such dopey faces and/or big eyes? I am not a fan of this trend.