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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Haven't played it yet. Not sure which system I want to get it for though.
  2. Nah, they're announcing all the obvious ones first. The only put in WFT and Megaman to get a first big bite and now everyone's hooked, just waiting for new reveals. Once they're done with all the expected veterans that are returning and as the date comes a lot closer to the actual release is when they'll start throwing the other new characters at us. The release isn't expected for a long time, so they're still gonna string us along until the newer stuff becomes more finalized.
  3. Ah, dat gamefreak trying to do things with gender and gender differences. Like those cats. Apparently the female learns more attack moves and the male learns more support moves. Hmmmmm. X has the more masculine mewtwo that is part fighting, while Y gets the more feminine mewtwo. Did I mention the stag is totally a male thing and birds (what with their singing, and their fragility yet surprising strength and beauty and grace is VERY often a feminine thing)? I think I may have mentioned half of that. Anyways... Mega Garchomp gets sand force. ubers fo sho Froakie evo looks like one cool customer, and does indeed begin to look more like a geko, which I noted before I saw the geko part in its japanese name. Slick. Gotta get me that Iron Fist Pangoro named Kanji. Honor demands it. The lion's evo is a bit underwhelming. Not impressed that they put the japanese kanji for 'fire' into his mane in red. derp derp. < Mufasa Rock/Dragon Rex. <3. Now where's my Triceratops or does Aggron count? Why do so many of these new pokemon have such dopey faces and/or big eyes? I am not a fan of this trend.
  4. Aquarius the Water Bearer.

    1. Neo



  5. Where's this mega gengar people keep talking about?
  6. pretty sure you're limited to one mega evo per battle though. pretty sure i read that in the update before this one on serebii, so it would mean something tactically to have to choose.
  7. Megachomp has that strong eva chin.

  8. Pythagorean nuptial Lareceny yesterday yellow wWehrmacht typhoid ddelirium mmodicum m masticulate eessence eenterprise emboss Syphon Necrotic ccaustic Cetacean ii hate my cell phone. Retarded smart phone
  9. I'm still getting Y so I'll trade yoy my mewtwo with stone for yours and call it even, as i prefer the fighting/psychic mewtwo. II knew froakie would come out boss. and cheskipin's new evo plus mudshot boosts my theory of ground/grass final evo. fenekin will probably be fire/psychic to no one's surpise. froakie may end up as dual with air, his bubbly suds turning into clouds or something, but my hunch says pure water type all the way. I want that rex. oh and i imagine chespin's final with be more like ferrothorn but with a vertical body shape like donphan's. So alpaca was really poodle in disguise. Makes sense cuz France. so poofy
  10. Screw sleep. Proud Mode engage. Form of the guardian, at the cost of the mystic.

    1. Maelstrom


      Also, server is down.

  11. Might be the same age as somebody else's dad who I know is a psychologist but I don't think he ever really talked that way. Hmm. Ame, maybe you recall better the one I'm thinking of.
  12. Tfw I grabbed my preorder of KH1.5 remix during lunch break, but then don't get off work till way too late to play it. And it's 3 games in one, so I will be playing the hell out of it for a long time to come or at least till x/y come out
  13. Manifest Theoretical Lorry yakisoba Abash Homeostasis Succulent Tamper Reticule Espionage Emboss
  14. Maelstrom


    Banned because fenrich is funny and totally not derived from a certain dmc character. yeah.
  15. Maelstrom


    Banned for wanting to go to the circus. ASK DICK GRAYSON WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GO TO THE CIRCUS!!!
  16. 8/10 gun toting anime girl in an animation style I like. Not bad.
  17. I want the Bramble Blast remix back, but attached to a much better stage. On those notes, I hope they bring back the music select/frequency thing. Edit: tfw someone likes this post right before I screencap my likes at 666.
  18. Knowledge is freedom.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NeoDarklight


      Knowledge is a tool- everything depends on how you use it.

    3. Maelstrom


      Knowledge is freedom from lies and dependence. Knowledge is understanding points of view originally not your own- the father of tolerance and peace. Knowledge without discipline is chaos. Knowledge is a tool whose application is a way of life.

    4. Maelstrom


      I didn't use google. I just summed up what the others added. 0_O

  19. Maelstrom


    Banned for lack of a Folk Soul.
  20. Tribulation Nichevo ("it can't be helped") Obstreperous Silica Abstain Niacin Nictitating Gallant Tribunal Licentious Sabotage Estimable English Hallowed Defile Emblazon
  21. Maelstrom


    Banned for inventing OP moves, items, and abilities for pokemon.
  22. From from what I remember, universities love having international students. But you're still gonna need scholarships and money. None of the places you're looking at are cheap. And cost of living in California is relatively high.
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