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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Backhanded comment Didn't even bother to take the opinion serious, delegating it as a joke rather than a serious claim. Which is the second time you've played this tactic. And the first time resulted in a tierboard generated by a large, competition based gaming community. And you edited out your response of 'don't bother with a response.' Which also blatantly indicates how little you think anybody else's opinions are worth. You have this constant habit of looking down your nose at everything. You're like those kids back in the day that always slammed power ranger and pokemon and any number of things, making people who genuinely liked them feel bad that they did (and who, btw, were the ones who ended up later admitting that they liked those things). Instead of just explaining that say, Marx was an interesting plot-twist boss, you also had to try these little digs at other people's intellect.
  2. listen up primadonna. You're bad at arguing. unbelievably so. you can't go a single post without belittling other opinions for no other reason than you disagree . i've had enough of your condescending attitude. You're a stuck up little snob who wouldn't understand the concept of agree to disagree if it came up and falcon punched you into next week. No one here thinks you're especially witty in any way. Quite the opposite. I can't even think of anybody else who can compare to how thoroughly you've made an ass of yourself. Good bye aackalacka. I hear a playground without a bully and i just know you're dying take up that job again.
  3. Hey Lexii, happy birthday. Reborn just wouldn't be the same without you, as the others obviously attest to. Salud!
  4. 7/10- why is that zombie playing a cello? and not trying to eat that entertainer girl?
  5. Nintendo made Bayonetta. kay. but unless they tone her down A LOT, she still doesn't fit in. And I'm given to understand a lot of people have played chrono trigger. I'm definitely not one of 'em though. I'd be down with jigglypuff disappearing and being replaced by just about anybody, really. But I kinda doubt that it'll happen. shucks.
  6. Maelstrom


    Banned because no matter what you do or say, your name will always be seen as a typo for Aron.
  7. Gotta read more than the OP, yo. And even if it wasn't fake, this wouldn't be saying that there's a SECOND mega evo for mewtwo.
  8. First things first, Imma choose my favorite axe murderer, the villager.
  9. Maelstrom


    Banned because that particular avy makes me think of vaporeon every time.
  10. for torchic it's like... why would I even want this? Imma box it up and never let it out and it'll sit there and choke on the dust of disuse. I really don't mind the choice of the other two starters though. Hopefully that means your rivals will have the other starters and begin to give you a run for your $P.
  11. Maelstrom


    Banned for not having a team.
  12. @ godot's post about pacman most definitely being in Most likely in? How could you say that? At most, he's had a most recent cameo in Wreck it Ralph and all he did was show up for a few seconds to eat a few things. Cuz that's all he does. If we were the Axis of Awesome, I'd tell you to fuck off, Chicken Little. http://youtu.be/5pidokakU4I?t=43s
  13. Wake up in the morning feeling like Vin Diesel. Fuck off Kesha, 1UP Anyways, one of the lost pictures from my vacation to the industrious state of California. Could not keep a straight face for this picture.
  14. Hello, and welcome to the forums. Try not to let your fire babies get too big and eat everybody. eating just akalacka would be fine though
  15. Much as I like a few of those Fire Emblem characters mentioned up there... they're all kind of old news, aside from Chrom, Lucina, and Avatar. I would like to see ephraim in there for some lancer's techniques but I doubt it'll happen. Same thing for Hector with his axe. Everybody else pretty much has swords. Pacman is a terrible idea, do not want. Bayonetta's playstyle is basically God of War, and if we learned anything from PSAS is to stay way from shit like that. Shoot her in the head and call it done.
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