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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom


    Banned because what is love?
  2. Elekid I guess. Now there's a sucker that enters the world looking like a badass.
  3. Maelstrom


    Banned for banning under an obscure pretense.
  4. The vast majority of the pokemon villains left no impact on me. Their team members all had shit pokemon for teams. zubat and rattata all the way!!! The only villains ever worth mentioning were the top bosses. The admins were only ever really slightly stronger grunts. Coleress might as well be that scientist who cloned mewtwo for Giovanni for all the dumb shit he does in the name of science. Gheitsis was just some power hungry maniac that everyone should have seen through and thwarted long beforehand. N was damaged goods and just a hopeless twat. Cyrus? I don't even remember Cyrus, really. Giovanni at least had some class when he lost. If anything, I prefer the 7 sages over all the others for what they say, especially when you find them again.
  5. Darksylvania does some good stuff.
  6. Maelstrom


    Banned for knee-jerk reaction.
  7. You mean creating new topics that cover and do the same things?
  8. I really miss activision games for nintendo. The one that really sticks out in my memory is Lost Kingdoms for Game Cube. A totally under appreciated game, probably due to the lack of advertising. If it hadn't been for a nintendo power issue, I probably would have never heard about it.
  9. As one of the few members older than you, I bid you welcome. If you really like the competitive part of it, may I interest you in the Reborn League via Pokemon Online? http://www.pokemon-online.eu/ Not sure how much you know about the server and the online competition through your lurking of the forums.
  10. "I respect the will of the people." In one way, it's really kind of a weak argument for switching sides. Well more people agree with this so I'm gonna support it based on that... I don't like it much. Kinda wish he'd clarified that more, with something like "I saw all this support and I had to stop and just re-evaluate my reasons and position on this matter." He just kinda leaves is open for both positive and negative interpretation. If you'll remember Tommy Lee Jones' role in Lincoln as Thaddeus Stevens, he has a bit about continually being elected to his position by not giving a damn about what the people want- he is there to lead and to make the decisions for them. Which is certainly true to a great degree. But even he knew that he had to listen a certain amount. There is always that delicate balance between leading and ruling, especially when one is elected based on the desires of the people. As far as the Alluh Akbar thing, McCain's right. You gotta remember that in a LOT of Muslim countries, the law and religious law are one and the same. Their religion is in every part of their lives. Not just sundays. They stop EVERYTHING throughout the day to pray at the appropriate times, not to mention the food and alcohol prohibitions, fasts, dictates for clothing, etc. It doesn't surprise me that Allu Akbar would be a pretty common victory exclamation. It's almost as innocuous as some football tool kneeling and praying after getting a touchdown. Fox is just so closemindedly ethno-centric hearing them talk makes me cringe.
  11. Maelstrom


    Banned because kingdra. Kingdra has no business being fast in any sense of the word, rain or not. You see that sail looking fin on his back? THAT LITTLE WEAK THING IS HOW SEA HORSES MOVE. Which is why they're small and slow and simply hide in the sea grass beds and whatnot. MORE POKEMON LOGIC.
  12. Siphon- steals half the hp restoration effect of the foe's moves or items. Is healed for half the effect of a teammate's healing item. Ex.- steals half the hp regain from foes' leftovers. teammate gets full hp recover from leftovers and the pokemon itself gets half the hp its teammate recovered as a bonus. Foe trainer uses full restore, both foe and your pokemon regain half of full health bar.
  13. Mysterious Armor- the holder's Def and Spc Def stats are swapped. Mystery Claw- the holder's Atk and Spc Atk stats are swapped. Turtle shell- speed is halved, the holder's Spc Def is increased by the amount of speed lost. Tortoise shell- speed is halved, the holder's Spc Def is increased by the amount of speed lost. *Tortoises live entirely on land, turtles tend to be aquatic.
  14. I wonder how many signed the petition for Reggie so they could blow off some steam by pummeling his character in the face... Also, topic moved to Radio Tower, the place for entertainment media stuff.
  15. Going with the periodic table abbreviation? Ok, an I word... Isotope
  16. Maelstrom


    Banned for the exact same reason.
  17. These hands of mine glow with an awesome power. Its loud roar tells me to sink you.

  18. Oh god. Klingklang used gear grind. 1st hit 50 2nd hit 60 Gear grind no 2 70 80 and then imagine that started off with Shift Gear. *shudders*
  19. 1. Isaac/Matthew, Golden Sun - Isaac should have been playable in Brawl. Any number of psynergy, djinn, summons, and weapon unleashes would work really well in the game. But no Move psynergy pls. 2. Mewtwo- bring the uber back to Smash. A few move changes/tweaks and I'll have my champ back. 3. Pokemon Trainer with alternate trios of starters to pick from. Choose wisely. 4. TBD 5. TBD 6. TBD 7. TBD 8. TBD 9. TBD 10. TBD Obviously, the rest to be determined later.
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