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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom


    Banned for an avatar created by a trainer creator from DA.
  2. Hunting incident or your furry just happen to run into a wild boar?
  3. Narrow it down to a specific and you've still got a whole damn city to poke through. You being silly, rotom. Take some pictures. I've no idea what Cleveland or Ohio is like.
  4. Maelstrom


    Banned for uncertainty.
  5. Moved to the proper board.
  6. Happy birthday Nyu. I got you a thunderstone for your birthday.
  7. From the early, far less miserable part of my recent death march. The first of the glaciers we encountered is there in the background. I'm standing on what looks like a little mountain pond. Crazy how it looks like the whole pond froze in mid-wave.
  8. Maelstrom


    Banned for top gif of terrible acting.
  9. Maelstrom


    Banned because the guy in your avy totally let something dangerous creep up on him from behind.
  10. Re-opened for more ranting. The feminine issue is being discussed elsewhere and should not be continued in here. So have at it. Talk about the other things that piss you off. =P
  11. Tfw everybody posts so much and so fast. I'm still deliberating each and every word in my response so that what I say is perceived in the way I intended it to.
  12. You misunderstood me. How would a stone work to make these pokemon evolve temporarily, and why these pokemon in particular? What traits indicate that they have a megastone that could work for them? What is the concept behind the megastone- not how you literally make the stone do its thing.
  13. Riptide Water Special Priority -1, Power- 50, 80 if used after surf User creates a swift undercurrent that sweeps the foe out of battle.
  14. Well, I still wanna find out about HOW and WHY the megastones work to do what they do. We can look at pokemon who probably could use evolutions because of their stats and stuff, but until we understand the concept behind it, it's still a great deal of speculation as to which pokemon will likely get one. Also, they'd better be cheap like the FE dlc. Who knows, they may even sell off shiny pokemon sets like starters, legendaries, etc as DLC. It would have to be pretty amazing stuff to make me buy it though. Adding new areas to explore with creatures you couldn't encounter in the wild before would be likely.
  15. Maelstrom


    Banned for trying to hide your evil cole behind your 'sainthood'
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