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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Star Force wasn't that bad, but it's still no Battle Newtwork.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maelstrom


      They did? I had no idea. Now I'm gonna have to look it up.

    3. Godot


      Mmbn is best megaman

    4. Luke


      Lol maelstrom marth or Ike picture nice

  2. Aw, hell yeah. This looks way better than the current show that is and has always been targeted at very young gamers. Still probably won't be very dark, but at least it won't be so... campy. Plus... that blastoise...
  3. Or you might feel old because you begin to feel the wear and tear of physical activities on your body. Pretty damn sure running 5 fucking miles or more this often in every week isn't good for you and my legs are really starting to complain to me about it I was old when I was young. I was always very serious and took school very seriously and worked hard. And it was just taken for granted that I could keep up all that effort. Kinda burned out after a while and (resented how kids taking regular classes could get C's and still go out and do stupid shit with their friends and their parents didn't care, but I get a B in something and it's like the end of the world and my future as my parents knew it- god help me if I did something stupid like break into school or steal street signs like some of the other kids). But now I've been learning a lot of things I should have slowed down and learned when I was younger, especially when it comes to social things. I feel a lot better when I'm not striving for perfection in every little thing anymore. Gotta pick your fights, and learn to delegate if you have a group to lead. I don't feel like giving any numbers out but I know I'm the oldest one around here. And I'm currently responsible for millions of dollars worth of weapons and equipment. I will feel so young and so free when I finally get out from under Uncle Sam's thumb.
  4. 6/10- cute-ish, but head and eyes disproportionately large and I find the eye color some-what off-putting.
  5. Maelstrom


    Banned for giving good advice. You think we're here to help our peers rise higher and succeed along with us? Pfft, our goal is to monopolize our claim to the top of the hierarchy, just as all them rich Republicans clearly intend. /pointed political satire
  6. That would mean I would have to own BO2 and I'm not sure I'm willing to do that. =/
  7. Just spent literally and exactly 10.5 hours helping my friend move. I'm really tired of being on my feet right now.

    1. Summer


      Just get him on a wheelchair dude.

  8. Glasses for blind people? Please, know your science. Glasses only bend the light to compensate for someone's inability for their own eyes to adjust their own eye lenses to focus on either near or far objects clearly. At best, they have things that have wires that connect to your brain directly that help you see shapes (so far, and so far as I know). If anything, they actually have devices that connect to the brain and have allowed the deaf to hear things.
  9. How have you not realized how terrible they are as pokemon, for st patrick's sake?
  10. Maelstrom


    Banned for having no room for judgement, what with your signature and other things you've posted.
  11. My patience is surprisingly thin today.

  12. Maelstrom


    Banned because I don't know what you were trying to say there.
  13. 0/10, non-existant You must be new to gaming if you don't recognize a slime when you see one, even if it is the rare metal variety.
  14. If they don't give all the old starters mega-forms, I will never forgive game freak.
  15. 40 Maps that Explain the World Ambitious little title, isn't it? I'm still looking through them and stopping to read about some of the maps more in depth, but let me tell ya, I'm on #11 and it's pretty funny. And yet not at the same time.
  16. Well sure, but where. And is there anything awesome going on somewhere over there that I can go to? It may be a small country, but it's not THAT small. What should I go do/see? Might be better to just wait a while till I'm out of the army and free to do things my way without any hassles or hurry.
  17. I hadn't noticed that boxing glove in the background till you mentioned it, so it seems highly likely she'll be using Lucario and Blaziken with megastones. Also, brb, that art made me decide to rename my lucario to Balto.
  18. I see what you said there, said the blind man to the deaf dog. I need my sight for just about everything. I would not be able to enjoy most everything without it. Movies, video games, sports, swimming, and all sorts of practical things. Going deaf would really suck, but I could handle that a lot better than losing my sight.
  19. DK smash ALL THE THINGS!

  20. Professor Oak- world expert on pokemon, claims 150 species in the world... meanwhile in everywhere else, over 600 pokemon acknowledged.
  21. That's Zero, the assassin from Borderlands 2. 8/10
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uW3dtsXTtRk
  23. Tfw memories I see your rod is as good as mine. Let's see how well you handle it. /Dark Helmet Tfw should I go to japan in November or not?
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