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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. A picture is worth a thousand feels.

  2. Someone mentioned a looking glass and Alice?
  3. I got this one. And I hate Pikachu.
  4. Tfw rediscovering the difference between a good pair of ear phones and cheap, crappy speakers.
  5. This week has been brought to you by the letter A, for Awkward.

    1. Bearadactyl


      I can second this notion.

  6. Figures Godot would mention doucheclown... lo and behold, Lelouch rears his head. Having read the manga, I couldn't sit there and watch how terrible the anime was. It was just... no.
  7. I'm so tough I solo'd Terramorphous and the other raid bosses. With the starting gun.
  8. Brb, cursing you with impotency for the sake of humanity's future.
  9. Yeah, I'm totally disappointed with what they ended up doing with Light in the second arc. It killed me inside. Kira for world leader 2014.
  10. Not the special pokemon XY 3DS???
  11. Maelstrom


    Banned for bad grammar. *your
  12. *insert jokes about sponges and bikini bottoms*
  13. Maelstrom


    Banned for getting in the way of me banning Ackalacka for assuming someone crying is emo.
  14. When my mom married my step-father, I used to have to read this every day before dinner from the plague on the wall his friend had made for him. I always thought it was very good.
  15. Maelstrom


    Banned for spinda and kriketune.
  16. Nope, no mega-evolving except from final form. They just want to give you the item with a pokemon you could potentially use it with. You crazy?
  17. And some dare to hold the world together.

  18. torchic with mega stone *this mega stone not available during normal gameplay* Does that mean you can't get a megastone during normal gameplay? I highly doubt you could get a torchic during normal gameplay... Btw, they just turned Kangaskhan into pokemon ice climbers.
  19. Maelstrom


    Banned for letting him jump into your nervous system.
    1. NeoDarklight


      One of the universal truths of gamers.

    2. Bearadactyl


      I'm always sitting like that when I play Halo...

      I have a problem...

  20. You what Gen 6? I've had enough of your non-sense.

  21. Serperior was made into dragon for the rom/hacks simply because people wanted it to really be able to abuse Draco meteor and its DW ability. And who supposedly has their hands on a b/w beta? The skeptic in me says someone simply changed the item color to gray and made the story up for the lulz. This is the internet, ya know.
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