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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. I feel like my ability is Unaware because I've never heard of the rumor you speak of.
  2. Now that's really getting suckered in for some silly pixels.
  3. Because like microsoft, nintendo hates its fans.
  4. I remember using cyber stein in one of the gameboy games. that thing takes out a shit ton of life and if they destroy it with a trap or spell, you're usually left wide open (esp if you were going for 2 turn kill with it at the start of the game). love them maneater bugs.
  5. Not sure if I recall correctly, but you can't discard BEUD from your hand because it doesn't go into your deck and thus does not go into your hand. Fusions go in the fusion deck on the side, which does not count toward your deck minimum. And even if you could somehow simply discard it, pretty sure there's a ruling that fusion and special summon monsters had to have actually been summoned to be able to be revived from the graveyard.
  6. Even with skins, trophies, and stages, there wouldn't be enough to really get you excited to keep playing or do adventure mode battles. As long as they're not like play 20 hours or 200 battles to unlock like mewtwo used to be, things should be good. You should have to be able to earn it, not just grind for it. And it makes sense that Luigi would finally be available from the start now because he's such an old, staple character that while functional to play, he isn't spectacular or exciting even compared to characters you've never had to unlock. Oh, I just unlocked Luigi? Not exactly excited. So yeah, available from the start was to be expected for him.
  7. I'm pretty sure that anything that comes out of CoroCoro is legit. I hope they do MegaForms for other starters in order to beef up their stats to keep up with power creep/inflation as someone else mentioned. As is blaziken wasn't very competitive before. *rollseyes* Edit: *looks at the new forms* Dark looking Absol went super emo + mlp wings. Not a fan, but I can't really hate it. Another pikachu clone! FFFFFF. But it actually looks decent, I would rather it replace pikachu than just add it to the pokedex. In perfect worlds... But yeah, looks like a doormouse version, and reminds me of Redwall characters like Matteo. They made a derpy looking boyfriend for buneary. =I MegaForms= glam hair even Fabio would envy. How to evolve is take 'em to the salon enough times, lol. Gotta get that Lucario. =D I'm displeased with Pokemon's downward spiral into the cute zone that has me seriously taking stock of all of Game Freak's pedophilic tendencies. Megaform seems like a really small concession to older, more serious gamers that hopefully helps to even out the metagame up rather than further ramp up the power creep across generations.
  8. Torkoal has pretty good atk and special atk stats to go with its bulk, with the option to go mix or specialize in one, or even just go all out tank with things like toxic,will o wisp, curse, iron defense, and amnesia.
  9. Oh yeah, I forgot that was part of that. xD And I'm sure there will be characters you have to unlock. Since it doesn't seem they're doing a campaign thing to replace SSE, they're gonna want to make you work to try out the newer characters.
  10. Reasons- You know who/what Genbu is besides awesome. Ice and Dark type. Turtles. Turtles. Balance both halves in the final evolution. Winning.
  11. For quick reference, what are the order of those tiers from 1-6?
  12. Downloaded BL2 soundboard to my phone. "Catch a riiiiiide!"

    1. Bearadactyl


      I wanted to strangle him.

  13. Yo, Imma let you finish, but I have to just that Dinobot was the best autobot of all time. OF. ALL. TIME. But yeah, welcome and stuff. Seems like we'll definitely get along.
  14. Maelstrom


    Banned because there are still lots of people who don't understand that simple logic and thus, the discussion is always on-going.
  15. Looks like he's got a new move where he attacks you with his butt. inb4gayjokes I hate how they're trying to build suspense by releasing all the easy to foresee returning veterans after initially giving us 3 new characters to be excited about, and then no doubt saving all the new characters for last now. Nintendo is biggest troll ever.
  16. "A good man often appears gauche simply because he does not take advantage of the myriad mean little chances of making himself look stylish. Preferring truth to form, he is not constantly at work upon the facade of his appearance." - Alannis Morissette A good man does not need laws to tell him to act responsibly, while a bad man will find a way around the laws. - Plato We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good int he worst of us and some evil the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies. - MLK Jr. Punishment is now unfashionable... because it creates moral distinctions among men, which, to the democratic mind, are odious. We prefer a meaningless collective guilt to a meaningful individual responsibility. - Thomas Szasz
  17. Tfw you notice that thing on the far right. How long has that been a thing? http://prntscr.com/1jrree
  18. No but that's off topic. *Frowns* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCNP61IqG88
  19. New avy is a keeper.

  20. When I first saw Zed (white ninja skin), he reminded me of Zordon before he was trapped as that head thing in the other dimension. Nvm that Lord Zedd is what, the main bad pretty much up to the part when he dies. Full Metal Rammus skin also looks to be inspired by the Shredder. Shen looks a hell of a lot like Scorpion and Sub Zero, depending on which skin you're talking about. There was a ToA character that giant sizes her teddy bear and uses it to fight, but I'm pretty sure it's not that unique a concept, but I can't remember where else I'd seen it before. Ryze is like a genie/dhalsim. Jarvan IV has his judge dredd/ M. Bison outfit. Kassadin= Cthulu? Trundle = Grendel from Beowulf Veigar- FF black mage, Vivi Viktor= Dr. Doom, for sure Yorick- Solomn Grundy? Pentakill Yorick= Slash, or whatever that one guy's name is. Augmented Singe- Bane Urgot- there's that one crazy villain from the X-men universe that looks like him. He also kinda looks like a demented Dragoon from Star Craft. Twisted Fate= Gambit Twitch is like an insane master splinter.
  21. 7/10, semi-interesting, seems like a DBZ related oc.
  22. Riven is self-exiled though. Jarvan IV kinda did the same thing, except he already came back from his exile already as part of his backstory.
  23. So much respect right here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenbertoni/2012/09/18/chuck-feeney-the-billionaire-who-is-trying-to-go-broke/
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