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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. yeah, i hate sleep paralysis. I'm usually still dreaming when it happens and triggers lucid dreaming for me and makes it a real struggle to wake up and be able to move again. i can only think of one time where i was awake for like 2 full minutes and still sleep paralyzed.
  2. This needs to happen. For reasons.Ame, make it so. /cpt picard impression and liking the driffleblim evo, with a lol at the evolution trigger. oh, the humanity!
  3. It's good at what it does, but at the same time i'm not impressed by the overall design, so I'm with that guy- new dark/ice would be nice.
  4. base 1- nullifies stat changes upon switching in and prevents stat changes (except as a result of conditions like burn and paralyze.
  5. I feel like they could make a more exciting water/electric type.
  6. This cutting weight thing is hard.

  7. I don't see how you could make a type out of fossils, considering fossils are mineralized bones- essentially rock has replaced the fragments of bone themselves. So yeah, all that rock typing is probably gonna stick.
  8. If you need to phone a friend, I totally know the answer to this one.
  9. Why do all the good arguments get locked before I get my crack at 'em?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      I was thinking about doing something like that in the Nightclub. Gonna have to wait till I'm off work for the day.

    3. Ikaru


      All the so-called "good" arguments are locked before you get your crack at them because they never should have escalated that far in the first place

    4. Maelstrom


      Well, I like to try to de-escalate things my way so that discussions stay open to examine the key points of the arguments.

  10. Dragons because bite and crunch are still dark type and represent nicely how dragons view fairies that stand in their way: lunch. Would you rather give a public speech or bungie jump?
  11. People used to believe that what you ate and how soon you ate it before you slept gave you/determined your dreams. Were you ever confused as to why Scrooge said "There's more gravy than of grave about you!" in a Muppet Christmas Carol? Now you know why. Nowadays, I'm pretty sure they don't think they affect your dreams nearly as much as they used to, but yeah, foods and meds that can affect your brain chemistry could affect your dreams, depending on the particular item ingested. I wake up when I die. Like I got riddled with bullets, everything dimmed out and I woke up immediately afterward.
  12. Then don't post about it here. Instead, go here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showforum=33
  13. I would rather ban you for rule 7 than have you say anything like that again.
  14. Maelstrom


    Banned because the guy in your avy gives off this vibe of anything but cool. I kinda wanna smack him in the face.
  15. Maelstrom


    Banned for not realizing that he thinks he's Red. Sanity left at the door for sure.
  16. Your top 3 rpg character types that fit you the best. Do you Brawl? If so, what characters? What do you know of persona? Would you describe yourself as dapper? What other countries have you visited? Which ones would you like to visit and why?
  17. Read for fun? Read all day and all night and begrudge having to stop to eat, sleep, and stuff. Read for school? Ask your buddy at the start of class what happened in that last chapter and probably find out he/she didn't read it either.
  18. Who do you like better, Gambit or Twisted Fate?
  19. Oh the magnet boost jump? I don't do that. That's for chumps who do nothing better than exploit stupid things. Lucas has staying power even before that, yo. If I were to social link with you, what arcana would I be building?
  20. Sona tied for near bottom. I challenge the mathematics behind that bullshit.
  21. Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who is the lonliest of them all. Only those who perceive themselves to be lonely? Truly, you are wise, mirror on the wall.

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