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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. You should be able to steal fairy dust from fairie pokemon and then use it up from the item menu to fly to previously visited towns. Cough up the goods, tinker bell.

  2. Tfw you have to point out that the way non-Japanese use those words and phrases is pretty much the direct equivalent of this:
  3. Masters is pretty much 6 years of college courses. And your profile says 19, so I'm thinking the equivalent is probably Associates (2 yrs). Congrats. What do you plan on teaching eventually?
  4. Never heard of High School DxD, but High School of the dead is a pretty good, short zombie survival anime. Plenty of action and they don't spend forever over-dramatizing the human situations the characters find themselves in. Definitely recommended.
  5. Maelstrom


    You should fill out your profile info stuff.
  6. I am increasing convinced with every viewing that Lincoln is the best movie ever created.

  7. Sniper = 300% damage upon critical hit. So maybe Relentless should be that each consecutive attack stacks 10% more damage. Reverts to 0 boost if non-attack move is used. Vampirism- regain health based upon the damage dealt to opponent (aka shell bell ability) Pride- Pokemon matches foe stat increases. Last Stand- increases speed and attack/spc atk if there are no other usable pokemon on your team. Zen- nullfiies all stat changes by both pokemon when switched in. Mistify- causes heavy fog to roll in when this pokemon is switched in. Solitary- boost attack when battling alone. Take extra damage when hit by an attack launched by an ally. Blinding rage- raise attack, lower defense each turn. Power Trip- raises spc attack each time this pokemon defeats an opponent. (spc moxie) Amp- boost the effect/power of sound based moves. Show Off- boost atk/spc atk when a member of the opposite gender is present.
  8. Yeah, SW native american stuff. Like turquoise jewelry is.
  9. Yeah, I used to have a dream catcher in my room a long time ago, hanging from the fan. If nothing else, they look nice. And for some reason I'm suddenly disappointed that they don't have any dream catchers in Animal Crossing.
  10. Immutable Object- this pokemon's stats cannot be raised or lowered and is unaffected by status ailments or flinch. (This should be reserved for some legendary tanky as hell pokemon)
  11. A megalodon would be cool and I'd have one on my team in a heartbeat (nightmares of megalodons be damned) but the world already has sharpedo. Closest thing to a pterodactyl is definitely aerodactyl, but there isn't that much resemblance to its namesake...
  12. Speaking of which, I need to find out more about Hark's amethyst under the pillow theory thing.
  13. You know what they say, if you ain't cheating you ain't trying. And I hate the people who say that. Find some excuse to kick people out? Nah, we'd rather keep people in and doing what they like to do- but between you hotheads who take everything personal, everything serious, and blow shit out of proportion so that other, similar people blow their tops and snipe and troll and perverse the noble spirit of competition- well, we can't even begin to have a good time, much less hold onto the nice things we try to have. We're sorry, your princess is in another castle cuz we figured you guys were about to crash the castle down on her head in your efforts. C'est la vie. --- *Ahem* So who's gonna toss out some questions for the leaders? Who was shade before he became this undead thing (at least that's my theory)? How many broken couches does Terra own?
  14. Maelstrom


    Banned because I still haven't seen either Despicable me so I don't get your sig.
  15. I'm not worried cuz there's enough pokemon that give spc atk ev's for my water starter to use surf and take it out. *eye twitches*
  16. Then again, Feraligatr is even more like Godzilla than Tyranitar. Either way, Tyranitar's evolution line doesn't make sense.
  17. I couldn't give a hooded rat's a$$ about chespin. he needs to get rid of that stupid hat. Who does he think he is, dr seuss??? I'll take Benjamin Franklin Frog for $1000, Alex.
  18. restrains himself from saying how history's strongest disciple would probably be a lot better (rates it below bleach) if you could actually relate to the main character and then remembers Dominus's nickname, "Twiggy."
  19. Nah Godot, Archeopteryx is the closest to a velociraptor. Heracross was more the kabuto beetle, but it does get inspiration from it alright. oh yeah, ankylosaurus with the club tail, I was gonna post that but I forgot about it while typing. it would learn all the tail-based moves and then some, then be armored as hell The duck billed dinosaurs are pretty iconic, but they wouldn't make for great battlers, per se. Would probably be bulky as all hell and tank things. Probably would be like ludiculo, really.
  20. In order to make sense, you must start using complete sentence structures.
  21. if mamoswine wasn't a fossil, I don't see how the saber tooth tiger would qualify to be a fossil pokemon, but it could still happen. I suppose bastiodon could be seen as a ceratopsian... still needs a t-rex fossil. I'd say there needs to be a brontosaurus but tropius exists, unless it's more of a banana tree than a dinosaur. In which case, fire the designers. Which they might have considering the pokemon that showed up after gen3. rampardos= pachy needs a stegosaurus lapras= loch ness/ plesiousaur omanyte= ammonyte relicanth= coelacanth plenty of fossilized bugs, but that's probably where ancient power evolved Yanmega comes in. archeopteryx and pterodactyls are represented. mudfish kind of represent an ancient transition from sea to land, but that's where mudkip comes in. Abagoura is the ancient sea turtles... what other classic fossils and dinosaurs are left? Ooh, how about spinosaurus or dilophosarus, a poison type fossil revival...
  22. I'm so tough, I was able to stop watching naruto and bleach when they started going bad.
  23. *Randomly gets FF14 Beta key this morning* Wonder what I'll be doing the rest of today?

    1. Maelstrom


      The answer is waiting for it to download. aalsjdfkjsdkf

    2. Cyrus


      oh man, I forgot to download mine. Fuck, guess I'll download it while I sleep tonight.

    3. Maelstrom


      Even before it started, I was reading and it said "have at least 15GB of memory available." I have that but holy fuck.

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