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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Not sure if I should get spotify to listen to those things JayDo posted. Even though the youtube one is a lie, the video is a remix of Utada songs to the Opening of Dream Drop Distance. Which is a damn awesome opening. I get goosebumps everytime I watch it on my 3DS.
  2. Maelstrom


    Are you saying that this isn't even my final form?! Quick, give me an eviolite just to be sure. Update your sig to something from the sequel that just came out. I'm tired of seeing that same, smug picture. =P
  3. They probably just wanted to show off all the hi def screenshots first which will later put the 3ds graphics to shame anyways.
  4.   Now this is the story all about how My life got flipped, turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the Mayor of Animal Crossing.
  5. Grass/Ice = Abomasnow, Dragon/Fairy- it exists for a few seconds and then implodes. Fire/Bug, physical version. Read as fire ant/ fire durant Ice/Fighting Dragon/Fighting Dragon/Poison Steel/Poison Water/Fire- the steam pokemon. Scald always burns when used by this one. =P
  6. Cuz it's not a jelly blob. It's a supremely oversized cell, it was it seems like. Mad scientists are at it again...
  7. Probably telekinetically snagged from someone's unguarded bowl of cereal. What does it take to become a gastly when you die?
  8. Yeah, I saw the squid's ability turnover as soon as they edited the site to add that info. And yeah, I'm friggin loving the move and the fact that it itself can have the ability contrary. Just think about it. A very awesome counter to baton pass, set up, evasion, moxie etc. Maybe it gets swagger/flatter? I wonder if it reverses the half speed and half atk effects of paralysis and burn, and items like scarves and iron balls- probably not though. And the cotton candy still doesn't make sense. If it had a spirit in it, it should be a ghost pokemon, no? Like bannette.
  9. Silence! I keel you!

    1. Cyrus


      man, I just had massive nostalgia reading that.

      Dammit Mael.

    2. SapphireSkyWillow
    3. Maelstrom


      Location, location, location.

  10. Yu Yu Hakusho is definitely a good one. I'd rate even Naruto over one piece, and I don't like Naruto. Never got to watch Sgt Frog but the manga was pretty entertaining. Didn't get to watch much of Witch Hunter Robin but it started off alright, but still came off as overdramatic and trying to be clever by being abstract and over-complicating things. Same goes for Wolf's Rain. I really enjoyed G Gundam. Good blend of fighting action and drama, it wasn't as overserious as most the gundam series can be. If you're smart like me, you'll watch it and keep in mind that Master Asia is the former king of hearts, and that damn well says something important about his character. Neon Genesis Evangelion- hard to describe how I feel about it. The series is kinda vague and abstract in a very japanese sort of way and it's easy to get lost as to wtf they are talking about and how the hell are they jumping to these random conclusions. Oh, and you'll learn to hate the main character, Shinji. But it's kinda classic and unique, so I recommend you watch it anyways. Princess Mononoke and Spirited away are pretty good. I can see how SAO could get some of its hate. It started off awesome, then just stopped focusing on any action/battles for like forever and it's annoying when the main character is that anti-social and you feel like you'd have done so many things differently if you had been in the same situations- like kicked more ass, been more involved, and not some mopey wanderer who manages to maintain a top rank/level despite spending so much time going back to the first area and traveling back up the levels. But still, once he was finally forced to interact with people, he stopped being an inconsiderate loner and became a much more likeable character.
  11. Maelstrom


    You need to train and evolve all them snorunts, Roo.
  12. I've gotten de ja vu from places where I thought I'd visited them in my dreams before, cuz I had, but that because I'd actually already been to that place a really long time ago when I was really young, just a fragment of a memory coming to the surface. Ways I've died: Shot to death Fallen to my death- that doesn't happen now though, the falling from great heights usually triggers lucidity and I just wait to land and do stuff, or attempt to be somewhere else or fly. Hunted down by predators, but I was pretty much instantly revived as one of them. Eaten by giant sharks several times. Dragged down and drowned by crocodiles once. Slowly bled to death from gunshot wounds or stabbing just a few times. Angrily smooshed underfoot by godzilla. Hunted down and killed by velociraptors. Hunted down and killed by T-rexes. (thank you so very much for those nightmares, Jurassic Park). Injuries- shot stabbed slashed had part of the top of my skull blown off, leaving my brain exposed (I was in first person mode and couldn't look at myself) and was still alive some and almost perfectly fine. It just felt uncomfortable as fuck. Dat breeze, yo. fallen and a thick branch piece went straight through my calf and was sticking out on both sides shocked- it just paralyzed me for a little bit. I don't know that it's that many dreams a night hark. Pretty sure it's just like one per rem cycle and you only have a chance of remember what you dreamed when you wake up during or right after rem sleep. And far more often what happens is that frightening events that might cause nightmares usually trigger my lucid dreaming rather than become randomly lucid during good or neutral ones.
  13. It still kind of annoys me that going full fairy gave GF license to go and make some really odd/inane creatures that are trying way too hard to be cute. That pink bird/nose thingy is totally a rip off of the 'fairy king' in Ni No Kuni. A cotton candy fairy? FOR THE LOVE OF CHEESECAKE, WHY WOULD SOMEONE DO THIS??? cotton candy is man-made and there's no real logic behind it. I WILL HYPERBEAM THE HELL OUT OF IT EVERY TIME I SEE IT.
  14. Hark, the only thing I usually sense from the real world seeping into my dreams are music and becoming aware of sleep paralysis, which generally translate to I can't see, move, or even regulate my own breathing both in the dream and irl. Other than that, I've felt dead wasted drunk in my dreams once. And I hadn't actually had anything to drink in at least a few weeks prior to that dream. Pain in dreams is more of an uncomfortable, tingling sensation much like a leg that's fallen asleep and it hinders me from moving the wounded area. And then there's that intense, stomach wrenching feeling when you start to free fall. Some of my dreams have a lot of plot to them too. KInda interesting how in the dream you will have memories of things that you didn't actually dream through but supposedly happened to you before in the dream's plot. (sometimes a dream will feel like a continuation of a prior dream even though it isn't. Or radically different dreams will use the same setting) Pretty sure I've died in my dreams before, but my conscious was still around, watching the plot unfold a little further. Hmm, how many ways have you guys died/were injured in your dreams?
  15. I'm 100% sure that was intentional. I'm stilly getting Y too. Gotta catch that Yvetal.
  16. Still a lot of info that isn't translated, it looks like. Kinda want the squid. *notices how the 'feminine' pokemon are exclusive to Y and the more 'masculine' ones are exclusive to X. I'm still getting Y, despite your balance issues, gamefreak. But the badguys are team Flair- only goal is to obtain money. AKA team bling. OUR GOAL IN THIS GAME IS TO DEFEAT THE SWAGGOTS (to use a term from our other local halo enthusiast). Gamefreak, you have just redeemed yourself so much.
  17. Maelstrom


    Banned because what in the name of sweet Discord is that?
  18. Grass absorbs water. But yeah, that would make razor leaf neutral effective, wouldn't it?
  19. Maelstrom


    Banned because I fought trolls Ame for them. >> <<
  20. Maelstrom


    Banned because I didn't drop it. I forged it meself.
  21. Well that's good, cuz that'll help make it work for you. There's still a lot of uncoscious factors that still guide or limit what you do. It's easier for me to work with what's there than just create a whole new place or thing out of nowhere. @ Ashka- And yeah, being too self-conscious and aware will wake you up cuz it'll take over too much control from your subconcious.
  22. I've had more than just a few lucid dreams. I can do a lot while lucid dreaming, but not everything and it seems to have it's limits. It's still helped or inhibited by unconscious and conscious expectations, like it's hard to fly because I tend to overthink it and think of the physics of it. Shapeshifting is difficult but telekinesis is relatively easy because it kind depends on how I would expect it to be like if it were real. sharks and eels and fish and shit will appear unbidden if I'm in the water and even begin to start thinking of them. And trust me, I want to be swimming with none of that. But at such times, I usually try to think of something else and make myself appear there. (I tend to look at deep water and think about sharks and shit, so it happens way too often) You probably COULD do anything, but because the way my mind works is so grounded in science, logic, and reality, some stuff just becomes really hard to do. But super strength, telekinesis, and kamehameha's are real easy.
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