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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom


    Banned because subtleties are important.
  2. Animal Crossing: New Leaf with Godot. We boat out to the island and totally dredge the waters and muck up the delicate ecosystem catch a metric shit-ton of fish and bugs that are worth huge bucks. Even with a lot of new specimens being donated to the museum each trip, the rest of the inventory has netted me about 100,000 bells each trip.
  3. "We. Ain't. No. Plumbers! I been a referee. I been a doctor. You ever seen a plunger in these hands?!" *Beats Wario bloody*

  4. Keeping this open as a direct coversation/discussion topic. this would have been better as a status update than as a whole separate topic in a random board, but I moved it into this topic for illustrative purposes. And your statuses aren't on moderator preview but that doesn't mean we can't take away the privilege because we totally can so don't go crazy with it. Use some common sense and etiquette when you do things and use the appropriate venue for your messages. Don't post just to post. That's counterproductive. Anyways, if you keep these things up, we will be forced to bar you from all forum activities. There comes a point where intentions/ability to understand becomes irrelevant.
  5. I've been looking for that inspirational moment of yeah, that's what I want to do the rest of my life. Haven't found it yet either.
  6. So... uh... Brave... Where did this go? I wanna read the first chapter.
  7. maybe this link will work like the last one didn't. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A9AZeWrCUAA4Ble.jpg 8/10 cuz it's a detective cat with guns.
  8. Shush, we are not allowed to give Ame the benefit of the doubt. =P
  9. I'm in Alaska. I'm frosty 3/4ths of the year and just chill the rest of it.
  10. I've lost my perfect 5 star rating! *weeps* JK. I got a grin because lol, that's the best he can do.

    1. Mashew
    2. anethia


      I like you =D

      *rates 5 starz*

      *in reality rates 0*

    3. Maelstrom


      I'm easy like Sunday morning.

  11. I'm pretty sure pokemon on roofs and rafters are just teases. Ame, you troll.
  12. http://youtu.be/gLduRsGwfIg?t=52m25s KK Jongara The music box versions of stuff sound awesome too.
  13. So very pretty indeed. 9/10 for assassin's penguin and making m change mine back to the expert killer whale.
  14. Maelstrom


    Banned because it's not that my expectations are low, it's just that there's not a whole lot that is actually outside my expectations. So yeah, you're taking it the opposite direction. =)
  15. nice =/= inane try again, but this time with more vibrato.
  16. intentionally inane posts = trolling *squints at midnight golfer*
  17. Mael: the mayor who leapt through time

    1. Garnet.


      Leapin' through time? You better believe 'dats a paddlin'.

    2. Maelstrom


      It's an eternity of pulling weeds...

  18. Another birthday? Watch out dude, you're gonna run out pretty soon. *portentious statement* Have a good one while you've still got 'em.
  19. Out of BUMFUCK NOWHERE, MIJU-KUN RETURNS!!!! Methinks pirate Yame is super classy. And shady guy is shady as hell. I feel like he hides under bridges and waylays travelers with them brawny arms.
  20. Remember JFK and that grassy knoll? Remember Steve Irwin and that cheeky stingray? Animal Planet totally lost their minds after that. Maybe they're still in their grieving period?
  21. Your crimes of annoyance have not gone unnoticed, pedestrian! Nor your blastoise drawn with ninja turtle characteristics. Heed me, charlatan- I am watching you.
  22. Maelstrom


    Banned for something that went beyond my expectations.
  23. 8/10 for original art. Also, now I know that dinosaurs went extinct from cancer. =D
  24. Sup kaiju buff? Whatcha know about them Godzilla and Gamera series? *measuring look*
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