I vote to retroactively fail Nintendo.
1. ZombiU? What is that? that's the blue case thing with a british zombie that is clogging up shelves everywhere. I never heard anything about it before, during or after that E3. It's just that game that looks bad that I see every time I walk into game stop or any other store. Don't touch it, it's probably diseased.
2. Animal Crossing- It just now came out, if I am to believe the posterboards at target. But not a game or even empty price tagged shelf with AC written on it was found. They're pulling another FE:A I'm sure. So fuck you nintendo. FEA and all it's dlc totally ate up my 3DS memory card space. I ain't got no room for even demo's. FU, give me my hard copy and go the hell away.
3. SSBU- still no real news, emblem, trailer, diddly. You talked about it last year, and now we're hoping that you talk about it this year. This is a fail on a massive scale. If you talk about it, the rule is you have to produce it within a year of the announcement.
4. Rayman? That thing with disembodied head and limbs? Unlike Owen, I've never been a fan. Fail.
As for new E3, if there is a new Zelda game at all, it had better be mulitplayer coop with leader using that tablet screen for something cool. I dunno what that cool thing could possibly be, but I'm downright bored and done with the same old same old LoZ gameplay.
Where are all the games, Nintendo? Huh? What's that? Speak up. I can't hear you. Cuz that's right, ain't none for the wii-u. Drop your head in shame that SSBU is its only real hope of survival.
You know what would be cool? If nintendo used the table screen thing to blend an RTS like starcraft and halo wars with an FPS. Think of it in starcraft terms. The commander uses the tablet to micromanage basic bots, structures, and units to gather resources or attack specific targets in waves. Other players use the regular TV screen for FPS action as a deployed hero unit like Raynor. As a hero unit, you can fight more effectively to take ground, acquire supplies and caches, while the commander uses your earnings to drop you upgraded gear, weapons and boost the stats of your cpu allies, or authorize an artillery strike on a target you've marked. Earn bounties LoL-style as you take out enemy hero units.
But that'll never happen because game developers never listen to fans.