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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. I'm in such a good mood right now. I didn't really get to see the person I went to go see but in the meantime I was able to meet some of her colleagues. They are so pretty too. auuu Went to Taco bell and discovered that the one here is delicious. And I was like sure, I'll do that dollar donation for local HS kids trying to go to college. "Thank you for donating, so here's a free taco." Awesome. Messed around a bit with itunes and figured out what was wrong with it and now I have that awesome song I'd been spamming the youtube replay button for. Pretty good for stone cold sober. =P
  2. Maelstrom

    e3 2013

    vita's shelves are pretty empty, i have to say, even with psas, p4g, and ac3.
  3. probably a mis-click. coulda just pm'd Ame about it instead of posting it here.
  4. Work, work, work, work. Blegh. godspeed Ame and Nyu. toil, toil, toil.
  5. For the glory of Satan of course!

  6. Maelstrom


    Banned for gogoatishness.
  7. Maelstrom

    e3 2013

    CoD4? What is that? There's MW2 and BO1 and BO2. And both of the latter are steeped in balancing issues.
  8. Maelstrom


    Banned because I will show you that I have. Watch my avy closely.
  9. Father's shadow? What is that? I don't have one. My path is my own fault. I am no one else's fault. Capisce?

  10. Maelstrom


    Banned for being a scion of a legend never told.
  11. May I first just say I’m sorry For I, never felt like anybody I am a man of many hats although I Never mastered anything

  12. WEAKSAUCE! Or tell me why I'm wrong. Tfw the redbox is busted when I wanted to check out Wreck it Ralph and that new spiderman from ages ago.
  13. Maelstrom

    e3 2013

    I vote to retroactively fail Nintendo. 1. ZombiU? What is that? that's the blue case thing with a british zombie that is clogging up shelves everywhere. I never heard anything about it before, during or after that E3. It's just that game that looks bad that I see every time I walk into game stop or any other store. Don't touch it, it's probably diseased. 2. Animal Crossing- It just now came out, if I am to believe the posterboards at target. But not a game or even empty price tagged shelf with AC written on it was found. They're pulling another FE:A I'm sure. So fuck you nintendo. FEA and all it's dlc totally ate up my 3DS memory card space. I ain't got no room for even demo's. FU, give me my hard copy and go the hell away. 3. SSBU- still no real news, emblem, trailer, diddly. You talked about it last year, and now we're hoping that you talk about it this year. This is a fail on a massive scale. If you talk about it, the rule is you have to produce it within a year of the announcement. 4. Rayman? That thing with disembodied head and limbs? Unlike Owen, I've never been a fan. Fail. As for new E3, if there is a new Zelda game at all, it had better be mulitplayer coop with leader using that tablet screen for something cool. I dunno what that cool thing could possibly be, but I'm downright bored and done with the same old same old LoZ gameplay. Where are all the games, Nintendo? Huh? What's that? Speak up. I can't hear you. Cuz that's right, ain't none for the wii-u. Drop your head in shame that SSBU is its only real hope of survival. You know what would be cool? If nintendo used the table screen thing to blend an RTS like starcraft and halo wars with an FPS. Think of it in starcraft terms. The commander uses the tablet to micromanage basic bots, structures, and units to gather resources or attack specific targets in waves. Other players use the regular TV screen for FPS action as a deployed hero unit like Raynor. As a hero unit, you can fight more effectively to take ground, acquire supplies and caches, while the commander uses your earnings to drop you upgraded gear, weapons and boost the stats of your cpu allies, or authorize an artillery strike on a target you've marked. Earn bounties LoL-style as you take out enemy hero units. But that'll never happen because game developers never listen to fans.
  14. Maelstrom

    e3 2013

    How to fix Xbox 1: Drop all the bullshit. And start back with the regular 360 features. If used game sales are really hurting developers, they should make the online download like $10-15 cheaper than buying the hard copy. It'll make people think twice about buying a used game at such evil institutions at gamestop who buy at dirt prices and knock off only 5 dollars from the brand new price. DL'd games have always had that DRM that keeps it to one account and a limited number of consoles anyways. It'll save companies the money it takes to make and package hard copies, allow the developers to compete with used game stores, and promote the buying of larger hard drives. It's more of a win-win than microsoft's current farce.
  15. Roflmao, "Uninstall, uninstall" sits and waits for the obligatory like from Ikaru
  16. Maelstrom

    e3 2013

    1. SSBU- probably the only legit reason to get a wii u so far. Most everything on it now is a late port of games that were already on ps3 and 360 a long time ago. 2. HD Zelda- pretty sure I stopped playing at 4 swords and enjoyed hand held zelda's far more than any console ones i've played. Console ones just break up the action too much with the kinda bad inventory systems. Impress me or I will it ignore it like I did skyward sword and only rented TP. 3. Never played any of those games except Killer Instinct, but that leave my interest rating at 0. 4. An FF fighting game on the same wavelength as either kh or dissidia? Count me in. 5. KH3- silly sqaure enix. a simple logo isn't enough to tease my interest. Go home, you're drunk and left your wallet at home. 6. Kay. =| 7. More goodies for you John, but I'm not a fan of mvc and the comborific-ness. 8. CoD: Ghosts. I might be interested depending on the amount of story it has, but I already pretty much know how it's gonna play. Exciting factor of -5. It doesn't need to be hyped. It just needs to go on shelves already. 9. Destiny gameplay? I wanna see. Hopefully the shooting will lean more towards halo than borderlands, but the weapons and customization should definitely blend borderlands and a few specific CoD games. 10. Tuesday is such an odd day. It's like reveling in the fact that Japan just does shit to their own, very odd beat.
  17. Haven't had that problem myself. When I thought the site was still down was when the pokemonreborn.com/forum/ link lead to that flying cow page, but .com/forum/index worked. Which was annoying cuz I was used to clicking the main banner to get back to top.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hi__OuY1_s
  19. Will... that team meteor guy was your father. Search your feelings- you know it to be true.
  20. Maelstrom


    Banned for really odd team on your trainer card. Questionable decisions.
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