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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. they still need to make a ssb style game with just pokemon. it would be the best fighting game ever.
  2. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Olivia Wild was copslaying Android 18.http://prntscr.com/16jsqt

  3. I would hope that they replace Lucario with new form mewtwo and add Zoroark as well (who would probably play similarly to Wolf). Kick jigglypuff to the side of the road, please. And I definitely hope they'll change their mind about the 35 character limit.
  4. Such things, I choose not to talk about, you know.

  5. This could get interesting.
  6. It's still 3 months of basic training either way and 2 weeks of training every year in the summer for national guard and reserves. But if you have drills before you even go to basic training, it'll prep you quite a bit for basic training.
  7. Forgot about that, but then with the higher difficulties I never really could feel the difference.
  8. I found that if I start this song here at 30s, it's an amazing workout song. And suddenly English cover of japanese song. wot. for comparison
  9. Well I looked again and it says those are examples. And the 77 score that the practice test gave you is out of a max of 99. The 105 score will come from composites. So you'll almost definitely get it if they said you qualified for it based off the practice one. Got any other questions or concerns I can help with? Also got a question for you. If you join, will you be doing the one weekend a month drills all the way until you go to basic training or not until after you finish basic?
  10. create a character eh? probably choose base character models and then mix and match moves to create a unique one for yourself. that's my prediction anyways if there is a char creator.
  11. It would be nicer if they DID do a customization more like Soul Caliber. Like chrom's sword, do single player campaign a bit, and then unlock his awakened sword. Possible use armor slayers and other sword variances to alter attack speed, power, and range just a little bit. Too easily done with megaman's buster cannon. etc, etc. And I really wouldn't want bayonetta in the game. But that's just me.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      The quality of a lot of the costumes lacks greatly... Particularly with the LoZ section... The Link outfits are positively disgusting.

    3. Brave


      Good. Good. Slowly, you're becoming one of us.

    4. Maelstrom


      I agree, I checked the Link ones and holy shit they were bad. Not a chance in hell. Some of the other things I might risk some money on to try.

  12. Don't ask, just casually tell your parents that they should put you in driver's ed. If they ask why, answer, "It's about time I learned, don't you think?"
  13. Run 6 miles after doing no pt at all for about a month? Of course I think it's a really bad idea. Did anyone listen? Nope.

  14. Einstein vs Hawking in my pants.
  15. Welcome and stuff. Opinionated people around here are a dime a dozen. It's how you react when opinions differ that make a huge difference. We generally don't kill each other too often over it though. =P
  16. For a while, they stopped/altered the circumstances for getting tuition assistance because of the deficit and budget changes. From what I've seen of the army times headlines, they've eased up on restrictions and what not. Your contract shouldn't have anything to do with you getting TA or not. I used it myself while I was in the Guard. But you'd definitely have to double check with recruiters/have them escort you to the financial office to find out directly from the people who would know best as to who is allowed/qualified to use it. Since you wouldn't be active duty, it seems like there should be little to no reason for you not to get tuition assistance. The actual asvab will be longer (and I think includes more sections) than the practice ones they have. Same difficulty though, so you shouldn't have a problem. The main score that they told you really only includes the english and math related sections, and doesn't include the science and other questions on the test. The other main score they look at to determine aptitude for most jobs is the GT score, at least for the army. Looking at this seems to say the marines actually use the other composite scores more than I know that the Air Force and Army do. Passing the asvab is a piece of cake. But sometimes people miss cut-off scores for the jobs they really want.
  17. 6/10 cuz it's still the same as before.
  18. Maelstrom


    Banned because attempting to rid the belief of magic tacos, the chief opponent of the pastafarian's flying spaghetti monster.
  19. Well, Sven, I'm glad you asked. You can get stationed over in Japan and be a vehicle mechanic. But you have to make sure that stuff is written in your contract. And they'll only draw up your contract after you go through most of the administrative hoops first. Which reminds me- did you take the asvab or the practice one they have on the recruiter's computers? Cuz you'd have to take the real, official test at the meps station on post. And generally you do your medical evaluations during the rest of the day at the same building. Then they tell you what's available for you and generate your contract. Read through your contract and make sure your chosen job is stated in there, and that you will be stationed in Japan after completion of your training. If you do go through with it, they may offer you bonuses to enlist for longer. I would highly advise sticking with the basic 3 or 4 year contract. That way you can decide whether or not to stay in, and if you re-enlist, it's like signing the initial contract again and you can get it in writing to re-enlist and stay in the same place, or go somewhere else you want to go. This way gives you choice, and you want maximum choice because after you sign, the military will make a lot of choices for you and you will dislike the vast majority of them. Whether enlisting or re-enlisting, they may try to low-ball you. Know exactly what you want and don't settle for anything else. They've got different quotas for different jobs as well as for overall enlistments so a lot of guys will tell you the wrong things and try to convince you that something isn't available right now and that this or that job could be fun for you too. Don't buy it. Just leave and tell 'em to call you when it becomes available. Slots open and close, and update every month if not every couple of weeks. If they suddenly double check and find that it just updated and they found an open slot you wanted... well, triple check your contract. Reserves and national guard DO get deployed and pretty often. A reserve unit of MPs was deployed in the major city in our area of Afghan while we mostly covered all the smaller towns and borders. But with the drawdown and all that, the likelihood of that is small and growing even smaller. And in any case, mechanics are pretty well protected even if they go to the front line little places where they stay and maintain the infantry's vehicles. As for going to basic training then coming back for college- the reserves and national guard are totally legit with that shit, but to be sure you'd best make sure it's in your contract. And even if something crazy were to go on overseas or nationally, if you're in the program they can't deploy you or send you anywhere else until after you get your degree. When I was in the guard, it was split up to do basic training in the summer so you don't miss semesters, and then if your particular job training won't take too long, you'll also go through training for that during that summer too. If it would be too long and interfere with the starting dates for the next fall semester, you go to school as the priority and go to your job training during the next summer. No school missed. Also, do you have college credits already or will have some by the time you figure you might join? That and some other things can determine what rank you will start off as when you join. If you have so many credits, you can start as an E-3 or E-2. I think you'd have to have a degree already to go in as an e4, so yeah, that's probably right out of the question. If you don't have any, there's still some other stuff you can do to enter into the army as a higher rank than the super basic E-1. (You'd have to ask 'em specifically what you'd have to do, but I'm pretty sure passing the full pt test before going to basic training is one way, and there are some training things through the recruiting station you can do and you'll get promoted for getting that stuff done). The higher you are when you start, the better. Mostly for pay reasons, of course. You'll all go through the same basic training and do the same shit, but they'll get paid more. And it's not really like I joined the army to serve my country. And you can grow longish hair back later. In basic training, you will be skin-blade bald.
  20. Oh think you know quite well whose own profile inspired mine. I shall have to remember to keep expanding it.
  21. *sees a line* *joins in the line like livestock to the slaughter* .... ... ... OHSHI- *deadlined*
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