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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom


    Banned because Bust a Groove is a legit thing.
  2. Puppies is still a word you love to say. Stay classy San Diego.
  3. Somewhere in you there's a power with no name. It can rise to meet the moment and burn like a flame. And you can be stronger than anything you know. Hold on to what you see. Don't let it go- Don't you let it go.

  4. But... this just sounds so nice. And renzo already put the OP I was going to and the ED isn't bad either.
  5. Maelstrom


    Banned for being the disturbance in the force.
  6. keep it up and one day you'll evolve into a blastoise like me. happy birthday.
  7. Happy birthday Berserker and Aierow, wherever that one is. You should have a pool party and invite us to it.
  8. Tfw I finally see this, the Taliban version of what happened while I was in Aghanistan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLNWvw2fkvQ&feature=fvwp I'm privileged to have seen the security video that showed these guys getting swatted down like flies as they walked through the hole the VBIED created in the perimeter. The only US deaths in the attack (2) were caused by the explosion of the vehicle. Despite the big boom, these guys got owned. I'm still pissed the fuck off.
  9. You won't fade. You can't fade. There is no power that can defeat you. Not the light. Not the dark. So don't run from the light. And don't fear the darkness. Because both will make you stronger.

  10. What is more cruel than to alter a man's memories? To erase them altogether?

  11. Light within darkness... You and I have seen it. The far welcoming light, inisde the door to darkness. The light of kingdom hearts. It will show you the way.

  12. Not my favorite weapon, but the weapon I'd probably do the best at using would probably be the spear. The extra range is OP.
  13. Maelstrom


    Wrong, there weren't seasons. You're thinking of the bad one that came after that's computer generated while the other one was more traditional animated.
  14. Not using customizations because you like the base is one thing. Not using customizations because you don't like the options is another. In one it just isn't there and in the other you're just pissed off that they missed the mark entirely. But yeah, I'm waiting to see what else they do. Hair and eye color is a tiny smidge of an improvement. If that's all they have to boast about, then I'm not impressed.
  15. Tfw never playing LoL again. Feels good.
  16. Maelstrom


    Banned because the CN series leading up to Ep 3 was really good and you clearly did not even bother to watch it. For shame, Jory, for shame.
  17. Mine will be in the usual .... WTF, John Dies at the End is a movie?!?!?! (I read the book online at their site). I totally need to watch that. If you aren't trolling me because it totally says "A Novel" underneath the name. Anyways, here's mine. http://prntscr.com/15ene3 1. I have a lot of favorites, but if I were to judge based on feels, P3/P4 win, I guess. 2. ALL THE FEELS. MURICA! 3. Looking through my music... I really don't like bands nearly as much as I love things done by singular artists. But I guess Breaking Benjamin and Modest Mouse are the bands I have the most music from. 4. I suddenly draw a blank at all the different anime I've seen. But of the ones I actually own in whole or in part, Gankutsuou just beats out Gurren Laggan. 5. Colbert Report and truthiness ftw. House was awesome, but it ended. Daily Show and Colbert Report keep on goin'. 6. Need I explain? 7. Literacy. Most of the rest of you need a whole lot of work. 3 of my favorite series really - Darkness series by Harry Turtledove: a magical, but still mostly realistic version of WWII. Behemoths= tanks, Dragons= fighter planes, Leviathans= submarines. But those things are just icing on the cake. The story and characters are where this series is at. -Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan: Awesome story of epic proportions. Hard to describe so just read it. - The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb: a royal bastard is trained as a royal assassin, who struggles with both his magics (one royal, one considered an abomination) and his loyalties to his family, his country, the wolf he has magically bonded to, and the woman in his life. All the feels. Fie upon you, fate; your catalyst is never treated well. 8. Called an Armor Slayer in FE and wielded by the Dragon Knight in Lost Kingdoms 2, I would love to wield this bad boy. The size and shape requires power, but that power is used to easily defeat even armored foes. 9. The Batman. 'Nuff said. 10. alcoholic things: vodka | soda things: apple soda and coke | juice things: simply lemonade (specifically)
  18. Having customization but choosing not to use it because it's so bad is an epic fail. That's worse than having no customization at all. The new main characters aren't bad, true. But nothing exemplary either.
  19. Maelstrom


    Banned for making me spell it out. In pre-movie events Samuel L Jackson (aka mace windu) kicked General Greivous's ass and he barely escaped with his life (force crush ftw). But before that, he was ripping jedi's new ones. Beast mode.
  20. There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love. Washington Irving
  21. “Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before--more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle.” ― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

    1. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Sorry to ruin your moment... BUT I HATED THAT BOOK!

    2. Maelstrom


      I did too, actually. I never even finished it. I was busy reading another series at the same time/instead that would become one of my very favorites.

    3. Maelstrom


      And it's actually one of the ones in my pic gtky

  22. Maelstrom


    Banned for not telling Roo how he was still recovering from getting his ass completely kicked by Mace Windu.... after fighting and killing multiple other jedi at the same time. How do you think he got those 4 light sabers?
  23. As long as they aren't as lame or as tacky as the pokemon accessories. they need legit customizations like different hats and hairstyles like ponytails, etc. i have a vote of little confidence in their attempts at customization.
  24. (22:33:48) Everest: is still on a political binge (22:33:53) ~~~ Everest was turned into a Heartless. ~~~
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