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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Two for me, one for you.

  2. I'm just a dude on a pokemon quest in Jhoto. Cuz it's what all the cool kids do. All the lame kids grow up and do productive things with their lives like work for Silph Co. or something.
  3. Happy Birthday. Save some cake for your guests, man.
  4. You're gonna need more back-up. Try grimer. It's pretty tanky and mud-slap works double as a super effective move that lowers accuracy. Also, spend good money on potions and some paralyze heals. If you raise it to the level or so of your other pokemon, it'll absorb some explosions and sonicbooms for ya. Maybe even better than grimer is trubbish. I was using grimer's poison gas to get it plenty of damage in and mitigate Julia's potions and stalling, but I finally won after a few tries when I used trubbish to lay out some toxic spikes so I could better preserve grimer and get all of julia's pokemon poisoned as soon as they came out. I woulda kept scratch instead of fury swipes cuz it takes at least 3 hits to at least be better than scratch, but bite for flinch is good too. bidoof with def curl/roll out combo can do some serious damage if you get it started early enough.
  5. I'd play but I've literally got a big backlog of games I need to play or finish playing: Reborn Tales of Graces Dragons Dogma The Last Story Tales of the Abyss Portal 2 FF 13 & 13-2 Zone of the Enders HD Collection RE6 KH 3D P4 Gravity Rush FF VI PMD: Gate to Infinity MH3U (although I think I'll just give up on it) I wonder if I'm leaving any more out. Not sure if I'd be squirtle (surprise) or abra. Although I wonder how you could really start as abra. What moves does it have?
  6. Maelstrom


    Banned because still on the internet despite being in an icy cave in the middle of nowhere land. Probably full bars on your phone too.
  7. Maelstrom


    Banned for chaos control.
  8. I think the pachirisu was originally a spinda. Which is why I beat the snot out of it during my first time playing reborn. Then I started anew on a new computer and it was a pachirisu. Don't remember where pachirisu was but I had that too previously.
  9. It won't get double attack, moves at base 60 power or less are boosted 50%. so that 60 power bite becomes 90 base power. And yes, that's no accounting for stab for moves like scratch and fake out.
  10. I knew you'd get it, Wolf. But nope, no roids. I don't really get angry unless playing portal 2 on co-op, apparently. xD Now I'm some kid who moved to some god-forsaken region for some reason that I don't remember. Was it the incredible pollution I was looking for? Responsible for lovely purple sunsets, I hear. Or maybe it was the pokemon? Couldn't be- there are hardly any left. The people are kinda run down too... ooh, and terrorist attacks to top it all off. It was a damn good day to go to Reborn and get stuck here in the middle of their crisis with nary a pokemon to work with. Ain't nothin' to do but drive on.
  11. Maelstrom


    Banned because fear signature.
  12. http://prntscr.com/12v3pj http://prntscr.com/12v44d
  13. I'm Bane, so not a whole lot different from any other day.
  14. Bought some pokemon TCG theme decks. Is it bad that my favorite thing in them were the plastic coins for coin tosses?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. diana


      Nope! I have a Metal Lugia one somewhere >>

    3. Pocky


      Nope, Kyurem coin, but what theme decks you got mang?

    4. Maelstrom


      Gallade, Garchomp, and Excavalier.

  15. Or hidden cookies. Hmm, is there a battle tower/subway like place in there? I'm thinking cameo rental teams...
  16. ... Where'd you get a goldeen? 0.o Unless the fisherman at the center is selling a lie. I recommend technician meowth: Scratch, Bite, Fake Out, Growl/screech/whatever. Good speed, attack, and all around the beginning area. Pachirisu would be useless except for bide. Then it eventually learns spark and becomes way more useful. Grimer, along with your trubbish makes for a nice tanking option with mud slap to help out the team when you switch it out or it falls in combat. Don't really have any other suggestions for ya.
  17. Maelstrom


    Banned because destiny bond double implosion.
  18. What brings you to reborn?
  19. hate him with a passion, but his theme <3 just <3 Say hello to theatrhythm, btw.
  20. Add me on steam, guys. MaelstromForce

  21. Near should have died. I hate him so much. N is 1 billion times better. Light > everyone else, why did they have to kill him? qq
  22. Counting all the assholes in the room... well I'm definitely not alone.
  23. Tfw Ame changes the limits and stuff becomes possible. I'll be cycling through an avy a day. Be prepared.
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