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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom


    Banned because the droid word you are looking for is Prudishness.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCEd0I-AMrw Aqua is sooo pretty.
  3. You are not alone. Bonds of people is the true power.

  4. Maelstrom


    Banned because not as awesome as a Dread Knight
  5. I too am American neutral. And there's something extra attractive about a girl with an Australian accent.
  6. Tfw you see May playing rock, paper, scissors slash with an Ursaring.
  7. Can I have your job? Please? Army doesn't stop unless incessant snow starts to fuck up the roads or maybe around -15, -20. I swear we'd work two months out of the years if we could follow that policy. I'm proud of you, son.
  8. Maelstrom


    Roo- Banned because every person (avy, sig, trainer card) is smiling in a less than innocent way. Shanco- Banned because your new name sounds like the name of a business Jack the Ripper would start.
  9. Maelstrom

    Hi owo

    It's all a lie, there are no doors. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
  10. Oh yeah, that one. I played the sequel on PSP. It was fun.
  11. No More Room to Breathe- I have it on my itunes courtesy my teen brother. I admit, it sounds damn good. But I'm pretty damn good at English and I've yet to really understand wtf the song is about or trying to say. Spoiler- Mozart totally wins.
  12. What game is it? Sim City? GTA? Bully?
  13. Obviously P4 in your pants. Living with Determination in my pants.
  14. A couple of months? You're way late in joining then. Welcome.
  15. Let It Out- Miho Fukuhara, from FMA: Brotherhood ending i'd link it but yt is full of lame ass covers.
  16. http://prntscr.com/zti9l also I wonder if they're gonna break precedent and make mewtwo male and this new thing female. xy, yo. and this form is more feminine, when you really look at it.
  17. while she's gone, change the router password. ;P
  18. Didn't know why I didn't think to use toxic spikes on Julia's team in the first place. Lvl 10 trubbish to the rescue. Now I has Charge Beam. =3

  19. 8/10- for dark magic, that's a lot of light right there.
  20. inb4 this new pokemon has multi-type. And I'd choose Yvetal over xerneas any day. I could definitely go for a kecleon evo.
  21. Indeed, I lost count of how many times you've said you wouldn't tell where or how to get pokemon.
  22. Tfw when dreaming I was riding passenger in a fighter jet being driven down the highway by the fires officer. We were racing some other people in go karts and I was leaning out and punching 'em off the road like I was donkey kong in mario kart double dash. I had fun.
  23. To paraphrase A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 'Dreams are not what you see in sleep but that thing which keeps you awake.'
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