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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom


    Banned because slightly offensive trainer card. wtf, yo.
  2. *What Would Mael Do? Quoted because this should have been the end of this thread
  3. Oh Lincoln, all the ways and the why's for which I cry when I watch that movie.

  4. You've seen me post before and know how I hate a LOT of pokemon based on how they look, gen 1 included. Your argument is invalid sir, as I would hate it even then. Wes... You don't know how backward it is to have YOU say my wording is poor. At any which rate, we've all said our piece on how we feel about this... new thing... and that will be end of that, at any rate. Anybody else feel free to like or dislike it, I shall say no more till the next info release.
  5. As if I like gen 1 anything just because it's gen one. Seriously guys, try another tactic.
  6. I've seen that video. Nothing surprising there, all the moves mewtwo has been able to use for forever. It's got a tail that is taking the idea of a pony tail way too far, and it's got swollen toes like it was engineered with gout/eggplants. It looks really well? I would cut you in your sleep sir. It's a floating alien thing with rounded features and it has even angrier eyes than mewtwo. It's probably angry at how horrible it looks. Imad, fight me bro.
  7. It could be some failed prototype of mewtwo, but the resemblance to the more recent arceus dictates otherwise. Has Team Rocket resurfaced once again?
  8. Some people might say Outlaw Star but I've barely seen any episodes and they were all meh at best.
  9. then it would be nothing like one piece.
  10. It's like they took a really, really bad pokemon mashup and decided to make it a legit pokemon. They coulda used that circular phrame thing around arceus instead of doing that... hideous thing to his head. Now he's like that blue alien from the 5th element. Does that look cool to you? Does that look functional to you? How does that not look like a stupid drag to you? Nintendo, ruining my childhood. Just stop right now, Nintendo. Your april fool's joke is late and I will not accept the slowpoke meme as an excuse. Stop this shit right now.
  11. I knew the head shape looked familiar. So yeah, it's almost definitely a newly cloned mewtwo, but they included arceus' DNA in the mix cuz add more powah, look more stupid.
  12. I fucking hate it. Mewtwo was already god created by man and all powerful. Why did it have to absorb arceus and gain it's devil horns and retarded head tail?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Speaking of majin buu, Arceus totally did a fusion dance with mewtwo. Well, actually, Mewtwo probably absorbed Arceus, saying, "Where's your god now?"

    3. Pocky


      or maybe arceus accident mewtwo

    4. Bearadactyl


      Well, the website is actually treating it as a completely different pokémon with a connection to Mewtwo... So, let's not jump to conclusions.

  14. So as long as you guys have whatever host program or whatever to run the server to host PO, it'll work. Sounds good.
  15. Maelstrom


    Why haven't you imported an american copy yet? do you really want to play the game with european voice actors that bad? you'd probably just turn on the japanese voices anyways right? actually, i need to do that....
  16. Hey I just met you, and this is crazy but that might work, or get me arrested, maybe
  17. Maelstrom


    Banned because spoiler. (No really, this is a game spoiler)
  18. You know what they say about guys with big shoes right? - Yeah, they've got big feet.
  19. Maelstrom


    Banned because I see your Henry and raise you the rest of the league of shady dealers.
  20. I knew there was reason for the big gaping hole in the distortion world. giratina
  21. Maelstrom


    Banned because I'm really a robot kyogre in disguise and you totally caught me.
  22. No, really, I can't stop listening to this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOVvmrSRzII
  23. Maelstrom


    Banned because I feel your avy is not quite complete without laser beams coming out of his eyes.
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