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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. "Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln
  2. I hope that mewtwo form is just a bad joke because it's hideous. They took his tail and attached it to the back of his head. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shanco


      Spoiler alert: His Attack becomes massive

    3. Brave


      Majinn Buu does.

    4. Maelstrom


      But it was never at any point attached to his ass. It was always more of an antenna on his head.

  3. It's like feebas, ain't no one got time fo dat. At least pokerus is contagious. Imagine shiny as a slightly contagious albinism related condition. lol.
  4. 9.5/10 who's the artist? the style seems familiar
  5. Your flattery will get you nowhere, gurl.
  6. Story wise, I'd say it start off damn well, though I'm with that zero punctuation game where I have speculated that it could be a figment of his grief-broken mind. The combat is rather terrible because you have to scroll thru menus real time to attack and even to block and for a 'real time battle' it has a rather slow pace as a result. DON'T MIND ME, GIANT MONSTER THING. JUST DODGING YOUR ATTACKS WHILE I TRICK TO PICK AN ATTACK THAT WORKS. Also super-grindy because A- super dumb random mechanic as to which monsters you pummel will maybe want to join you. Oh also, it takes forever to get to the point where that's even a thing anyways. B- always having to work to level up the new creatures. C- every time you 'evolve' a creature, which you need to grind to get the evolution-required item, they revert back to level one. It really does have an awesome start to the game. But they VERY SLOWLY introduce more and more game mechanics that are more of a job and nuisance than anything enjoyable. They make you backtrack a lot. As the story goes on... well, it's rather like watching an early morning pre-schooler's tv show. Motivation lost, tables flipped. I could crap on this game right now. Do not play unless you're like 5 and then the controls with either be too difficult or too annoying for you to bother with.
  7. Introverted (I) 62.5% Extroverted (E) 37.5% Sensing (S) 70.83% Intuitive (N) 29.17% Thinking (T) 75% Feeling (F) 25% Perceiving (P) 58.33% Judging (J) 41.67% ISTP - "Engineer". Values freedom of action and following interests and impulses. Independent, concise in speech, master of tools. 5.4% of total population. Cool, self-contained problem-solvers Strongly linked to the Negativistic personality Somewhat linked to the Antisocial personality More common in men than in women Repress their Extroverted Feeling function, meaning they may find themselves unintentionally giving offense Amongst the types least likely to believe in a deity This group seriously has the worst group of pop culture people ever. Clint Eastwood, Simon Cowell, Harrison Ford, Bale, Johansen, Cruise, Jenna fucking Jameson, the Twilight chick, snoop dogg, david blaine... a few of those are good but I don't like most of 'em. Best one was Bruce Lee, who deserved to be mentioned separate.
  8. <- stubborn old killer whale who wasn't fooled.
  9. Preorder is already sold out. WIsh I'd known about this sooner or I'd totally get one of these too. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIG-IPN-5686

  10. I'm the guy who is the jack of all trades, but most of all I'm the one they can rely on to pull crazy plans out of nowhere. I need to do that way too often, btw. After stopping two would-be conquerors, we have to work to destroy or seal an evil pseudo-deity. There's something more to that I'm sure, but I really can't remember anything before I found lying in that field all that time ago... It can't be that important cuz I'd remember it, right? Well, whatever happened before is behind me now. I've so many new friends now and even a special someone in my life- I couldn't be better motivated to do anything I have to do to end this ancient conflict. There's no turning back now. I'll need all of my abilities, every single ploy up my sleeve to make sure I see everyone through this alive. The future is already changed- we will defy that fate.
  11. 5/10, would kill to harvest bones and blubber.
  12. Maelstrom


    Banned because avy is like one of those weird seal type things with down syndrome.
  13. Maelstrom


    Banned for the petite pirate. Not so fearsome as other pirates. =P
  14. LListen to the music in my pants.
  15. I kinda thought it was the other way around, really. turning the 2D image into the 3D render, which has mostly to do with the dual projection of the images. I'm still highly skeptical of this timely notice from these guys.=P
  16. Brave hangs out with the prettiest ladies.
  17. Tfw I get on DA and they're advertising a spin-off dating site. 99.9% sure it's an April fool's joke.
  18. *flips 5 tables* that was fun. Now, about the topics on hand... ladder reset, awesome. Doesn't affect me though. 3D sprites gonna be a problem?? Dun think so Ame-bun. 3DS is 3D capable but there's that handy little switch that adjusts it or turns it off. I don't think they'll have a problem grabbing and incorporating them 2D sprites. I'd still be down with Reborn being a general gaming community. Kinda what it's grown into anyhow. Some of us were up late yesterday kicking some tail on Halo, after all.
  19. Maelstrom


    Banned for going with the 3 tankers and 3 sweepers formula.
  20. Muin, I can't stop playing that second one, Lost One's Weeping, which is apparently a Kagamine Rin song. And found this from the related/similar video side bar.
  21. Hasn't posted in forever, I should outright delete this topic. >>
  22. It's always okay with me. *sticks tongue out at kingo* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfFHw3jxQpg
  23. Am I the only one who had a good dream last night?

    1. Bearadactyl


      My dream was... Weird. Not bad, but weird...

    2. Summer


      I had a good sleep.

    3. Ikaru


      I did maybe but I don't remember it or anything

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