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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Hello? I'm just here for the open bar...
  2. I mean, there's nothing new out I want to sink my teeth into. Destiny 2 is bad, and the dlc comes out soon, but it ain't here yet and I ain't getting it till I see and watch reviews. Octopath looks mediocre. And the switch is mostly ports, so I didn't spend money to get one. Ain't nothing going on unless I want to replay games.
  3. Kinda just narrowed down the gaming to just FFBE for now. Been watching a lot of videos and selectively rewatching parts of anime lately.
  4. Not this. Well, you already turned down her feelings. That's usually the hard part. Just gotta be direct and honest with the typical, 'yeah, my feelings for you don't happen to run that way. sorry.' If you have genuine remorse for how this will affect her feelings, you can say that or let it show. Maybe not use the exact words 'not interested in the slightest'. Unless you think that person will become persistent and as kuro said, try to break out of the friend zone.
  5. yeah, it does look like he sits there, waiting for his crown to come back, wide open to attack. And ofc, dhd, snake, and villager's third jumps have always made them particularly vulnerable so I don't see this being any less of a disadvantage for K Rool.
  6. Mustn't be that popular if I've never even heard of Rundas, much less heard people asking for him. -Shadow is too easy, so yeah, I think he'll be in. -idk what skull kid's moves would be, but he's at least an assist trophy again, if not playable. -bandana dee is popular but i'm not familiar with him so I couldn't say either way as a result of his moveset. -Octoling i think stands a pretty good chance to be an echo fighter but idk if they thought far ahead in the game's development, since they were simple enemies in the first game are are only recently being focused on as part of 2's dlc. It stands a chance because like shadow, it would be too easy to implement. Zeraora- what even is it? I didn't play USUM and only heard about the lame new UB's. haven't heard mention of this new mon till recently.
  7. I would think Shadow mewtwo or in restraints mewtwo (mewtwo movie, project m) would be an alternate skin type thing like Ike and young Ike.
  8. This is a thread where you wish for or hope for certain fighters to make it in as echoes. May include a new character and their potential echo. For example: A lot of people want Isaac in Smash, myself included. He'd have a great echo fighter choice in Felix, the player's protagonist in the second Golden sun game. I also really like Hector from FE, and Garet and Piers from golden sun would be some cool echoes as somewhat beefier axe wielders (or at least thats how I equipped 'em). Also, one other rule atm- you gotta label your characters as either serious or troll picks. For example: serious- gutsman as DK echo. troll- buzzwole for cpt falcon echo So there you have it, those are the guidelines. Now for my picks -------------------------------------- Serious: Protoman- megaman echo with ike's quick draw and link's shield functionality. Gutsman- DK echo with his ground slap changed to a hammerfist groundpound that sends a shockwave forward. Gardevoir- either a mewtwo echo, or a Rosalina and Luma echo who shoots out a singularity instead of a luma- they've both got that black hole thing going on. or she could toss out a ralts Isaac with Felix/Matthew echos- you know Isaac is gonna be in the game, but what we don't know is if he's gonna be an AT or playable. Hector with (troll) echo Dorcas- two big FE axe favorites. what's not to love? Zelgius- Ike echo who would count as a nemesis character like K rool and Ganon. He could have a stage boss form as the bulkier black knight, who upon defeat unlocks his different look as Zelgius that far more closely matches Ike. Ken/Akuma- echoes of ryu cuz duh. they'd have to do something extra to make akuma stand out though. idk what cuz i haven't really played those games Blastoise- Bowser echo, but with a few changes. and a hydropump that damages, not just pushes like squirtle's water gun. either a charged special or a ranged side smash Troll: Plusle/minun- pichu echoes double snover- ice climber echoes with frost breath and wood hammers.
  9. Where strength is master, justice is servant. -Japanese proverb
  10. He'd be like Ike. Including showing up and being recruitable more towards end game and stuff. Honestly, mobile apps are prone to having collaboration characters and FE Heroes seems well suited to bringing them in as characters. You can have fun thinking of their unique base kits for it.
  11. only voted for incineroar, owliver queen, Hector and isaac from the list. there are a lot of platformer characters up there, and they're like classic and all, but then never sparked my interest to play those games much feel the need for them in smash.
  12. Well, they still never went off the ballot votes. And everybody who actually voted for bayonetta are actually bad people. Just look at bayonetta in the game. Everybody else saw it coming. the only thing we've seen them do with the votes is make lame dlc costumes... and give us characters in smash u so far.
  13. I somewhat recently had a dream where I was playing a mobile app that cast an illusion on me to make others see an attractive girl when they look at me while it's on and running. I was at an amusement park and was getting hit on by a lot of guys.
  14. It only works on the ones who know me, Ame. Young miss, I hope you enjoyed yourself cuz you still got your work cut out for you.
  15. Ame, do girls your age still have birthdays? =P
  16. Smash Ghosts of Tsushima KH3, though I don't want to see too much about it till I can actually play the game.
  17. Monster Hunter World Persona 3 portable on mobile FFBE Star Ocean: Anamnesis Knight's Chronicle Brave Frontier
  18. From what I've played of SMT and non-persona spinoffs, they're a lot less linear and let the player choose to operate wherever they want in the moral spectrum, altering alliances and party members along the way. A bit on the edgey side, but not too edgy. in persona, the game is more linear and your focus is less on choosing what moral actions you accomplish than balancing and achieving social links as you all work together to save humanity from their own warped psyches. Getting new monsters/persona is a bigger pain in the rear in SMT than in persona and the smt games are generally a bit more difficult. I personally prefer the Persona series, but I do enjoy a lot of the things they'll delve into in more mainline SMT games. Recently started a new game plus file for p3p, trying out the female protagonist this time. Btw, is the strategy to beating the arcana bosses behind the paradigm door to just go through the story with the most OP personas from your compendium from the first go through? Cuz I just beat the first full moon boss and tried to beat the paradigm door version and- 1 it's totally a solo fight since the enemies now ohko your party members 2- you're stuck with only the persona (and perhaps the items) that you had when you cleared it during the story. Do I just summon lvl 90+ Helel and a few others and just steamroll through the story so I have some relevant stats and moves for these fights?
  19. If you've got a psp, you should give FF Dissidia a try. And if you happen to have a Vita, look for Soul Sacrifice.
  20. I missed out on everything ps1, and most of ps2... but what keeps me from looking over the old stuff is how poorly many seem to have aged. As well as not having a ps1 or having access to my old ps2. what do you have as far as contemporary consoles? can make plenty of recommendations there...
  21. Oh yeah, I've gone white water rafting, skiing, and jet skiing, snow mobiling (or snow machining as some people call it), and deep water fishing (didn't catch anything tho).
  22. they need a patch that brings back 1v1 matches. Other than that, haven't really played the game since around launch as well. It's a lot of repetitive grinding for not much in return. Ofc, I could go on for days about all the things that were dropped from the previous dissidia games but I'll save that for another time.
  23. actually, I'm 55. 100 is way up there and I haven't gotten that yet.
  24. I think I hit 155 but that save is on another system and it didn't upload the save to the cloud, so I can't play with it atm. Although I guess I could just go with an old file that's still at least 145.
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