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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Also, don't forget to cast one of your votes for Ninian (Rekka no Ken) in the FE Heroes Ballot. (you get one vote a day)

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Na, I'mma just continue with the plan of putting all my votes towards Lyn cause I can.

    2. Maelstrom


      That reminds me... they should really take a stab at making a Smash version of FE.

    3. Godot


      I rather vote for a cool character.

  2. I'm as good as new.

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      If you could learn every move, you'd be as good as Mew.

  3. I think most people find using 'it' to be a little too cold to use. And I think there was some study about using he/she for different things that could be either or genderless has to do with them associating it with what they're familiar with. So guys will often use he and girls will often use she in those situations.
  4. What you say is true and I ended up very much disliking most of the Conquest storyline. I just don't. See how the main characters fit into this background.
  5. So... I just started playing Exvius today and got Ariana Grande as a character. Also... my player ID is 135.099.168

    Help an exvius newb out.

  6. The updated visual design for Alm and Celica look great to me. Can't wait for their amiibos to come out. Not sure I'll play this game. I know it's series history and whatnot, but the whole opposite extremes storyline doesn't appeal to me at all. I think gameplay details might sway me but we don't know much yet. Or maybe if they do something more with the FE amiibos than the little bit they did with 'em in Fates.
  7. A unit can only be promoted if they are a base class unit. If they come to you pre-promoted, well there isn't anything to do about that. For most characters, you have to find or buy the item that lets you promote them and use it on them once they are at least level 10. But most people hold off till later (max level is 20) to promote because they want the stat growths from those level ups and have the best chance of hitting stat caps when they level up after their promotion. (promoted units revert to level 1 but don't lose stats or anything, it just allows for more growth). Finding promotion items can be given by the story missions, or sometimes you have to save villages and they might give one as a reward, but there are shops you sometimes come across that may have one to buy. Keep in mind that they're expensive, and it's part of the challenge that you spend your paltry war chest on things your amy needs- weapons of different strengths (which break after enough uses), healing items, etc. iirc, there's also a thing that gives a rating at the end if you spend less and have a certain amount of gold saved up. Idk about useful guides, but you should definitely browse the wiki for good references and general knowledge, like which characters need to be recruited (and some of them have to be recruited by certain characters). But yeah, Awakening is for sure the game you want if you're a blind beginner to the series. As for the OP character at the beginning, most players end up ditching them, since they're prepromoted but actually have kind of low stats when compared to enemy units and other friendly units late game. someone like ross and boyd, who start off weak usually end up having great stat growths that make them powerful later on. Also, there may have been a unit or two who actually could be promoted twice.
  8. I really want those two FE amiibos.

    1. Commander


      I think we all do

  9. You know, everything Trump's campaign is saying about Buzzfeed and CNN running an obviously questiionable story about Trump can be equally applied to Trump's 'Birther' efforts.

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      ol' don being hypocritical, what else is new

    2. Maelstrom


      Absolutely nothing. and that's what makes it sad.

    3. 5hift


      Another reason why this whole election eats ass, no surprise here.

  10. Is the lack of a replay to show how your opponent killed you a sign of hacking? Cuz that last game was BS.
  11. I can't begin to explain why I don't have the capacity to begin to explain why I feel this so much.

    1. Maelstrom


      Despite all the memes and distractions and stupidity (boy, was I redundant twice) that companies prey and capitalize on, I still believe in humanity.

  12. As the title says, what in-game trophies or achievements have you snagged that make you proud? The first one that comes to mind for me is the Flawless Raider trophy for Destiny. To get this, you have to complete an entire raid without anyone on the team dying at all. Let me tell you, people can spend hours trying to get through single sections of a raid. To have everyone perform on point and not have anybody slip or get overwhelmed really is a feat. Only 2% of ps4 players have gotten this trophy. This is usually the only thing stopping players from getting the platinum for this game.
  13. Fancy is taking your drive thru burger home and putting it on a paper plate.

  14. tfw Rex Tillerson claims that he needs more time to research if Vladmir Putin is a war criminal, despite the company he worked for having gone on record for many years as opposing sanctions against Russia. http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/11/14237748/tillerson-exxon-russia-lobbying the link is almost certainly a shitty read, but is confirmed that Tillerson and the company lobbied against the sanctions. The other link I read and ended up closing remarked on how Tillerson's statement before congress is perjury and precludes him from being a cabinet member. tldr: tillerson either didn't know (incompetent) that his company lobbied against the sanctions or he lied directly about the multiple times his company has lobbied in that direction. In either case, he is unqualified to run or oversee US operations, domestic or overseas. Obvious PSA - Trump is a sociopath and a con artist. Do not trust this A-hole. Over these next 4 years, I will proclaim "I told you so!" over and over as the situation demands. Edit: here In 14:22, Secretary Gates proclaims Tillerson knowledgeable of foreign affairs and geopolitics... but as seen in the other video link, he has no idea or opinion of how Putin has deployed the Russian army and thus cannot form an informed opinion on Putin. Which means he is NOT knowledgeable of foreign affairs and politics AT ALL. A clever man would say "If such a thing were proven true, I would be against such a man." Instead, he claims ignorance instead of citing evidence to the contrary (of which there seems to be none). tbh, I'm watching this as I post, because I care for the precise wording and context of this hearing. I'm a linguist like that. And this is a 10 hour hearing. Ladies and gentle germs, this is a long ride with the future in the balance. If nothing else, you should watch and listen to what is promised... and ask "How?" Edit: Wow, this is a lot of talking. But my ears pricked up at around 41:17 where the speaker confirms that Trump disregards the consensus of 17 independent intelligence agencies who say that Putin interfered in our elections in an unprecedented way. "The same president to whom you may report to has also made it clear that he may ignore Putin's invasion of Ukraine, his illegal annexation of Crimea, his illegal interference in Syria where Russia's forces partnered with Iran, Hezbollah, and Shiia militia to shift battlefield momentum toward a dictator guilty of war crimes. Russia itself is culpable of warcrimes for its backing of Ishar Assad (sp?), who has starved, barrel bombed, and tortured the Syrian people into submission... And yet, president elect Trump may take quick steps to make Putin an ally of the United States Of America." "... so I'm troubled on many of these issues that Exxon appears, under your leadership, seems to push in the opposite direction (of human rights).
  15. Was it just me or was 2016 the comeback year for beards?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Yeah, but did you notice more celebrities and video game characters sporting beards? I did. And that's saying something because I don't really care for celebrity things.

    3. Melody


      I guess I have subconsciously noticed it, but I guess I've never really thought it was anything more than a mere coincidence.   

    4. DemICE


      my mirror would argue that all years were year for beards

  16. Starfish and Breakfast guy
  17. So, is gamefreak gonna give us pokebank this month or are they gonna drop the ball?

    1. Azeria


      They said it was sometime during mid january a few weeks back I think.

  18. Just watched Rogue 1. I liked it but I don't think it was worth all the hype. But hey, there was a lot to like and small things that probably mean a lot to the hardcore fans. Still definitely worth a watch, even if you aren't the biggest fan, like me. I watched Collateral Beauty. I liked it quite a bit and there were a lot of nice quotes in there, but Other than that, just chillin' and eating good food.
  19. 9/10 for the nearly perfect Captain pose.
  20. If you wanna watch the other half of the Mael and Godot team-up, click this clickbait. https://www.twitch.tv/azuremaelstrom

    1. Maelstrom


      Even if I'm switching out with my brother every round.

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