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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Tfw watched All Star Superman on Netflix and actually liked it. Spoilers means spoilers, for srs this time Also, JL: Doom was pretty good too. Even introduces Vandal Savage.
  2. You mean there's a difference? xD
  3. To save the world, would you accept Lucina's judgement?

  4. IllegalCyrus has been banned from XBL matchmatking. WTF did you do, Cyrus?

    1. Cyrus


      Authority is holding me back.

  5. Apparently that song has been out since 2009 but I'd never heard it till last month. =/
  6. I imagine that's what people do on the weekends. Go to the local gym and watch the lineup of battlers take on the underlings and then the gym leader.
  7. Maelstrom


    Banned because this ain't whack a mole. Plus, can't touch this. /mchammer
  8. Judging by his wrist gadgets, Kiozo is also zuBatman.
  9. Badass Hooh, and usually I'm not a fan of it. http://arkeis-pokemon.deviantart.com/art/Vs-Ho-oh-and-the-Sacred-Fire-195711944 Badass Feraligatr: http://masabowser.deviantart.com/art/Torrent-333127911 Slight bowser/kirby/pkmn crossover: http://masabowser.deviantart.com/art/Bowser-Mass-Attack-288437986 That old MGS joke: http://arkeis-pokemon.deviantart.com/art/Metal-Gear-Pokemon-187181930
  10. Hi, I just took out most of Alder's team with torkoal cuz I could. Now I got some unfinished business with his grandson on top of black tower.
  11. I can never find them when I find stuff to put in 'em and I happened to find this thing first. Thanks for the redirect.
  12. http://silver5.deviantart.com/art/382-Kyogre-341246528
  13. http://prntscr.com/woezf http://prntscr.com/wofh5
  14. Tfw Beiber is experimenting in new genres. Vid is crap, music is good.
  15. Btw, took 'em to that judge guy. Each and every one of them has outstanding potential and lists every stat as can't get any better. It's a damn shame that joltik doesn't have compound eyes. Stupid N.
  16. Disallow spectators. *Fern was forcibly boots from the rafter* =3
  17. Maelstrom


    Banned for making me use this: C-c-c-combo Breaker!
  18. Since when does sending your pokemon to DW make 'em level up when they come back?

  19. Maelstrom


    Banned for being guilty of the exact same thing.
  20. Lon'qu uses lethality. Foe hangs on with Miracle. Lon'qu's second attack activates Lethality for that 1 hp left.

  21. A man could say that this topic was inevitable. Just as winter is coming. Put you pokemon ability ideas here. I'll go ahead and start us off with a couple. Quickdraw- Gives +1 priority to this pokemon's weaker moves (base power 50 or less). Remind you of prankster/technician? It should. I was thinking of something like this for the rattlesnake CAP I was thinking of, but it could apply to other pokemon just as easily, like zangoose, seviper, arbok, etc. Tracker/Hunter/Keen Nose/etc- This pokemon ignore's foes attempts at evasion, using special or heightened senses to pinpoint the target and prevents foes' attempts to reduce this pokemon's accuracy. For example, say we have a wolf CAP, this would go well with it. Or with stoutland, or some psychic types and predator pokemon (ex. snakes- dem Jacob's organs). This could reduce the complaints of evasion being too OP. Nebulous Form- for ghosts, mainly. Pokemon has ... say an additional 20% of avoiding physical attacks, calculated into natural move accuracy. I can't remember if any ghosts learn double team or anything, but it wouldn't hurt if it didn't stack with evasive moves or baton pass. It would be whichever value is greater.
  22. 2/10, would not watch an episode. someone cancel this show and put on MXC.
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