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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Smooshed like a meat wad.   When does the next panel come out? =3
  2. Hark, those all start off good then eventually devolve into boring metronome shit. Although I'm listening to that second one and it's still going good. I can has for workouts? Pump me up, Scotty.
  3.     Yeah, I'm tired of using the same old badasses that I bred and hatched. And genesect I got at like lvl 15 which was just the right level since I got it at the start of the game. I just wanna use stuff I've never used personally and whose guts I don't hate.
  4. Er... not the most compelling of testaments. You already have a reputation for being an ass.
  5. I'd listen but I already know Locked out of Heaven is a terrible song, period. But that guy does Wonderwall so pro.
  6. Oh look, 420 likes. >_>

    1. Conor
    2. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge


    3. Maelstrom


      Not if I wanna keep my job. Oh wait, I really don't.

  7. Raptors would make the best teammates. They always know when to flank off and attack from the sides. =3
  8. Finally got around to beating the E4 for the first time on B2. All I really needed was Genesect and Lucario (both of whom started the E4 as my lowest level pokemon). Only Iris's Haxorus gave me any trouble, and even then, Stoutland took an EQ boosted by 2x DD and finished it off.   E4 clear team:   Genesect- Lucky Incense, 59 Lucario- Expert Belt, 58 Torkoal- Leftovers, 63 Stoutland- Rocky Helmet, 60 Blastoise- King's Rock, 64 Serperior- Lucky Egg, 59     I'll probably restart White, but I think I won't use the starter and I wanna try using completely different pokemon than I normally do... Any suggestions? I'm thinking so far... magby/growlithe, aron, exeggcute, scyther, skarmory...
  9. Just noticed: Sabullion dark/ghost- Sableye's evolution. Which is pimped out with gold (bullion). Oh shit, eviolite sableye.... Fantalis- jynx evo??? Tyroi and Tigrace- male/female tiger pokemon.
  10. Koalossus needs to be a torkoal evo so torkoal can use eviolite
  11. Mewtwo is so boss.

  12. feel free to skip to like a minute in when the music really starts. I tell you what, it looks and sounds a LOT better on my 360 and turtle beaches.
  13. What's in a name? My predictions: Fennerva- hello I'm not ninetails, I swear. Bubbaboom- sounds like the water starter is gonna use sound based attacks like a water type loudred. dem loud croaks. Gyrove- grass and flying with a little bit o' rapid spin? How does one do a flying hedgehog? and don't friggin say sonic Dogsnout/Daschunt- wiener dog pokemon Catrawl/hooklyne- angler pokemon? perhaps another jellyfish, manowar style? Scimincer and Chryscross- Pinsir and heracross evos? Maniackle- ghost with chains who laughs a lot, ghost/steel. =3 I can't help but think of the muppet christmas carol now Prowleon/Houndoomed- new cat and dog. mayhap houndoom evo? Reptoil/oozard- poison ground lizard. Gila monster perhaps? Obviously, a greasy pokemon. Lunate/lycrest- Lunatone and solrock now have a dark counterparts. beware. Koalossus- sounds like the name heatran should have had. tiny hope it could be a torkoal evo. I doubt it. Pyrophos/Fraptor- new fossil pokemon Eyedol- psychic version of claydol. =| Sylveon- normal, female eveelution, which in turn means Bouson- the normal male eveelution. totally inb4'd it. Mothedral- volcarona, ice style Olympen- Empoleon's new buddy, but with more ice cubes. Now we totally need a killer whale pokemon to eat them. Sawk and Throh with new evo's Chorustar- singing water pokemon? Siren or perhaps sea angel? Whaleon- an orca pokemon? well, the coloring would probably fit with a ghost type... fingers crossed. Shamroc- grass/dragon... I got nothing except the image of a leprechaun stuck in my head. hmmm. maybe it'll have a mane in the shape of a 4leaf clover. bug/dragon? hell if I know, unless loldragonflydragon Warhog, ground/fighting- say hello to Pumba Mr. Pig. Cocojo/Cocomando, grass/fire- coconut meets luau fire dancer???? Fugilis water/poison- hard to say. sea snake? those things are venomous as hell... oh wait, fugue- pufferfish pokemon. GF says FU to quilfish. Snowmanitan- alternate Darmanitan form/evo. duh. Guardion- something badass. Mirrong- Alternate Bronzong evolution. Or... female evolution? ladies and their mirrors... Idom/Egom/Superegom- this pokemon brought you in part by proud sponsor Dr. Freud. It's totally a couch, lol. JK. probably a haze/formless pokemon or very humanoid. Xerneas as psychic/rock? that thing from princess mononoke? Suddenly very skeptical of this list. Vortron- the giant molecule pokemon, see klingklang and expect something similar Serpreine- Sounds legit, a dark poison snake. *reads the note at the end* oh, heracross and pinsir PRE-evo's. I was close. buggler??? maybe one of those three is scyther pre-evo? although with the way those 3 are going, could be a completely new pokemon and its evo's. =/ This. normal/flying... it's totally gonna be the pre-evo. I saw it and thought it was an actual evolution, not pre-evo till I saw the typing. You know, how its feathers/wings get stabbed by thorns so that it starts to grow its metallic quills? Yeah. That. So still no eviolite skarmory, thank mewtwo.
  14. Maelstrom


    Banned because I'm pretty sure he doesn't dislike them.
  15. http://prntscr.com/w15o6
  16. Main storyline on FE:A? What's that? I'm too sidetracked by leveling up characters and promoting relationships like the pim- er, tactician that I am.

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Honestly, the story in Awakening isn't that strong. IMO at least. =/

  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_LxyhCJpsM
  18. Maelstrom


    Banned because not a bird yet.
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