What's in a name? My predictions:
Fennerva- hello I'm not ninetails, I swear.
Bubbaboom- sounds like the water starter is gonna use sound based attacks like a water type loudred. dem loud croaks.
Gyrove- grass and flying with a little bit o' rapid spin? How does one do a flying hedgehog? and don't friggin say sonic
Dogsnout/Daschunt- wiener dog pokemon
Catrawl/hooklyne- angler pokemon? perhaps another jellyfish, manowar style?
Scimincer and Chryscross- Pinsir and heracross evos?
Maniackle- ghost with chains who laughs a lot, ghost/steel. =3 I can't help but think of the muppet christmas carol now
Prowleon/Houndoomed- new cat and dog. mayhap houndoom evo?
Reptoil/oozard- poison ground lizard. Gila monster perhaps? Obviously, a greasy pokemon.
Lunate/lycrest- Lunatone and solrock now have a dark counterparts. beware.
Koalossus- sounds like the name heatran should have had. tiny hope it could be a torkoal evo. I doubt it.
Pyrophos/Fraptor- new fossil pokemon
Eyedol- psychic version of claydol. =|
Sylveon- normal, female eveelution, which in turn means
Bouson- the normal male eveelution. totally inb4'd it.
Mothedral- volcarona, ice style
Olympen- Empoleon's new buddy, but with more ice cubes. Now we totally need a killer whale pokemon to eat them.
Sawk and Throh with new evo's
Chorustar- singing water pokemon? Siren or perhaps sea angel?
Whaleon- an orca pokemon? well, the coloring would probably fit with a ghost type... fingers crossed.
Shamroc- grass/dragon... I got nothing except the image of a leprechaun stuck in my head. hmmm. maybe it'll have a mane in the shape of a 4leaf clover.
bug/dragon? hell if I know, unless loldragonflydragon
Warhog, ground/fighting- say hello to Pumba Mr. Pig.
Cocojo/Cocomando, grass/fire- coconut meets luau fire dancer????
Fugilis water/poison- hard to say. sea snake? those things are venomous as hell... oh wait, fugue- pufferfish pokemon. GF says FU to quilfish.
Snowmanitan- alternate Darmanitan form/evo. duh.
Guardion- something badass.
Mirrong- Alternate Bronzong evolution. Or... female evolution? ladies and their mirrors...
Idom/Egom/Superegom- this pokemon brought you in part by proud sponsor Dr. Freud. It's totally a couch, lol. JK. probably a haze/formless pokemon or very humanoid.
Xerneas as psychic/rock? that thing from princess mononoke? Suddenly very skeptical of this list.
Vortron- the giant molecule pokemon, see klingklang and expect something similar
Serpreine- Sounds legit, a dark poison snake.
*reads the note at the end*
oh, heracross and pinsir PRE-evo's. I was close. buggler???
maybe one of those three is scyther pre-evo? although with the way those 3 are going, could be a completely new pokemon and its evo's. =/
This. normal/flying... it's totally gonna be the pre-evo. I saw it and thought it was an actual evolution, not pre-evo till I saw the typing. You know, how its feathers/wings get stabbed by thorns so that it starts to grow its metallic quills? Yeah. That. So still no eviolite skarmory, thank mewtwo.