I don't dislike that the master chief has changed and shows some emotions and stuff, but they kinda did it wrong and overplayed it.
As always, aircraft dogfights are kind of a silly afterthought they added to the game.
And i love spartan ops myself. Definitely way more fun with at least 2 players and I like how it doesn't reset you to an arbitrary respawn point if the whole team gets slagged. It would have been cool to occasionally play as elites and given a few lives and the task to kill/slow down team crimson. a little bit like L4D.
Ordinance drops are like killstreaks from cod, except they're all random like care packages. and they still do have the static weapon spawns, but are conveniently signaled by loud blasts like other ordinance drops. I admit though that they get really annoying and can really give the winning team an even bigger edge.
Yeah... i hate how some weapons end up being almost entirely useless.
anyways, Godot has it but can't do spartan ops until he gets a hd for his 360.
Kiozo has the game too but doesn't seem to play much.
Ice, who lurks the server, has played even more than I have but we haven't played together often either. But we do well.