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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Ooh. Well, you know I woulda joined if I hadn't already bought Garen and Ashe. That's half the dang starter pack right there.
  2. tfw you're actually wide awake and raring to go workout- only to find that the damned gym is closed.
  3. geh. you think they could get away with calling some cheap spin off an evolution of the game itself? lol, can you imagine a lol-like version of pokemon? 4 attack commands and a special ability this passive or activated on command? or something like wow,a closer third person control of a single pokemon that would support one another to take down legendary bosses? certainly fan,ade mmo's like pmu have been popular with gamers as mmo's, if still following the tried and true classic and pmd formulas. it would be something if they actually tried to do so,ething serious with it, especially if you paid subscription fees.
  4. remakes or even just 3d wouldn't 'evolve' pokemon. console pokemon games and 3ds pokedex has done or come close to 3d. i know what i would like to see and that's a fighter in the spirit of brawl, but perhaps more likely is a real mmo that draws upon pmd as yourself as a pokemon of choice, with appropriate pokemon slated as tanks, attackers, etc. that would be too good to be true, perhaps but a real evolution for pokemon would be to shift away from a strict turn based fighter.
  5. Maelstrom


    no s? let's swing in the dark with an N then.
  6. hey, i remember you. mostly because your sn reminds me of home. welcome to reborn. we have padded walls for your comfort and safety.
  7. All That She Wants in my pants.
  8. When you rampage Paris, would you bring back the Eiffel tower as a trophy or would you demolish it? Ever written a short story or any story? If so, what was it about? Do you dream in color? What's the strangest thing someone has said to you? Why were you afraid of diving deep?
  9. Not gonna lie, I'm gonna miss the beard.

  10. Dude, you are an amazing spiderman. Autograph plz.
  11. Maelstrom


    Well, starmie would fit but no i... I'll go with S.
  12. Loss to bots because of terrible teammates. Had me a nice killing spree though. http://prntscr.com/nzcxs
  13. Maelstrom


    S cuz chansey like i suspected
  14. We met at the university's anime club. Really there was a whole big group of us that made up the core of the anime club (kind of like how there's a bunch of core reborn regulars), so we would all hang around and have all sorts of fun long past when club meeting ended. There was a whole long time too when we were all pretty deep into Rock Band and Guitar Hero. We've been good buddies ever since. After a while I pestered Wolf to join Reborn and the rest is history.
  15. Why wasn't that done a month ago?! I especially wanna see that dry bones one.
  16. Genetics helps. Working out helps a lot more. Blastoise with Torkoal a close second.
  17. Are you gainfully employed anywhere sir?
  18. I'm not sure but I doubt it. Unless I'm speaking in Japanese and then my voice goes down an octave or so automatically for some reason. Ask Wolf for his opinion of it.
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