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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Did you think this through? Are you taunting Phoenix to give you a 100 Q block? Do you wear sunscreen? 250 posts but is already an ace member. Care to explain? How many fingers am I holding up? Why'd you change your name? Most recent movie watched in theaters? Name one overrated movie? Where is that avy from?
  2. Having just recently been on a cruise, I have to recommend against them. And Hawaii is a super expensive place to live, but it's awesome.
  3. Where did this come from? And who is Christina Vee, besides apparently the voice for Riven? What are your top 5 (or so) favorite personas? Favorite drink?
  4. Not sure if browsing Celine Dion songs on itunes makes me old, sappy, and/or feminine. =/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mashew



    3. Summer


      Mael why are you even using iTunes?

    4. Maelstrom


      Cuz legit, son.

  5. Maelstrom


    I'd like to buy a vowel: A
  6. Time zones make new years awkward as fuck, don't they. There should be universal time for fucks sake!
  7. Maelstrom


    Summer confirmed it on the server as burmy. And now he is eating lunch and thinking of a new one, while I wait for new years still. I am jelly. I want lunch foods but no place is open. =/
  8. Silver- that's not nearly as bad as you seem to think it is. RSF- that's a really cute picture you two.
  9. Maelstrom


    The letter I guess earlier. burmy? I'll take an r, please.
  10. Take yer pick. [s]I suggest the first one[/s] [spoiler][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/126/e/b/feebas_gijinka_by_kittykarren-d3frez8.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [spoiler][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs42/f/2009/145/c/1/Gijinka_Pokemon_349_Feebas_by_saurodinus.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
  11. 1. Make time to workout on my own because with Alaska weather the way it is and my abysmal 2 mile run time... I really need to. 2. Put in paperwork to re-class. I'm getting shit on at work. 3. Look into transferring into airforce and do that before #2 if possible, because air force is way better.
  12. So, you believe explosion/self destruct should have overworld effects? A diglet stole yo' bike. How do you get it back? What SSBB characters do you like to play as? How many times have you ridden in an airplane? Most recent cartoon/anime series you've watched?
  13. First a quick question for phoenix: Do you live in some magical land where they have gas station attendants who pump your gas for you? Cuz it's as simple as pay, select fuel grade, stick the nozzle in the tank and squeeze. =/ ----- Which of all the legendary birds is your favorite? Why is a fish biting your hand? If you are what you eat, what are you? What if Jurassic Park really happened and raptors roamed the tall grasses and woods of the US? As a reader of fantasy and other books, what system of magic/abilities did you enjoy the most? What do you think of furbies? Is Cpt Falcon a respectable rival or do you have to upgrade with Ganondorf? Weapon of choice?
  14. What is your body ready for? ._. Salt or Pepper? What are your favorite pizza toppings? Do you prefer sunny or cloudy days? Who let the dogs out? Regular, curly, or sweet potato fries? What is the last movie you saw? Last movie you saw in the theater? What is your favorite element? What is your favorite game from each console? How did you and Edge become an item? Pokeballs, capsule corps capsules, or animal crossing leaves?
  15. Why Nirvash? why not Vaan or something? Digimon or Zoids? Favorite book series? Why so Brave? why not Courage the cowardly dog? Shoe size? Do you even lift? What game cube games did you own? This was a triumph. I'm making a note here- huge success... but what does it do, mr scientist? Melee weapon of choice? Cookies and cream or cookie dough?
  16. I wasn't judging yours, but but my original post missing a word.
  17. Magcargo: Is not intimidated by salt.
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