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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Look what you've done in my pants.
  2. Maelstrom


    At Chrono- Banned for necro'ing a user account. /me avoids the obvious reborn joke @ Roo- banned for thinking the Rex is afraid of a bite-sized morsel.
  3. Them typos where you're missing whole words... but um, yeah, shoot.
  4. You conformist! It's okay, we like you anyways.
  5. If You're Not the One in my pants...
  6. Maelstrom


    Banned because monkey see, monkey glare. U jelly?
  7. Not gonna lie. Read all of Lord of the Rings. Overrated, fell asleep a few times. First book of Eragon was a pretty fun read, as was 2. After that... it all went to hell. I've seen the song of fire and ice series around, but haven't read it yet. How come you skipped the last two questions? What is your favorite dinosaur? What are you afraid of? Do you have a list of favorite authors then?
  8. Wait... still in the plastic wrap?!
  9. Maelstrom


    Banned because monkey in a suit.
  10. Learn to read, for fuck's sake!
  11. It Will Rain in my pants. Gangsta's Paradise in my pants. oh shit
  12. About $200 cuz no one knows what to buy me, including myself $30 in itunes gift cards A GI Joe shirt. >> A black tee with the Venom/Symbiote design. much better and yeah, that's about it.
  13. ^ psyduck Why do you have over a million posts when I know you don't? I'm watching you, bub Where is Amestris? Magikarp or Feebas? Speed or Power? Who have you written into your deathnote lately?
  14. How were you first introduced to anime/video games? When did you first start cosplaying? Which character did you do first? Why so rusty? What happens to you when you melt? are you a casform in disguise? What would you ask of the great wizard of oz?
  15. Do some people around here strike you as trying too hard? What if alien invasion? Do cats dream? What gaming systems do you own? What is the name of your favorite book series? What languages do you know? Does this dress make me look like a girl? Would you join in a flash mob of Gangnam style?
  16. Between you and Ikaru, which one is the evil twin?
  17. Watched Legend of Korra with Wolf about a week ago. Awesomesauce.
  18. Mine's better, but I don't have the pictures to prove it right now. ;P Yours is still very cute though, haha.
  19. I only buy one item from the site shop but they're all sold out. ._.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neo


      How does one sell out of virtual items?

    3. Maelstrom


      Title change item. Apparently the store only stocks up with 3 at a time now. ._.

    4. Shadow♠


      I bought one a couple days ago.

  20. Hey Light, is that a bijon frize?
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