I think it's pretty good so far. Paints a large, if simply picture of the realm and quickly mixes action with exposition that doesn't slow the story down. Haha, I like that you even put levels and moves for each of them. I look forward to the next installment.
What is it that makes Sonic and co. so awesome to you?
Swagger vs Class. Which wins?
Why would you want your glass only half full? Didn't you pay for a full drink?!
Do you have any pets currently?
If money and time wasn't an issue, what would you like to learn or devote yourself to mastering?
TFW all you really need to know about MK is Sub-Zero vs Scorpion. Everyone else is obsolete.
TFW you don't want to see the Hobbit but then you see the epic trailer.
TFW you see the theater sneak peak at Les Miserablse and want to see it despite it being a musical.
TFW long drive ahead of me tomorrow.
Ahaha, kupo...
Anyways, hi. Welcome to reborn. Lose your shirt and your shoes? No one cares. In a good way, that is.
The people around here like fluffy. So good luck with all the new friends. Ciao.