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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Ohai Cyrus. =3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shanco


      I don't remember, you'd have to ask.

    3. Cyrus


      What did I do now?

    4. Maelstrom


      You did nothing but, I found something that reminded me of you. hahaha

  2. Maelstrom


    Banned because you left out the best Kanto starter from your trainer card.
  3. Maelstrom


    Banned for the prankster fluffeh.
  4. Maelstrom


    tThat team and name actually earned the badge from whoever the electric leader is (Samson???) in the one battle I had with it before getting deployed. And I want my scalps badge! D:< And banned for not reading the awesome book series from which the name comes from.
  5. I am a monument to your sins.

  6. Well, the dirth of information is rather apalling... some of the screens look nice, especially of Kyurem, but yeah, the selection for MC's pokemon is shit, quite frankly.
  7. you already downloaded the PO update, yes? Ah well, too bad. Adios, and god speed, pilgrim.
  8. No, no I wasn't. Didn't have the internet connection for that in Afghanistan. And there's practically no information about the game on Serebii, just a bunch of screenshots.
  9. Wait... FE for 3DS? That excites me much more than another MD.
  10. Hope you enjoyed it becase you never know when the great kebab of life is gonna come for you.
  11. Maelstrom


    HI Skwayz. Stick around and you might not regret it.
  12. Couldn't find the other topic to put this in, but this popped up out of nowhere but I think it's pretty damn awesome. http://www.deviantart.com/#/d5bwo0l
  13. No one be surprised if I go on an avatar changing spree.

  14. I'm so tough I crushed a pair of shuckles with my bare hands.
  15. Maelstrom


    banned because psycho bomber avatar.
  16. 6/10 cuz I don't know that character.
  17. So much awesomeness in there. I might elaborate when I have more time.
  18. Go stuff your face, cake-eater. You know you want to. Happy birthday you nutter.
  19. Secession threats. Now that's taking whining and sore losing to an extreme. And the counter-petitions to exile people who signed the secession petitions are obviously satire you morons.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Summer


      It's stupid how people take this so seriously.

    3. Yuki


      Did you know it legitimately started as a joke before catching on? XD

    4. Cyrus
  20. Santa earned that fur! By bagging the abominable snowman and Clifford the big red dog.

  21. Usually. This art style is the most common in my experience, and I'm rather fond of it myself. Can't wait for Marces to show how badass he is. What we saw of him so far is just a little teaser.
  22. Eh, I find that these things are pretty vague and the variety of answers I've seen so far is really damned limited. Not like the different answer are even mutually exclusive either. And if Ame says she picked the same stuff and got different answers, well yeah. We're all just reading into it what we want to. Le sigh.
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