That's kind of what happened last time. Not so much this time. So excuse me if I disagree that he isn't/hasn't gotten the country out of its economic crisis.
Honestly, the bailouts did work, as unpopular as it was because we had to prop up the damned money grubbers that got us into so much debt in the first place. And then there was the auto industry bailout. Which Romney wouldn't have done, allowing a rather... HUGE... number of people to become unemployed. We didn't do the bailouts because we wanted too, but because we had to. A lot of livelihoods were saved. Like I've said before, letting Detroit go bankrupt would have been the wrong thing to do. The mass joblessness, so many people who would have been able to afford basic things, and all the other stores and industries that would have gone under because they provided goods and services to all these people, made their living that way. These are Americans we're talking about. Many Republicans view it like cutting off an infected limb. Well you can do that to a limb and almost forget about it. If you just cut off a bunch of people... well, they still have to eat and find a place to sleep and all in all, live. People with nothing to lose and a life to gain have a lot fewer things holding them back. It'd be more like that severed limb would grow some teeth and bite us all in the ass.
As far as the economic crisis is going, it's not really a crisis, exactly anymore. Unemployment rate has decreased, and things are recovering slowly. Maybe it's only in America where you can buy and have shit just like that that a lot of its people feel like it should have all ended and been fixed overnight, or even over just four years. It never got as bad as any of the past depressions and all those past examples all emphasize that recovery takes time.
Oh and did I mention that many/most measures Obama has tried to pass has been blocked and hindered by Republicans looking to regain power for their party? That might have had some sort of effect too. >>
The next enormous even that will shape the future of American and/or global economic recovery is what the entire legislative branch plans on doing about that automatic cutoff that ends a lot of tax cuts as well as government spending.