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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Yet again, I must thank the bots for reminding me of things... Only one episode out on crunchyroll just yet. Crunchyroll... every day I'm buffering. *shot* http://www.crunchyroll.com/aoi-sekai-no-chushin-de/episode-1-the-hard-wars-of-consume-612971?skip_wall=1&p360=1
  2. Ohai, I remember you. Welcome to Reborn.
  3. Playing by the house rules... Rules -There will be three judges. First three to call dibs are it. -Being a judge will mean you cannot enter the contest yourself. -Members can PM Ame/Ikaru images for future weeks contests. Their use is not guaranteed. -If a Member's image is chosen, they may not enter the contest that week -You are limited to one caption per week, but it can be changed before the contest close -The contest ends on SUNDAY at 12 AM EST Prizes -Each judge's favorite caption will receive $R400. If this means three different people get $R400 or one gets $R1200- so be it. -One random entrant each week will be given $R300. This is independent of the winner. Judges will be included in this draw. -If a Member's image is chosen, they will be awarded $R500 I'm judge #1 btw.
  4. Hah, no judges? Well we need to change that. I'll go ahead and be first judge. Need two more to wrap this up.
  5. "There was a groupd that told people to release their Pokemon. They were great big liars, but it created a good opportunity to think."

    1. Summer


      Team Rocket at the speed of light

    2. Shanco


      Team Plasma, fool.

  6. Well, this is the 'Sarge' in reference and some of his great lines. And since I can't find a video of the moment, I'm referencing a level in halo 2 when a group of ODST and a pelican get dropped down and you're driving along a cliff, just before you hit a bit area with a building in the middle and a bridge with two wraiths on the other side.
  7. [quote name='Phoenix' timestamp='1352683336' post='47362'] [size=3][font=verdana, geneva, sans-serif]I want the legendary amethyst encrusted sword with a ruby hilt that can only be found in the Caustic Caverns right next to a skeleton that shares a uncanny ressemblance to the villainous pirate captain Ikaru of Pandora which is due east of Glornak 7.[/font][/size] [/quote] But isn't that a cursed item?
  8. Vocaloids have birthdays, wot? This is probably late, but hey, happy birthday.
  9. Same, but it is actually pretty decent at mid distance. I move around to much and am way too tempted to shoot at people no matter how far away they are so I stick to the DMR. Infinite sprint is handy as all hell.
  10. I'm so tough I don't bother laddering, I take the elevator to the top. BD
  11. Maelstrom


    banned because striped stockings that remind me of beetlejuice.
  12. If it weren't for Godot, I would have forgotten that B2 existed.

    1. Phoenix


      Halo 4 does that to everyone

  13. Actually, they keep telling me that the assault rifle is actually good in this one. Better accuracy and power so you don't have to be quite as close in to get a good kill. I'll have to try it, depending on the map.
  14. You need an electabuzz you say? Well I suppose I could supply you with a lvl 1 if I breed my vire.
  15. Yep, but if it stops at a dead body, it will teabag it for you. For some reason it feels like they either shortened or weakened the boost from the jet pack. But everybody can run.
  16. You know who does 2 mile runs for recorded time during -4 degree (F) weather? Army does. Welcome back to garrison in Alaska, ABN Infantry style. @~@

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Godot
    3. TheNewEnigma


      You live in alaska?...do they have good internet there?

    4. Shanco


      Seems to be better than Edge's internet, at least.

  17. Geh, I hate it when I'm wrong. That sheepish feeling. Well, that strikes down one issue I had with him. Now what was left... foreign policy, immigration, women's rights and issues, corporations are people (which I can sorta see, but then it's being used for political gain and flaws in the system atm), tax policy. But it's still odd that he would disagree with Obama, but then maybe he didn't know Obama's stimulus included the mandatory restructuring he was talking about.
  18. That's kind of what happened last time. Not so much this time. So excuse me if I disagree that he isn't/hasn't gotten the country out of its economic crisis. Honestly, the bailouts did work, as unpopular as it was because we had to prop up the damned money grubbers that got us into so much debt in the first place. And then there was the auto industry bailout. Which Romney wouldn't have done, allowing a rather... HUGE... number of people to become unemployed. We didn't do the bailouts because we wanted too, but because we had to. A lot of livelihoods were saved. Like I've said before, letting Detroit go bankrupt would have been the wrong thing to do. The mass joblessness, so many people who would have been able to afford basic things, and all the other stores and industries that would have gone under because they provided goods and services to all these people, made their living that way. These are Americans we're talking about. Many Republicans view it like cutting off an infected limb. Well you can do that to a limb and almost forget about it. If you just cut off a bunch of people... well, they still have to eat and find a place to sleep and all in all, live. People with nothing to lose and a life to gain have a lot fewer things holding them back. It'd be more like that severed limb would grow some teeth and bite us all in the ass. As far as the economic crisis is going, it's not really a crisis, exactly anymore. Unemployment rate has decreased, and things are recovering slowly. Maybe it's only in America where you can buy and have shit just like that that a lot of its people feel like it should have all ended and been fixed overnight, or even over just four years. It never got as bad as any of the past depressions and all those past examples all emphasize that recovery takes time. Oh and did I mention that many/most measures Obama has tried to pass has been blocked and hindered by Republicans looking to regain power for their party? That might have had some sort of effect too. >> The next enormous even that will shape the future of American and/or global economic recovery is what the entire legislative branch plans on doing about that automatic cutoff that ends a lot of tax cuts as well as government spending.
  19. How have I not remembered to put this one in?! Last Kiss- Bonnie Pink Otherwise known as the first ending song for Gantz, which is how I ended up discovering Gantz. And you know anything about Gantz is that characters die. Combine that with this song and it's defintely on the sad side. Music video is awkward though. English Lyrics
  20. Dear Sarge, Kicking ass in outer space. Wish you were here. So yeah, been enjoying Halo4 multiplayer so much that I haven't even really touched the campaign. Battle rifle is back, but it just doesn't seem able to keep up with the DMR, so I'm sticking with that. All the little mini perks are pretty awesome too. I got one to regen shields a little sooner and quicker weapon reload and swap. Kinda wanna try out the one that gives unlimited sprint. would make catching and assassinating guys easier. I've got all the armor abilities unlocked but the only one I've bought is the hologram. Not sure if I should spare some precious SP for Jetpack and/or Active camo. Jetpack is all around damn useful and active camo is great for pairing with ordinance drops, but isn't my style most of the time because I move too much and don't really go out of my way to grab the sniper rifle. Loving the hologram because I send it down the hallway or across the middle and them trigger happy players waiting in ambush give themselves away. Or it's a good distraction and microshield for when my shields are down and I need to get the hell away. People usually wanna shoot the first thing they see and they waste two or three shots on it (and oftentimes grenades as well), while mine hit home for the headshot finish. I almost regret using SP to buy the plasma pistol, but it rocks in the vehicle heavy big team battles. But yeah, how have you guys been faring in Halo4?
  21. Hi, I won't be here due to technical awesomeness of Halo4.

  22. Halo4 disc 2 is for you to install the multiplayer. What.

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